Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
6 topics, 47 min.
14 topics, 1 hr. 17 min.
Acute Myocardial Injury
14 m.Acute Myocardial Infarction LAD (with MVO), Myocardial Stunning
7 m.Acute Myocardial Infarction Cx (with MVO)
5 m.Acute Myocardial Infarction RCA
3 m.SCAD
6 m.Embolic MI
6 m.Coronary Aneurysm with LAD infarction
6 m.LGE Evolution from Acute to Chronic
7 m.MI Complications LV True Aneurysm
5 m.MI Complications LV Pseudoaneurysm
5 m.MI Complications LV Thrombus
5 m.Mimic of Acute MI: Myocarditis
4 m.Mimic of Acute MI: Takotsubo
5 m.8 topics, 45 min.
CMR Stress Perfusion 1 (Background, Data on use)
11 m.CMR Stress Perfusion 2 (Imaging Approach, Medicine, Safety, Interpretation)
17 m.CMR Single Vessel Ischemia LAD
3 m.CMR Single Vessel Ischemia Cx, CMR of Hibernating Myocardium
5 m.CMR Single Vessel Ischemia RCA
2 m.CMR Three Vessel Ischemia
3 m.CMR Three Vessel Ischemia with QPerf
4 m.Summary of Cardiac MRI of Ischemic Diseases
3 m.Interactive Transcript
Bradley D. Allen, MD, MS
Assistant Professor; Chief, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Imaging
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Coronary arteries
Cardiac Chambers
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