Browse Musculoskeletal (MSK) radiology CME and learn from the top MSK radiologists in the world. View all MSK radiology courses, watch bite-sized videos, and practice on MSK cases with real-world DICOMs.
7.75 CME
90 Videos
7 Hours 37 Minutes of Video
18 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
6 m.
Basic Knee Ligament Overview
6 m.
Major Tendons of the Knee
5 m.
Relationships Between the Joints of the Knee
3 m.
Neurovascular Bundles of the Knee
3 m.
Patellar Stabilizers of the Knee
3 m.
A Deeper Look at the MPFL
5 m.
The Basics of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament
2 m.
PCL: Coronal, Axial and Sagittal Views
3 m.
PCL: Sagittal on MRI
4 m.
PCL: Coronal on MRI
2 m.
PCL: Axial on MRI
2 m.
Basic Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Anatomy
3 m.
The Anatomy of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Part 2
5 m.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Anatomy: Axial View
3 m.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Anatomy: Coronal View
2 m.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament on MRI: Sagittal Views
3 m.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament on MRI: Axial View
1 m.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament on MRI: Coronal View
2 m.
Medial Collateral Ligament Basics: Layer 1
3 m.
Medial Collateral Ligament Basics: Layer 2 & 3
6 m.
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Summary
2 m.
Medial Supporting Structures of the Knee
1 m.
The Anatomy of the Lateral Collateral Ligament Complex - FCL
2 m.
The Anatomy of the Lateral Collateral Ligament Complex (LCL) on MRI
3 m.
The Anatomy of the Lateral Collateral Ligament Complex
4 m.
LCL Complex on MRI
2 m.
The Anatomy of the Quadriceps Femoris Tendon of the Knee
3 m.
MRI Anatomy of the knee: Quadricep Femoral Tendon
4 m.
The Knee Anatomy: Posterior Medial Corner
5 m.
The Posteromedial Corner: Semimembranosus Expansions
2 m.
The Posteromedial Corner: Semimembranosus Expansions part 2
1 m.
The Posteromedial Corner: Semimembranosus Expansions part 3
1 m.
The Posteromedial Corner: Semimembranosus Expansions part 4
1 m.
The Posteromedial Corner: Posterior Oblique Ligament
4 m.
The Posteromedial Corner: Posterior Oblique Ligament part 2
3 m.
The Posteromedial Corner: Oblique Popliteal Ligament
2 m.
The Posteromedial Corner: Posterior Capsule
4 m.
The Posteromedial Corner Anatomy on MRI
2 m.
The Posteromedial Corner on MRI part 2
4 m.
The Posteromedial Corner on MRI part 3
3 m.
The Posteromedial Corner on MRI part 4
3 m.
The Posteromedial Corner on MRI part 5
4 m.
The Posterolateral Corner Anatomy: Introduction
3 m.
The Posterolateral Corner Anatomy: LCL
6 m.
The Posterolateral Corner: Biomechanics
2 m.
The Posterolateral Corner Anatomy: Popliteus Muscle on MRI
3 m.
The Posterolateral Corner: Arcuate and Fabellofibular Ligament
4 m.
The Posterolateral Corner: Arcuate and Fabellofibular Ligament on MRI
2 m.
The Posterolateral Corner Anatomy: Biceps Femoris Tendon
4 m.
Knee Case Review: 14Yr old with Posterolateral Corner Football Injury
14 m.
Case Review: 54 year old Male with a Twisting Injury
8 m.
Case Review: 28 Year Old Football Player Who Heard a Pop While Making a Cut
5 m.
Case Review: 90 Year Old Female Patient, No History of Trauma, Now Has Swelling
9 m.
Case Review: Return to 14 Year Old Football Player Case
4 m.
Case Review: 37 Year Old Male with Complex Knee Instability
6 m.
Case Review: PCL Mechanism of Injury
6 m.
Case Review: 28 Year Old Injured in a Fall
5 m.
Case Review: PCL Injury Companion Discussion
4 m.
Unknown Knee Case: 54yr Old Male With Knee Swelling
4 m.
Case Review: 54 Year Old Male with injury and a small PCL
3 m.
Case Review: 54 Year Old Male – Assessing the Other Posterior Corner
4 m.
Unknown Knee Case: 25yr Old involved in MVA
9 m.
Case Review: 49 Year Old with “Osteoarthritis”
5 m.
Case Review: 49 Year Old Female with Knee Pain and a Sensation of Catching
5 m.
Case Review: 66 Year Old Female with Strange PCL Presentation
4 m.
Case Review: 51 Year Old Male with Worsening Chronic Knee Pain
7 m.
Case Review: 36 Year Old Female with Knee Locking after Kickball Game
11 m.
Case Review: 23 Year Old Male with Pain After a Fall
8 m.
Case Review: 22 Year Old Male with Knee Pain. Had Prior ACL Repair
11 m.
Case Review: 12 Year Old Male with Problematic Graft
9 m.
Case Review: 43 Year Old Male with Knee Swelling in Absence of Injury
6 m.
Case Review: 12 Year Old Male with Anterior Knee Pain
6 m.
Welcome to Meniscus MRI
<1 m.
A Basic Review of Meniscus Anatomy
5 m.
The Meniscal Hunt
8 m.
Knee Meniscus Signals - Hold 'em or Fold 'em?
5 m.
Basic Knee Meniscal Descriptors
8 m.
Meniscus Tear & Pivot Shift Injuries 1
8 m.
Meniscus Tear & Pivot Shift Injuries 2
7 m.
Where Did the Meniscus Go after a Root Tear?
8 m.
Knee Anatomy: Bucket Handle Tears
7 m.
Bucket Handle Tear Case
7 m.
Basic Anatomy of Meniscus Root Tears
7 m.
Pediatric Meniscal Root Tear Injury Case
2 m.
The Rules of the Lateral Meniscus
7 m.
The Knee: Lateral Meniscus on MRI
7 m.
Knee Case Review: Adult Male With a Meniscal Radial tear with a Pivot shift
4 m.
Knee Case Review: Adult Female Chronic Meniscus Tear
3 m.
Knee Case Review: Adult Male with a Pivot Shift Meniscus Root Injury
5 m.
2.25 CME
29 Videos
2 Hours 13 Minutes of Video
16 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Introduction & Meniscus Biomechanics
2 m.
Meniscal Biomechanics and Attachments of the Knee
4 m.
Meniscal Untethering/Extrusion
3 m.
Knee: Medial Meniscus Attachments on MRI
6 m.
Knee Case Review: Medial Meniscus Attachments on MRI
4 m.
Meniscal Zones
5 m.
Knee Case Review - Root Tear - Outer 3rd and Middle 3rd
4 m.
Unknown Knee Case: Pediatric Meniscus Injury
5 m.
Unknown Knee Case: 25F With Posteromedial Pain
5 m.
Unknown Knee Case: 50yr Female Falls Down the Stairs
3 m.
Unknown Knee Case: 39yr Old Male Jumping Injury
4 m.
Unknown Knee Case: 16yr Old Female Felt a Pop during Sports
5 m.
Unknown Knee Case: 22yr Old Who Jumped and Felt a Pop
8 m.
Complex Folded Bucket Handle Repair
2 m.
Unknown Knee Case: 51yr Old Male with Chronic Pain
4 m.
Knee Meniscus: Vertical Single Longitudinal Tear Repair
3 m.
Knee Meniscus: Double Longitudinal Repair
2 m.
Knee Meniscus: Radial Meniscus Repair
2 m.
Knee Meniscus: Flap Tear Repair
2 m.
Knee Meniscus: Root Ligament Tear Repair
2 m.
Knee Case Review: Post Meniscectomy, Extrusion and Free Fragment
7 m.
Knee Case Review: Post Meniscectomy Flap Tear
6 m.
Knee Case Review: Conversion Signal vs. Meniscus Re-tear
6 m.
Knee Case Review: Post Meniscectomy Chondromalacia
4 m.
Knee Meniscal Cysts - Introduction
3 m.
Knee Case Review: Post Operative Meniscus Cyst
5 m.
Knee Case: 57yr Old Man with 8 month of knee Pain
6 m.
Knee Case Review : 50yr Old Male with Knee Pain w/o Trauma
3 m.
Knee Case Review: 59yr Femaile with Lateral Mass
3 m.
6 Videos
53 Minutes of Video
5 Clinical Cases
Omer Awan, MD, MPH, CIIP
Associate Professor of Radiology
University of Maryland School of Medicine
2.5 CME
10 Clinical Cases
10 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 54-year-old male presents with right knee pain
Case 2 - 29-year-old female presents with left knee pain
Case 3 - 53-year-old female presents with posteromedial right knee mass
Case 4 - 30-year-old male presents with right knee pain after motor vehicle accident
Case 5 - 17-year-old male has patellar pain in his right knee
Case 6 - 57-year-old male presents with large mass on right knee
Case 7 - 10-year-old presents with right knee pain and swelling
Case 8 - 12-year-old female presents with left knee pain
Case 9 - 27-year-old male presents with pain and swelling in left knee
Case 10 - 57-year-old male presents with medial right knee pain
2.25 CME
26 Videos
2 Hours 18 Minutes of Video
10 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
3 m.
Introduction: Welcome to Acetabular Labral Injuries
1 m.
Interesting Case: Labral Pathology in a High Performance Athlete
10 m.
Protocols and Sequences: The Axial Hip
10 m.
Protocols and Sequences: The Coronal Hip
5 m.
Protocols and Sequences: The Sagittal Hip
6 m.
Protocols and Sequences: Intra-articular Contrast
4 m.
Protocols and Sequences: Translating the Radiographic Measurements in the Hip
6 m.
Staging for Hip and Labral Pathology
5 m.
MRI Anatomy Review: A Look at the Acetabular Anatomy in the Axial Plane
4 m.
Anatomy Review: A Look at the Acetabular Anatomy in the Sagittal Plane
4 m.
MRI Anatomy Review: A Look at the Acetabular Anatomy in the Sagittal Plane
4 m.
Anatomy Review: A Look at the Acetabular Anatomy in the Coronal Plane
5 m.
MRI Anatomy Review: A Look at the Acetabular Anatomy in the Coronal Plane
3 m.
The Magnified Labrum: Components, Variations and Injuries Part I
6 m.
The Magnified Labrum: Components, Variations and Injuries Part II
4 m.
The Magnified Labrum: Components, Variations and Injuries Part III
5 m.
Case Review: Personal Trainer with Concern of Iliofemoral Ligament Injury Part 1
5 m.
Case Review: Personal Trainer with Concern of Iliofemoral Ligament Injury Part 2
3 m.
Case Review: Patient with Bilateral Hip Pain and Grinding
7 m.
Case Review: 42 Year Old Female with Prior Labral Repair
5 m.
Case Review: Protocol Meets Pathology
9 m.
Case Review: 15 Year Old Female with Excellent Variants
4 m.
Case Review: 43 Year Old Male with CAM Impingement Like Symptoms
3 m.
Case Review: 76 Year Old Male with Severe Hip Pain
3 m.
Conclusion: Patient Care and Program Summary
3 m.
2.25 CME
47 Videos
2 Hours 10 Minutes of Video
38 Clinical Cases
Scott Schiffman, MD
Associate Professor of Musculoskeletal Radiology
University of Rochester
Introduction to Hip Arthrography
<1 m.
Pathomechanics -Femoroacetabular Impingement & Acetabular Dysplasia – Summary
17 m.
CAM Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) – Case 1
2 m.
CAM Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) – Case 2 – Lack of Offset at Head and Neck Junction
1 m.
CAM Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) – Case 3 – Contrecoup Cartilage Injury
1 m.
CAM Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) – Case 4 – Cartilage Loss
<1 m.
CAM Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) – Case 5 – Subchondral Cyst Involving Femoral Head
1 m.
CAM Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) – Case 6 – Progresses Anterior to Posterior
1 m.
Pincer Impingement – Case 1 – Typical Labral Tear Pattern
1 m.
Pincer Impingement – Case 2 – Labral Tear Pattern – Femoroacetabular Impingement
1 m.
Pincer Impingement – Case 3 – Cartilage Loss/Bone Edema
1 m.
Pincer Impingement – Case 4 – Acetabular Protrusio
1 m.
Pincer Impingement – Case 5 – Acetabular Retroversion
1 m.
Pincer Impingement – Case 6 – Figure 8 Sign
2 m.
Seldes Type 1 and Type 2 – Cases
2 m.
Legg-Calve-Perthes – Pre and Post Operation
5 m.
Acetabular Dysplasia – Case 1 & 2
4 m.
Normal/Pathological Variants – Summary
8 m.
Synovial Herniation Pits/Cysts – Case 1 & 2
2 m.
Os Acetabuli & Chronic Acetabular Rim Fracture – Cases
3 m.
Stellate Crease & Supraacetabular Fossa
1 m.
Posterosuperior Sublabral Sulcus
1 m.
Perilabral Sulcus with Transverse Ligament – Labral Junction Sulcus
1 m.
Imaging Technique & Protocol – Radiographic
3 m.
MRI Protocol
3 m.
X-Ray Protocol – Case
1 m.
CT Protocol – Case
2 m.
MRI Protocol & Anatomy – Case
7 m.
Axial Gradient Echo 3D Sequence
1 m.
Hip Arthrography Protocol – Summary
3 m.
Hip Arthrography – Fluoroscopy
2 m.
Hip Arthrography – Ultrasound
2 m.
Pitfalls of Injection
2 m.
Pitfalls – Extravasation into Soft Tissue
2 m.
Technique – How to Perform Arthrogram on US and Fluoroscopy
3 m.
Pitfalls – Contrast Extravasation – Cases
4 m.
External Impingement – Summary
6 m.
Confounding Diagnoses – Mimickers – Summary
4 m.
Iliopsoaas Snapping Hip Syndrome – Case
1 m.
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome – Case
<1 m.
Subspine Impingement – Case
1 m.
Ischiofemoral Impingement – Case
<1 m.
Confounding Diagnoses – Mimickers – Cases
2 m.
Stress fracture
1 m.
1 m.
Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis
1 m.
Avascular necrosis (AVN)
1 m.
18 Videos
57 Minutes of Video
8 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
2 m.
Introduction to Sports Hernia
1 m.
Sports Hernia Pathogenesis – Summary
3 m.
Sports Hernia Syndrome Symptoms – Summary
1 m.
Sports Hernia- Anatomy by Components – Summary
3 m.
Bone Anatomical Summary
2 m.
Sports Hernia from Overuse
4 m.
Rectus Abdominus & Semiluneras Anatomy on MRI
3 m.
Linea Alba- Anatomy on MRI
1 m.
Sports Hernia Syndrome from Multiple Tears
3 m.
Cleft sign in Sports Hernia Syndrome
2 m.
Sailboat Analogy of Sports Hernia Syndrome- Summary
2 m.
Pubic Biomechanics
2 m.
Cleft sign
3 m.
Variant Cleft Sign
5 m.
Classic Adductor Sports Hernia Syndrome in a Professional NFL Player
5 m.
Osteitis Pubis
3 m.
Muscle Grading
4 m.
6.25 CME
25 Clinical Cases
25 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 20-year-old male has left hip pain when bearing weight
Case 2 - 63-year-old female presents with severe right hip pain
Case 3 - 15-year-old male presents with deep muscle pain of right hip
Case 4 - 64-year-old male presents with pain in the left hip
Case 5 - 47-year-old male presents with moderate pain in right hip
Case 6 - 49-year-old male presents with right hip and groin pain
Case 7 - 71-year-old male presents with moderate worsening pain in left hip
Case 8 - 63-year-old male presents with extreme pain in front right hip
Case 9 - 14-year-old male displayed an abnormal x-ray of the right hip
Case 10 - 63-year-old female presents with right groin pain
Case 11 - 39-year-old male presents with peritrochanteric fracture of right hip
Case 12 - 8-year-old male presents with a clinical concern for bilateral hip dysplasia
Case 13 - 22-year-old male presents with right hip pain
Case 14 - 90-year-old male presents with left hip pain
Case 15 - 56-year-old male presents with pain in the left groin
Case 16 - 28-year-old female presents with right hip pain
Case 17 - 50-year-old male presents with right hip pain
Case 18 - 41-year-old male presents with left hip pain
Case 19 - 56-year-old male presents with left hip pain
Case 20 - 45-year-old male presents with history of femoroacetabular impingement in right hip
Case 21 - 22-year-old female presents with right hip pain for 6-7 years
Case 22 - 60-year-old female presents with left hip pain after a fall
Case 23 - 20-year-old female presents with left hip pain
Case 24 - 4-year-old male with achondroplasia
Case 25 - 53-year-old female presents with right buttock and lateral hip pain
6.25 CME
25 Clinical Cases
25 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 14-year-old male football player presents with posterior bruising in the upper right leg
Case 2 - 89-year-old female presents with growth on right thigh
Case 3 - 61-year-old female presents with a painful mass in the left distal thigh
Case 4 - 92-year-old male is being assessed for infection of amputated leg
Case 5 - 57-year-old male is being evaluated for ischial avulsion fracture
Case 6 - 57-year-old male presents with left thigh strain / muscle defect
Case 7 - 68-year-old female presents with numbness involving both legs
Case 8 - 18-year-old male presents with contusion of left thigh, and paresthesia
Case 9 - 31-year-old male presents with right thigh pain, and history of fracture
Case 10 - 55-year-old female presents with contusion
Case 11 - 8-year-old female is being evaluated for a distal left femur mass
Case 12 - 60-year-old male presents with left thigh pain
Case 13 - 50-year-old male presents with sickle cell crisis, and extreme pain in left thigh
Case 14 - 48-year-old male presents with history of arthroscopic surgery on the right knee
Case 15 - 45-year-old male presents with soft tissue mass in left thigh
Case 16 - 3-year-old female presents with asymmetric thighs, left greater than right
Case 17 - 11-year-old male presents with posterior pain to right mid-thigh
Case 18 - 38-year-old female presents with persistent left leg pain
Case 19 - 14-year-old male presents with myotendinous injury in the left thigh
Case 20 - 55-year-old female presents with left leg weakness
Case 21 - 54-year-old male presents with a large left thigh mass
Case 22 - 86-year-old male presents with lump in left thigh
Case 23 - 55-year-old male presents with clinical strain at the hamstring muscle insertion
Case 24 - 66-year-old male is being evaluated for a right distal thigh mass
Case 25 - 77-year-old female presents with a left thigh soft tissue mass
6.75 CME
69 Videos
6 Hours 45 Minutes of Video
17 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
5 m.
53 Year Old Female, Injured While Playing Softball
4 m.
Introduction to Shoulder Instability
5 m.
Axial Anatomy on MRI
4 m.
Axial Anatomy: The Biceps Pulley
4 m.
Axial Instability Search Pattern
8 m.
Axial Shoulder: The Structures that Give Radiologists Fits
5 m.
Introduction to the Buford Complex
2 m.
The Glenoid Cup
5 m.
Dynamic and Passive Stabilizers in the Sagittal Projection
6 m.
Dynamic and Passive Stabilizers in the Coronal Projection
6 m.
Return of the Buford Complex
2 m.
Key Pulsing Sequences for the Shoulder
5 m.
Utilizing the ABER view in the Coronal Projection
8 m.
The Value of the T2 Sequence in Shoulder Imaging
6 m.
Arthrographic Analysis of the Axial Projection
10 m.
Arthrographic Analysis in the Coronal Projection
8 m.
Arthrographic Analysis in the Sagittal Projection
5 m.
Shoulder Projections Summary
7 m.
On-Track/Off-Track: ABER Summary
5 m.
On-Track/Off-Track: Mid-Range Summary
2 m.
On-Track/Off-Track: Assessing Glenoid Bone Loss
7 m.
On-Track/Off-Track: The Nofsinger Technique
2 m.
On-Track/Off-Track: Stable Hill-Sachs Lesions
2 m.
On-Track/Off-Track: The Hill-Sachs Concept
3 m.
On-Track/Off-Track: Dislocation Mechanics
3 m.
On-Track/Off-Track: Dynamic Examination after Bankart Repair
5 m.
On-Track/Off-Track: Using Measuring Tools on MRI
5 m.
Posterior Macro & Micro Instability
6 m.
Posterior Labral Pathology
5 m.
17 Year Old Male – Known Dislocation
14 m.
21 Year Old Male Pitcher; Decreased Range of Motion
8 m.
21 Year Old Involved in a Collision Accident
8 m.
54 Year Old Female with Complex Multidirectional Microinstability
6 m.
49 Year Old Male, Weightlifter, Experiencing Instability
5 m.
68 Year Old Male Golfer with Pain for a Month
5 m.
15 Year Old Male – Fell On Outstretched Hand
7 m.
55 Year Old Female, Pain in Shoulder Extending to Elbow After Arm Was Jerked
8 m.
25 Year Old Male, Pain When Swinging Arm
7 m.
53 Year Old Male, Motor Vehicle Accident 6 Weeks Ago, Now Experiencing Pain and Spasms
7 m.
17 Year Old Male with a History of Dislocation
5 m.
51 Year Old Female: Rule Out Rotator Cuff Tear
4 m.
The GLOM Lesion
2 m.
56 Year Old Patient with Axillary Nerve Dysfunction Post Dislocation
1 m.
69 Year Old Male, Fell and Dislocated Shoulder
9 m.
69 Year Old Male with Complex Pattern of Injury
8 m.
38 Year Old Male with a Dislocation/Relocation Event
5 m.
20 Year Old Male, Recurrent Dislocations and Instability
11 m.
20 Year Old Male Pitcher with Recent Dislocation
3 m.
17 Year Old Wrestler with Discomfort in the Shoulder
4 m.
42 Year Old Male with a Violent Posterior Dislocation
5 m.
40 Year Old Male in Motor Vehicle Accident, Irreducible Dislocation
4 m.
40 Year Old Male, Post Motor Vehicle Accident
3 m.
Welcome to Shoulder MRI
1 m.
Breaking All The Rules — Adhesive Capsulitis
9 m.
Coronal Anatomy and Pathology of the Superior Rotator Cuff
9 m.
Sagittal Anatomy and Pathology of the Rotator Cuff
10 m.
Superior Rotator Cuff Tears
11 m.
Rotator Cuff Tears and Morphology
8 m.
Basic Anatomy of the Six Components of the Rotator Cuff
3 m.
Axial Anatomy and Tears of the Superior Rotator Cuff
4 m.
Stabilizing Components of the Rotator Cuff
3 m.
Subscapularis Anatomy and Pathology
2 m.
Case: Massive Rotator Cuff Tear
3 m.
Case: Retracted Rotator Cuff Tear
5 m.
Case: Sagittal Evaluation of Massive Rotator Cuff Tear
5 m.
Case: Focus on the Subacromial Arch
5 m.
Evaluation of the Arches
3 m.
Rotator Cuff Muscle Evaluation
2 m.
5.5 CME
56 Videos
5 Hours 28 Minutes of Video
16 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Donald Resnick, MD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Radiology
University of California, San Diego
Tendons: Anatomic Considerations
9 m.
Tendons: Bare Area and Footprints
6 m.
Tendons: Cable vs. Crescent
8 m.
Tendons: Pathologic Considerations, Normal & Degenerative
4 m.
Tendons: Pathologic Considerations, Infiltrative & Calcification
6 m.
Tendons: Impingement Part 1
6 m.
Tendons: Impingement Part 2
8 m.
Tendons: Tear Terminology
10 m.
Tendons: Muscle Atrophy, Fatty Infiltration
4 m.
Tendons: Tear Terminology
7 m.
Extrinsic Impingement
10 m.
Coracoid & Acromial Impingement
6 m.
Partial Rotator Cuff Repair Failure
7 m.
Superior Labrum: The Glenoid Clock Face
4 m.
Superior Labrum: Biceps Anatomy
2 m.
Superior Labrum: Glenohumeral Ligaments
6 m.
Superior Labrum: Named Anatomic Variants
7 m.
Superior Labrum: SLAP Lesion Pathophysiology
3 m.
Superior Labrum: Patterns of Failure Classification
6 m.
Superior Labrum: Patterns of Failure Terminology
9 m.
Superior Labrum: Diagnostic Problems
4 m.
5 m.
5 m.
3 m.
Superior Labrum of the Shoulder: Case Discussion and Questions
8 m.
Glenohumeral Joint: Zone of Interest
7 m.
Glenohumeral Joint: Spiral Ligament
6 m.
Glenohumeral Joint: Classification & Examination
7 m.
Glenoid Macroinstability: Hill Sachs Lesions
9 m.
Glenoid Macroinstability: Bone Bankart
5 m.
Glenoid Macroinstability: Glenoid Track
5 m.
Glenohumeral Joint: Capsulolabroligamentous Lesions Part 1
6 m.
Glenohumeral Joint: Capsulolabroligamentous Lesions Part 2
4 m.
Glenohumeral Joint: Capsular Failure
5 m.
Glenohumeral Joint: Humeral & Humaeral-Glenoid Failure
8 m.
Hill-Sachs Lesion, Bankart Lesion
5 m.
Bony Bankart
7 m.
MGHL Tear, Shoulder Dislocation
3 m.
Shoulder Separation
3 m.
Glenohumeral Joint Instability: Case Discussion and Questions
9 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Anatomic Considerations
6 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Concept 1 - Excessive External Rotation
6 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Concept 2 - Posterosuperior Internal Impingement
3 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Concept 3 - SLAP Lesions
4 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Concept 4 - Bennett Lesions
3 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Chondral/Osteochondral Lesions
5 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Glenoid Labrum Failure
2 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Bone Abnormalities
3 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Muscular, Softissue & Neurovascular Abnormalities
2 m.
Throwing Shoulder: Abnormalities in the Immature Skeleton
2 m.
Bennett Lesion
4 m.
6 m.
SLAP III, Cheerio Sign
1 m.
Little Leaguer's Shoulder
3 m.
Internal Impingement
4 m.
The Throwing Shoulder: Case Discussion and Questions
5 m.
1.75 CME
28 Videos
1 Hour 46 Minutes of Video
34 Clinical Cases
Scott Schiffman, MD
Assistant Professor Musculoskeletal Radiology
University of Rochester
Introduction to MRI Shoulder Arthrogram
<1 m.
Shoulder Arthrography Technique
8 m.
Pitfalls of Shoulder Arthrography Technique
7 m.
Pearls of MRI Arthrography
5 m.
Fluoroscopy Arthrogram Technique
2 m.
Anatomy and Protocol (Shoulder)
6 m.
Anatomy and Protocol Case Review
4 m.
Superior Labrum Pathology and Variants (Shoulder)
5 m.
SLAP Tear Distinguishing Features
10 m.
SLAP II, Microinstability
1 m.
Differentiating Between Slap and Sublabral Recess
1 m.
Advanced SLAP Tears
5 m.
Internal Impingement
1 m.
Spinoglenoid Notch Paralabral Cyst
1 m.
Sublabral Foramen and Buford Complex
2 m.
Anterior Inferior Labrum Pathology and Variants (Shoulder)
9 m.
Anterior Inferior Labrum Pathology and Variants Part II
4 m.
Hill Sachs & Bankart Lesions
4 m.
Perthes, GLAD, ALPSA
3 m.
HAGL, GAGL, Axillary Pouch Extravasation
3 m.
Glenoid Bare Spot
1 m.
Posterior Labrum Pathology and Variants
5 m.
Reverse Hill Sachs and Bankart
2 m.
Kim’s Lesion/ Posterior Labral
1 m.
Bennet Lesion
1 m.
Paralabral Cyst
1 m.
Diffuse Labral Tear
1 m.
Anterior Inferior Labral Tear
1 m.
1.25 CME
21 Videos
1 Hour 17 Minutes of Video
15 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Intro to SLAP Lesions
1 m.
Snyder Classification System
4 m.
Idiosyncrasies of SLAP Lesions
3 m.
2 m.
4 m.
3 m.
2 m.
Degenerative SLAP 2c
3 m.
3 m.
2 m.
SLAP 4 Clinical Case
5 m.
4 m.
4 m.
2 m.
Review and SLAP 8
4 m.
3 m.
3 m.
SLAP 10 w/ Giant Cyst
3 m.
Complex Collision Lesion
6 m.
Treatment of SLAP Lesions
4 m.
Arthroscopy Classification 1-5 SLAP Lesions
3 m.
3.5 CME
15 Clinical Cases
14 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 59-year-old female presents with left shoulder pain
Case 2 - 40-year-old male presents with left shoulder injury
Case 3 - 53-year-old male patient presents with pain and catching of the right shoulder
Case 4 - 40-year-old female presents with right shoulder pain
Case 5 - 39-year-old male presents with left shoulder pain
Case 6 - 73-year-old male presents with severe left shoulder pain
Case 7 - 53-year-old male presents with popping and pain on top of left shoulder
Case 8 - 49-year-old reports with left shoulder pain
Case 9 - 61-year-old female presents with right shoulder pain
Case 10 - 15-year-old male has alleged recurrent dislocation in his right shoulder
Case 11 - 10-year-old female presents with right scapular mass and pain
Case 12 - 58-year-old male presents with bilateral shoulder pain
Case 13 - 15-year-old female cheerleader presents with right shoulder pain
Case 14 - 17-year-old female presents with right shoulder pain
8.5 CME
106 Videos
8 Hours 24 Minutes of Video
44 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
5 m.
Why MRI in Ankle?
3 m.
Foot and Ankle Coils
3 m.
Sagittal Ankle View
4 m.
Sagittal Plane: Field of View
4 m.
Ankle Short Axis Projection
7 m.
Special Sequences and Pitfalls: Coronal and Paracoronal Plane
5 m.
Ankle MRI: Additive Gradient Echo Sequence
5 m.
Ankle Neutral Positioned Scans: Dorsiflexed Ankle
6 m.
Different Sequences in Low Field Ankle Imaging
6 m.
Ankle MRI: Expanded Field of View on 1.5 Tesla
6 m.
Ligamentous Anatomy on Neutral Position
3 m.
Ankle MRI: Posterior Ligaments in Coronal Plane
2 m.
Ankle MRI: Anterior Ligaments in Coronal Plane
1 m.
Ankle MRI: Anterior Ligaments in Sagittal Plane
2 m.
Ankle MRI: Posterior Ligaments in Sagittal Plane
2 m.
Ankle Ligaments in Axial Plane
5 m.
Lateral Collateral Ligamentous Anatomy: Coronal Projection
2 m.
Deltoid Ligament Anatomy
4 m.
Deltoid Ligament: Axial Plane
1 m.
Deltoid Ligament: Sagittal Plane
1 m.
Deltoid Ligament: Coronal Plane
3 m.
Deltoid Ligament: Origins and Insertions
3 m.
Deltoid Ligament: Superficial Layer Lateral view
1 m.
Tendinous Anatomy
2 m.
Achilles Tendon
4 m.
Posterior Tibial Tendon
3 m.
Peroneus Brevis: Axial and Sagittal View
3 m.
Peroneus Brevis: Sagittal and Coronal view
2 m.
Peroneus Longus
5 m.
Tibialis Anterior Tendon
4 m.
Extensor Hallucis Longus
2 m.
Extensor Digitorum Longus
3 m.
Extensor Digitorum Longus Pitfalls and Extensor Retinacula
4 m.
Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Space
1 m.
Anterior Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
4 m.
Deep Peroneal Nerve
1 m.
Superficial Peroneal Nerve
2 m.
Sural Nerve
1 m.
Saphenous Nerve
1 m.
Tibial Nerve
1 m.
Sensory Nerve Supply
2 m.
Medial Plantar Nerve
4 m.
Lateral & Medial Plantar Nerves
4 m.
The Lisfranc Joint
5 m.
Columnar Mid-foot Anatomy
1 m.
Ancillary Stabilizers in the Mid-Foot
3 m.
Lisfranc Injury Classifications
1 m.
Classifying Lisfranc Injury on MRI (10-year-old female)
5 m.
Midfoot Subluxation: Lisfranc Ligament Injury
7 m.
Lisfranc Ligament Injury
6 m.
Lisfranc Injury: Nunley-Vertullo Classification
9 m.
High Ankle Injury
12 m.
Coronal Projection in Inversion Injury: Low Ankle Injury
7 m.
Axial Projection in Inversion Injury: Low Ankle injury
7 m.
Posterior Ankle Ligaments Anatomy
1 m.
Ankle Impingement Syndromes: Posterolateral Impingement Syndrome
10 m.
Anterolateral Impingement Syndrome
4 m.
Sinus Tarsi Syndrome
9 m.
Microtrabecular Stress Injury and Osteochondral Defect
8 m.
Osteochondral Defect
10 m.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Type 1: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
9 m.
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) Type 2
3 m.
Talocalcaneal Coalition
6 m.
Achilles Tendon Tear
14 m.
Medial Ankle Pain: R/O Psterior Tibial Tendon Tear
10 m.
Peroneus Longus and Brevis Tendons Tear
3 m.
Multiple Tendon Tears
11 m.
Posterior Tibial Tendon Injury
5 m.
Posterior Tibial Tendon Injury
4 m.
Plantar Fibromatosis
6 m.
Turf Toe
7 m.
Introduction to Foot & Ankle Masses
<1 m.
Ganglion Cyst
5 m.
3 m.
4 m.
Granuloma Annulare
4 m.
Nerve Tumor
5 m.
Plantar Fibromatosis
4 m.
Charcot Foot
4 m.
Brody's Abscess
8 m.
Osteomyelitis and Fracture in the Big Toe
3 m.
Osteomyelitis from Ingrown Toenail
3 m.
Osteomyelitis with Multiple Tracts Infected
3 m.
Septic Joint
6 m.
Foreign Body- Splinter
4 m.
Necrotizing Fasciitis
6 m.
Infected Re-Rupture
2 m.
Morton's Neuroma
6 m.
Intermetatarsal Bursal Cyst
6 m.
Stem Ligament Bursal Cyst
5 m.
Dermato Fibroma Protuberans
3 m.
5 m.
Synovial Sarcoma
6 m.
Lipomatous Skin Tag
2 m.
Calcaneal Lipoma with Infarction
3 m.
unicameral bone cyst
2 m.
5 m.
Giant tophus
4 m.
Tenosynovial Cyst
2 m.
GCT- Secondary ABC
5 m.
Osteoid Osteoma- Focal
4 m.
Os Naviculare Syndrome Type 2
4 m.
3 m.
Cystic Degeneration Rare Cyst of PB
2 m.
Summary of Foot & Ankle Masses
1 m.
6.25 CME
25 Clinical Cases
25 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 17-year-old female woke up with a painful swollen right foot
Case 2 - 64-year-old female with pain in lateral aspect of right ankle
Case 3 - 24-year-old male presents with inversion injury on right ankle
Case 4 - 58-year-old male with right ankle pain
Case 5 - 28-year-old female with left ankle pain
Case 6 - 48-year-old male presents with pain in posterior right calcaneus
Case 7 - 58-year-old male presents with mass on left foot
Case 8 - 14-year-old female presents with pain in right ankle
Case 9 - 11-year-old female presents with lump on third digit of right foot
Case 10 - 18-year-old female presents with painful mass on left foot
Case 11 - 58-year-old male presents with right foot fracture.
Case 12 - 54-year-old male with pain in right ankle
Case 13 - 55-year-old male presents with chronic right ankle pain
Case 14 - 59-year-old female presents with right foot pain
Case 15 - 57-year-old female presents with left plantar midfoot pain
Case 16 - 76-year-old male presents with infection in the right foot
Case 17 - 42-year-old female presents with mass in right foot
Case 18 - 20-year-old male presents with left foot pain at the anterior midfoot
Case 19 - 42-year-old male patient presents with left lateral foot pain
Case 20 - 68-year-old female presents with right midfoot pain
Case 21 - 17-year-old male presents with right foot pain
Case 22 - 59-year-old male presents with right foot infection
Case 23 - 61-year-old female presents with left foot pain
Case 24 - 22-year-old male presents with left ankle swelling and pain
Case 25 - 17-year-old male presents with pain on top of right foot
0.5 CME
12 Videos
37 Minutes of Video
9 Clinical Cases
Jonathan Samet, MD
Division Head, Body Imaging Section Head, Musculoskeletal Imaging Department of Medical Imaging Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago Associate Professor of Radiology Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medici
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Bones/Joints of the Mid/Forefoot
3 m.
TMT, Metatarsals, MTP, and Sesamoid Complexes
5 m.
Stress Fractures
1 m.
Flexor & Extensor Tendons
3 m.
Plantar Plates & Sesamoid Ligaments
7 m.
Morton's Neuroma, Bursitis, Miscellaneous
2 m.
Case 1: Plantar Wound/Abscess and Osteomyelitis with Companion Case
3 m.
Case 2: Septic Joint
1 m.
Case 3: Stress Fracture
1 m.
Case 4: Plantar Plate Tear
2 m.
Case 5: Morton's Neuroma, Plantar Fibromatosis
3 m.
Case 6: PVNS - Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor
1 m.
31 Videos
1 Hour 56 Minutes of Video
8 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
5 m.
Introduction: Why Do We Image the Thumb
5 m.
Introduction: The Challenges of Thumb Imaging
6 m.
Introduction: Protocols and Sequences
8 m.
The CMC Joint: Dorsal Ligaments
2 m.
The CMC Joint: Volar Ligaments
3 m.
Collateral Anatomy: Ulnar & Radial Collateral Ligaments
3 m.
Extensor Anatomy Part 1
2 m.
Extensor Anatomy Part 2
3 m.
Thenar Muscles: Abductor Pollicis Brevis
<1 m.
Thenar Muscles: Abductor Pollicis Longus
2 m.
2 m.
2 m.
Volar & Dorsal Plates
2 m.
Flexor Pollicis Longus
1 m.
The Four Pulleys
2 m.
Abductor Pollicis Longus: Insertions
3 m.
Extensor Pollicis Longus & Extensor Pollicis Brevis
1 m.
Extensor Compartments
1 m.
Abductors & Extensors
1 m.
Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) Injury
3 m.
Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL): Stener Lesion
6 m.
Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) Injury: Types
4 m.
Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL): High Grade Stener Lesion
6 m.
Nail Bed Lesions: Glomus Tumor or Glomangioma
4 m.
Distal Thumb Mass Differentials
3 m.
Distal Thumb Mass: Hemangiomas
2 m.
Flexor Pollicis Longus Tear (FPL)
3 m.
Tendinitis and Peritendinitis
7 m.
First Extensor Compartment Injury: Abductor Pollicis Longus Tendon Tear
5 m.
Flexor Pollicis Longus Tear (FPL): Value of Different Sequences
7 m.
1.5 CME
21 Videos
1 Hour 28 Minutes of Video
6 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Donald Resnick, MD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Radiology
University of California, San Diego
Christine B. Chung, MD
Professor of Radiology, Executive Vice Chair, and Director of UCSD MSK Imaging Research Lab
UC San Diego
Finger: First Metacarpal Joint & UCL Anatomy
4 m.
Finger: Gamekeeper's Thumb
6 m.
Finger: Stener Lesions
3 m.
Finger: Capsular Injuries & The Trapeziometacarpal Joint
6 m.
Finger: Beak Ligament Tears & Bennett Fractures
2 m.
Finger: Extensor Hood, Volar Plate & Radial Collateral Ligament Injury
9 m.
Finger: Sagittal Band Injury
3 m.
Finger: Boxer's Knuckle & Fight Bite
2 m.
Finger: Tendon Multiplicity, Anatomy & Injury
3 m.
Finger: Oblique Retinacular Injury, Slip Injury & Boutonniere Deformity
5 m.
Finger: Flexor Tendon Anatomy & Injury
7 m.
Finger: Lumbrical Anatomy, Variations & Injury
5 m.
Finger: Flexor Tendon Pulley System Anatomy & Injury
3 m.
Finger: Soft Tissue Lesions
3 m.
Stener Lesion
6 m.
Complete Rupture of A2 Pulley
3 m.
Central Extensor Tendon Avulsion
2 m.
Leddy Packer III
2 m.
2 m.
3 m.
Finger Case Review Questions
1 m.
85 Videos
5 Hours 3 Minutes of Video
14 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
4 m.
An Introduction to Wrist MRI
<1 m.
Using Coils
2 m.
Sequences and Field of View
3 m.
Coronal Sequences
5 m.
Axial Sequences
4 m.
Sagittal Sequences
2 m.
Unique Situations
6 m.
Angle of Acquisition: The Scaphoid Angle
5 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Bony Anatomy
2 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Hyaline Cartilage
2 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Variance
3 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Triangular Fibrocartilage
4 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Peripheral TFCC Relationships
4 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Intrinsic Ligaments Part 1
2 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Intrinsic Ligaments Part 2
3 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 1
<1 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 2
<1 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 3
1 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 4
<1 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 5
1 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 6
1 m.
Diagramatic Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 7
1 m.
MRI Correlation: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 8
1 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 9
1 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 10
1 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 11
1 m.
Coronal Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 12
1 m.
Extrinsic Ligaments: Thumb Part 1
<1 m.
Extrinsic Ligaments: Thumb Part 2
<1 m.
Extrinsic Ligaments: Thumb Part 3
1 m.
Axial Anatomy: Radioulnar Joint
3 m.
Proximal Anatomy: Nerves, Tendons & Vessels
3 m.
Axial Anatomy: Extensor Tendons
3 m.
Axial Anatomy: Extensor Tendons on MRI
2 m.
Axial Anatomy: The Carpal Tunnel
4 m.
Axial Anatomy: Guyon’s Canal
3 m.
Axial Anatomy: Intrinsic Ligaments
2 m.
Axial Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments
1 m.
Axial Anatomy: Collateral Ligaments
2 m.
Axial Anatomy: Extrinsic Ligaments Part 2
2 m.
Sagittal Anatomy Part 1
1 m.
Sagittal Anatomy Part 2
1 m.
Sagittal Anatomy Part3
2 m.
Sagittal Anatomy Part 4
3 m.
Sagittal Anatomy Part 5
3 m.
Triangular Fibrocartilage: The Importance of the TFC
1 m.
Triangular Fibrocartilage: Cartilage Anatomy
2 m.
Triangular Fibrocartilage: Bony Architecture
5 m.
Triangular Fibrocartilage: Anatomic Boundaries
6 m.
Triangular Fibrocartilage: Micrograph View
2 m.
Triangular Fibrocartilage: Magnified MRI
2 m.
Triangular Fibrocartilage: Zooming Out on MRI
1 m.
Triangular Fibrocartilage: Capsulo-synovial Reflections
2 m.
Triangular Fibrocartilage: Focus on the Ulnar Styloid
2 m.
Case Review: Focus On Instability Part 1
2 m.
Case Review: Focus On Instability Part 2
3 m.
Case Review: Focus On Instability Part 3
3 m.
Case Review: Focus on Instability
4 m.
Case Review: 21 Year Old Male, Jammed Wrist and Now Has Pain
6 m.
Case Review: Staging SLAC Wrist
4 m.
Case Review: 52 Year Old Male with Medial Wrist Pain
8 m.
Case Review: 15 Year Old Gymnast with Wrist Pain
7 m.
Case Review: 14 Year Old Male Who Fell On Outstretched Hand
6 m.
Case Review: 15 Year Old Female with Ulnar Sided Pain
7 m.
Case Review: 42 Year Old Woman with Ulnar Sided Pain
5 m.
Case Review: Additional Findings Discussion From Previous Case
6 m.
Case Review: 42 Year Old Female – Assessing Variance
7 m.
Case Review: 56 Year Old Male – Wrist Instability Overview
2 m.
Case Review: 56 Year Old Male – Classifying Carpal Instability
3 m.
Case Review: 56 Year Old Male – Classifying Carpal Instability Part 2
3 m.
Case Review: 56 Year Old Male – Classifying Instability in the Short Axis
3 m.
Case Review: 56 Year Old Male – Classifying Instability in the Sagittal Plane
3 m.
Case Review: 56 Year Old Male – Classifying Instability – Dislocations
3 m.
Scapholunate Injury from FOOSH
3 m.
Differentiating Between Type 1 & 2 Lunates
1 m.
Necrosis of the Lunate
7 m.
Non-Stener UCL Injury
5 m.
Professional Athlete with Hyperextension Injury
8 m.
High Grade Stener Lesion
6 m.
Microtrabecular Fracture of the Scaphoid
8 m.
High Grade Waist Fracture of the Scaphoid
6 m.
Radial Pulley Injury
5 m.
Degenerated TFC
7 m.
Peripheral TFC Injury with Styloid Remodeling
4 m.
2.75 CME
28 Videos
2 Hours 47 Minutes of Video
9 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Donald Resnick, MD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Radiology
University of California, San Diego
Wrist: Biomechanics
9 m.
Wrist: Volar Ligaments
8 m.
Wrist: Collateral & Dorsal Ligaments
3 m.
Wrist: Intrinsic Ligaments
9 m.
Wrist: Carpal Instability, Arcs, Shapes, Distances, Angles
5 m.
Wrist: Carpal Instability Dissociative, Scapholunate
7 m.
Wrist: Carpal Instability Dissociative, Lunatotriquetral & Scaphoid
4 m.
Wrist: Carpal Instability Non-Dissociative
6 m.
Wrist: Carpal Instability Complex
8 m.
Complex Instability, DISI
8 m.
Stage I SLAC Wrist
4 m.
Stage IV SLAC Wrist
5 m.
Complex Instability, VISI
4 m.
Wrist Case Review Questions: Instability
4 m.
TFCC: Articular Anatomy
8 m.
TFCC: Soft Tissue Anatomy
6 m.
TFCC: Diagrammatic Review
3 m.
TFCC: Pathologic Anatomy
2 m.
TFCC: Lesions Overview
3 m.
TFCC: Lesions 1A & 1B
8 m.
TFCC: Lesions 1C & 1D
2 m.
TFCC: Additional Lesions
2 m.
TFCC: Impingement & Impaction Syndromes
4 m.
CPPD & TFC Synovitis
9 m.
Palmer IC, Scaphoid Fracture
7 m.
Ulnolunate Impaction
6 m.
Distal & Proximal Intersection Syndrome
3 m.
Wrist Case Review Questions: TFCC
8 m.
3.25 CME
47 Videos
3 Hours 7 Minutes of Video
10 Clinical Cases
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
7 m.
Why Do We Image the Elbow?
2 m.
Search Pattern for the Elbow
13 m.
Coronal Technique
7 m.
Axial Technique
6 m.
Sagittal Technique
2 m.
Sagittal Technique: Small Field of View
7 m.
The Collateral Ligaments
5 m.
Column Theory
3 m.
Ulnar Anatomy
2 m.
Radial Anatomy
2 m.
The Fortress Concept
6 m.
Articular Relationships
2 m.
Fortress Concept: Ligamentous Stabilizers
3 m.
Fortress Concept: Medial Ligaments
3 m.
Fortress Concept: Lateral Stabilizers
3 m.
Bony Anatomy
2 m.
Triceps Muscle
1 m.
Biceps Muscle
1 m.
Biceps and Brachialis Muscle & Tendon
2 m.
Anconeus Muscle
1 m.
3 m.
Lateral Stabilizing Ligaments Part 1
1 m.
Lateral Stabilizing Ligaments Part 2
2 m.
Median & Radial Nerves
3 m.
Variations & Pitfalls
3 m.
Case Review: Mechanism of Dislocation
5 m.
Case Review: Status Post ATV Accident
6 m.
Case Review: Posterior vs. Anterior Dislocation
1 m.
Case Review: The Terrible Triad
1 m.
Case Review: 17-Year-Old Female Patient with Pulling Injury
4 m.
Case Review: 23 Year Old Professional Football Player Injured During Game
3 m.
Case Review: 14 Year Old Male Patient with Twisting Injury
3 m.
Case Review: Injuries of Overhead Throwing Athletes
2 m.
Case Review: Additional Findings from Previous Case
2 m.
Case Review: Overhead Athlete Checklist
2 m.
Case Review: 65 Year Old Male Patient Injured from F.O.O.S.H.
7 m.
Case Review: Patient Injured While Playing Football
3 m.
Case Review: 61 Year Old Male Patient with Elbow Instability
2 m.
Case Review: 8 Year Old Female Injured in F.O.O.S.H.
2 m.
Case Review: 14 Year Old Male Adult Patient with Medial Elbow Pain
3 m.
Case Review: 35 Year Old Man with Anterior Elbow Pain
7 m.
Case Review: 52 Year Old Male with Posterior Elbow Pain and Swelling
7 m.
Case Review: 47 Year Old Female Patient with Lateral Elbow Pain
4 m.
Case Review: Lateral vs. Medial Epicondylitis
3 m.
Case Review: 15 Year Old Gymnast with Extension Deficit
4 m.
<1 m.
2.75 CME
28 Videos
2 Hours 46 Minutes of Video
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Donald Resnick, MD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Radiology
University of California, San Diego
Elbow: Articular Anatomy
7 m.
Elbow: Medial Collateral Ligaments
7 m.
Elbow: Lateral Collateral Ligaments
4 m.
Elbow: Lateral Synovial Folds, Fringe, or Plicae
3 m.
Elbow: Anatomic Considerations
7 m.
Elbow: Mechanisms of Injury
4 m.
Elbow: Valgus Posterolateral Rotary Instability
8 m.
Elbow: Varus Posteromedial Rotary Instability
8 m.
Elbow: Tensile Overload Injury
6 m.
Elbow: Compression, Impingement & Valgus Overload Injuries
4 m.
Elbow: Other Abnormalities
2 m.
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury
2 m.
Partial Thickness Tear of the Ulnar Collateral Ligament
6 m.
Posterolateral Recurrent Instability Syndrome
4 m.
Elbow Dislocation
6 m.
Intramuscular Hematoma
5 m.
Elbow Instability & Dislocation
7 m.
Elbow: The Biceps Muscle and the Lacertus Fibrosus
7 m.
Elbow: The Biceps Attachments
3 m.
Elbow: Tendon Disruption
9 m.
Elbow Tendons: Brachialis Abnormalities
6 m.
Elbow Tendons: Triceps Abnormalities
11 m.
Elbow Tendons: Medial and Lateral Tendons
7 m.
Superficial Triceps Tear
4 m.
Medial Epicondylitis
5 m.
Lateral Epicondylitis, Biceps Rupture
4 m.
Biceps Anchor Failure
4 m.
Case Questions
5 m.
6 Videos
54 Minutes of Video
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
11 year old complains of medial pain in the right knee
12 m.
48 year old with posterior ankle pain for 2 years
8 m.
65 year old with shoulder pain w/ limited range of motion & stiffness
6 m.
Patient with medial ankle discomfort
8 m.
15 year old with ulnar sided elbow pain after hyperextension injury
8 m.
57 year old with medial left knee pain
9 m.
6.25 CME
25 Clinical Cases
25 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 63-year-old female presents with pain in left hand
Case 2 - 67-year-old male presents with painful mass on left hand
Case 3 - 59-year-old female presents with dog bite on right hand
Case 4 - 15-year-old male presents with pain and lump on right hand
Case 5 - 14-year-old male presents with right hand pain following injury
Case 6 - 57-year-old female presents with left hand hyperesthesia
Case 7 - 48-year-old female presents with dorsal mass on right hand
Case 8 - 50-year-old male presents with swelling of the right hand
Case 9 - 64-year-old male presents with palmar pain in left hand
Case 10 - 61-year-old female presents with a mass on the right hand
Case 11 - 15-year-old male presents with finger pain in right hand
Case 12 - 55-year-old female presents with pinching pain in left hand
Case 13 - 53-year-old male presents with lump at base of index finger
Case 14 - 47-year-old female presents with mild pain in right hand
Case 15 - 58-year-old male presents with mild swollen distal 3rd digit
Case 16 - 48-year-old male presents with dull pain in right hand
Case 17 - 56-year-old female presents with bump at the base of small finger
Case 18 - 41-year-old male presents with right hand pain
Case 19 - 55-year-old male presents with psoriatic arthritis
Case 20 - 30-year-old female presents with fibrolipoma in right hand
Case 21 - 55-year-old female presents with small mass on left hand ring finger
Case 22 - 50-year-old male cannot bend left hand ring finger fully
Case 23 - 57-year-old male presents with pain in right hand
Case 24 - 65-year-old female presents with pain and swelling of the right hand
Case 25 - 61-year-old male unable to straighten fingers on right hand
12.5 CME
50 Clinical Cases
50 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 35-year-old female presents with pain shooting to right fingers
Case 2 - 15-year-old female gymnast presents with pain of right wrist
Case 3 - 26-year-old female presents with right wrist pain
Case 4 - 14-year-old female presents with ulnar-sided left wrist pain for three weeks
Case 5 - 36-year-old female presents with right wrist pain
Case 6 - 19-year-old male presents with pain mid dorsal right wrist
Case 7 - 58-year-old female presents with mild pain in right wrist
Case 8 - 68-year-old male presents with ulnar-sided left wrist pain
Case 9 - 13-year-old male presents with moderate right wrist pain
Case 10 - 36-year-old female patient was boxing, and hit her partner's elbow
Case 11 - 18-year-old male presents with pain and weakness in left wrist for two weeks
Case 12 - 53-year-old male presents with moderate to severe, sharp and dull, right wrist pain
Case 13 - 59-year-old female presents with severe pain and swelling in right wrist
Case 14 - 67-year-old female presents with rheumatoid arthritis
Case 15 - 60-year-old female presents with ulnar-sided pain in right wrist
Case 16 - 43-year-old male presents with right wrist pain, and right thumb numbness
Case 17 - 62-year-old male presents with possible scapholunate injury
Case 18 - 46-year-old male presents with left wrist pain, swelling, and stiffness
Case 19 - 32-year-old male presents with volar right wrist swelling
Case 20 - 50-year-old female presents with left wrist pain since feeling a pop
Case 21 - 45-year-old female presents with laceration in right wrist
Case 22 - 49-year-old female presents with injury of the left wrist
Case 23 - 57-year-old male presents with right wrist pain
Case 24 - 59-year-old male presents with mild dull pain when pushing on right wrist
Case 25 - 19-year-old female presents with history of ganglion cyst
Case 26 - 53-year-old female presents with radial pain in the left wrist
Case 27 - 17-year-old male presents with pain in left wrist since fall
Case 28 - 55-year-old female presents with right ulnar region mass
Case 29 - 68-year-old female presents with pain in right wrist
Case 30 - 43-year-old female tripped 10 days ago, and landed on her left wrist
Case 31 - 36-year-old male presents with pain in ulnar aspect of right wrist
Case 32 - 50-year-old male presents with radial-sided right wrist pain since work-related falling injury
Case 33 - 64-year-old female presents with left wrist pain for one month
Case 34 - 67-year-old female presents with moderate pain and lump on right wrist
Case 35 - 51-year-old female presents with a left wrist pain
Case 36 - 14-year-old female presents with mild to moderate, constant dull pain in right wrist
Case 37 - 16-year-old male presents with mild to moderate pain and swelling in right wrist for five months
Case 38 - 16-year-old female presents with worsening left wrist pain, and swelling
Case 39 - 20-year-old male presents with pain with flexion and extension
Case 40 - 55-year-old female presents with right wrist pain and swelling
Case 41 - 31-year-old male presents with pain around the scaphoid region of the left wrist
Case 42 - 11-year-old female presents with chronic left wrist pain
Case 43 - 50-year-old female presents with mass in right wrist
Case 44 - 43-year-old female presents with pain in right wrist
Case 45 - 36-year-old female presents wi