Browse Emergency radiology CME and learn from the top Emergency radiologists in the world. View all Emergency radiology courses, watch bite-sized videos, and practice on Emergency cases with real-world DICOMs.
6.75 CME
97 Videos
6 Hours 38 Minutes of Video
50 Clinical Cases
46 Quiz Questions
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Emergency Neuroimaging
2 m.
Clinical Scenario 1 - New Neurologic Deficit - Video Introduction
2 m.
Case 1 - Left MCA Stroke - Non Contrast
4 m.
Case 1 - Left MCA Stroke - CTA
12 m.
Case 1 - Left MCA Stroke - MRI
8 m.
Case 1 - Non-Contrast Findings in CT and Stroke
6 m.
Case 1 - ASPECTS Score
3 m.
Case 1 - Perfusion Evaluation
6 m.
Case 1 - Timing of Therapy for Stroke
5 m.
Case 2 - Right Ocluded Vessel
10 m.
Case 2 - Accute Left Middle CA With Penumbra
11 m.
Case 2 - RAPID Analysis
3 m.
Case 2 - Right MCA Occlusion w/ MC 1 clot on MRI
8 m.
Case 3 - Old and New Strokes: Cardioembolic Phenomenon
6 m.
Case 4 - Basilar Artery Clot on CTA, CT, CTP
7 m.
Case 5 - Childhood Stroke: MRI, MRA, MRP
6 m.
Case 6 - Moyamoya Syndrome
3 m.
Case 6 - Childhood Stroke, Moyamoya: CT
3 m.
Case 7 - Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis: CT, CTV
3 m.
Case 7 - Imaging of Sinus Thrombosis
5 m.
Case 8 - Cortical Vein Thrombosis, CT, MRI, MRV
3 m.
Case 8 - Cortical Vein Thrombosis CTV
2 m.
Case 9 - New Neurologic Defecit from MS
1 m.
Case 9 - Glioblastoma (ED)
2 m.
New Neurologic Deficit Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 2 – Head Trauma Introduction - Video Introduction
2 m.
Case 10 - Head Trauma CT SDH SAH IPH
5 m.
Case 10 - SDH With Midline Shift, Active Bleeding
3 m.
Case 10 - Traumatic Brain Injury (ED)
6 m.
Case 10 - Cortical Contusion
6 m.
Case 10 - Extra-axial collections
2 m.
Case 10 - Subdural Hematoma: CT
1 m.
Case 11 - Epidural Hematoma: CT
2 m.
Case 11 - Epidural Hematoma from Transverse Sinus Injury: CT
2 m.
Case 11 - Epidural Hematoma from Transverse Sinus Injury, Prognosis: CT
1 m.
Case 11 - Acute Epidural Hematomas
1 m.
Case 11 - Epidural Hematomas
1 m.
Case 12 - Isodense Subdural Hematoma
3 m.
Case 12 - Acute Subdural Hematomas/ Diffuse Axonal Injury
9 m.
Case 12 - Density of Falx/Tentorium
5 m.
Case 13 - Depressed Skull Fractures (ED)
3 m.
Case 13 - Occipital Bone Open/Depressed Fracture: CT
2 m.
Case 13 - Role of MRI in Head Trauma
2 m.
Case 14 - Non-accidental Trauma
5 m.
Case 14 - Non-accidental Trauma MRI (Part 1)
2 m.
Case 14 - Non-accidental Trauma MRI (Part 2)
1 m.
Case 14 - Posterior Fossa Lesions from Trauma
2 m.
Case 15 - DAI on MRI
6 m.
Case 15 - CT on DAI
2 m.
Case 15 - DAI
2 m.
Case 15 - DAI with Blood Products: CT
2 m.
Case 16 - Traumatic Injuries: Herniation
5 m.
Case 16 - Herniations: CT
3 m.
Head Trauma Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 3 - Worst Headache of Life - Video Introduction
1 m.
Case 18 - Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm, Leading to IPH: CT, Arteriogram
4 m.
Case 19 - Basilar Artery Aneurysm, CT, CTA
6 m.
Case 19 - SAH Localization of Aneurysm
2 m.
Case 19 - Imaging of Aneurysms
8 m.
Case 20 - Mycotic Aneurysm: CT
3 m.
Case 20 - Non-infectious Mycotic Aneurysm: CT
3 m.
Case 20 - AVM
4 m.
Case 21 - Hypertensive Bleed, IPH with IVH: CT
3 m.
Case 22 - Hypertensive Bleed, IPH with IVH, Case 2: CT
2 m.
Case 22 - Signal Intensity of IPH on MRI
11 m.
Case 22 - Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome
3 m.
Case 22 - Non-aneurysmal SAH
4 m.
Case 22 - Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
3 m.
Case 23 - Pseudotumor Cerebri, CT, CTV
4 m.
Case 23 - IIH
5 m.
Case 24 - Intracranial Hypotension: MRI
5 m.
Case 24 - Intracranial Hypotension - Spinal Imaging: MRI
4 m.
Worst Headache of Life Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 4 - Found Down - Video Introduction
1 m.
Case 25 - Anoxic Brain Injury
2 m.
Case 25 - Metabolic Brain Disease
4 m.
Case 26 - Hyper Anomenia: MRI
2 m.
Case 27 - Thiamine Deficiency: MRI
4 m.
Case 27 - Thiamine Deficiency
2 m.
Case 28 - PRES
4 m.
Case 28 - PRES: MRI
2 m.
Case 28 - PRES Variants
1 m.
Case 29 - Cytoplastic Lesions of the Corpus Callosum
1 m.
Case 29 - CLOCC from Seizure Medication MRI
1 m.
Case 30 - Toxic Leukoencephalopathy: MRI
2 m.
Case 31 - Toxic Leukoencephalopathy from medication: MRI
1 m.
Case 31 - Toxic Leukoencephalopathy
2 m.
Case 31 - Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
5 m.
Found Down Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 5 - Fever and Seizure - Video Introduction
1 m.
Case 32 - Herpes Encephalitis: MRI
5 m.
Case 33 - Herpes Encephalitis in Lung Cancer Patient: MRI
2 m.
Case 34 - Listeria Rhombencephalitis MRI
3 m.
Case 34 - Status epelipticus, CJD, Encephalitis
3 m.
Case 35 - Abscess: MRI
3 m.
Case 36 - Abscess: MRI (pt 2)
2 m.
Case 37 - Subacute BE with ventriculitis and sceptic emboli
3 m.
Fever & Seizures Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 6 - S/P, VPS, New Lethargy - Video Introduction
5 m.
Case 38 - Shunt Failure
2 m.
Case 38 - Overshunting
4 m.
Case 38 - CSF Shunt Malfunctioning/Summary
1 m.
S/P VPS, New Lethargy Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
7.5 CME
115 Videos
7 Hours 28 Minutes of Video
44 Clinical Cases
49 Quiz Questions
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Emergency Neuroimaging: Head, Neck & Spine
1 m.
Clinical Scenario 1 - Orbital Trauma/Inflammation - Introduction Video
1 m.
Case 1 - Anterior Segment Ocular Injury
8 m.
Case 1 - Ocular Injury/Globe Anatomy
5 m.
Case 2 - Choroidal Detachment, Retinal Detachment, Vitrious Hemorrhage, Orbital Floor Fracture
8 m.
Case 2 - Orbit: Foreign Body
7 m.
Case 2 - Orbit: Non-accidental Trauma
2 m.
Case 2 - Early Ocular Intervention
5 m.
Case 2 - Non-Ocular Orbital Trauma
2 m.
Case 2 - Orbital Wall Fracture
7 m.
Case 2 - Orbital Medial Wall Fracture
7 m.
Case 2 - Orbital Apex and Roof Fracture
4 m.
Case 2 - Orbital Blow Out Fractures
5 m.
Case 2 - Orbital Trauma
4 m.
Case 2 - Indications for Surgery
3 m.
Case 3 - Orbital Cellulitis, Periorbital Abscess
5 m.
Case 3 - Orbital Inflammation
4 m.
Case 4 - Pediatric Subperiosteal Abscess
3 m.
Case 4 - Orbital Pseudotumor
6 m.
Orbital Trauma/Inflammation Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 2 - Facial/Neck Trauma - Video Introduction
5 m.
Case 5 - Cominuted Nasal Bone Fracture
1 m.
Case 5 - Multiple Fractures in Nasal Bones
2 m.
Case 5 - Nasal Bone Fracture Summary
2 m.
Case 5 - Mandibular Fractures
5 m.
Case 5 - Displaced Mandible Fracture At the Angle
2 m.
Case 5 - Midface Butresses
2 m.
Case 5 - Naso-orbito-ethmoid Fractures
4 m.
Case 5 - NOE Fracture
2 m.
Case 5 - Midface NOE Fracture
2 m.
Case 5 - Le Fort Fractures
6 m.
Case 5 - Bilateral Le Fort 1 & 2 Fractures
3 m.
Case 5 - Bilateral Le Fort 1, Unilateral Le Fort 2 & 3
3 m.
Case 5 - Le Fort Summary
<1 m.
Case 5 - Zygomaticomaxillary Complex (Tripod) Fracture
4 m.
Case 5 - Tripod Fracture
2 m.
Case 5 - ZMC Summary
1 m.
Case 5 - Capo de Tutti Fractures
4 m.
Case 6 - Bilateral Temporal Bone Fractures
8 m.
Case 6 - Temporal Bone Fractures
2 m.
Case 7 - Complications of Temporal Bone Injury
2 m.
Case 8 - Temporal Bone Fracture Summary
2 m.
Case 9 - Transverse Sinus Injury
2 m.
Case 10 - Dissection, pseudo aneurysm
4 m.
Case 11 - Bilateral Dissection
3 m.
Case 12 - Horner's Syndrome, MS, Dissection
4 m.
Case 12 - Horner's Syndrome
4 m.
Case 12- Airway Injury
3 m.
Facial/Neck Trauma Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 3 - Sore Throat Pain and Fever - Video Introduction
<1 m.
Case 13 - Tonsillitis
5 m.
Case 13 - Peritonsillar Abscess
4 m.
Case 14 - Phlegmon
5 m.
Case 15 - Epiglotitis, Super Glotitis, Air Way Compromise
6 m.
Case 16 - Periodontal Disease
8 m.
Case 16 - Ludwig's Angina
2 m.
Case 16 - Summary: Ludwig's Angina
2 m.
Case 17 - Ludwig's Angina, Sialadinitis
3 m.
Case 17 - Lemierre's Syndrome
1 m.
Case 17 - Malignant Otitis Externa
5 m.
Sore Throat Pain and Fever Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 4 - Mass in the Neck - Video Introduction
3 m.
Case 18 - T Cell Lymphoma, lymphadenopathy
3 m.
Case 18 - Retropharyngeal Space
2 m.
Case 19 - Retropharyngeal Abscess
3 m.
Case 20 - Retropharyngeal Phlegmon
2 m.
Case 20 - Retropharyngeal Space Collections
3 m.
Case 20 - Afebrile
6 m.
Case 21 - 2nd Branchial Cleft Cyst
3 m.
Case 22 - Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
4 m.
Case 22 - Sarcoma in the Levator Scapuli
1 m.
Case 22 - Thyroid Nodules
8 m.
Mass in the Neck Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 5 - Cervical Spine Trauma - Video Introduction
6 m.
Case 23 - Occipital Condyle Fracture
1 m.
Case 24 - Anterior Arch C1 Fracture
5 m.
Case 25 - Odontoid Fracture
3 m.
Case 25 - How to Diagnose Alanto-odontoid Distraction
4 m.
Case 25 - Odontoid Fractures: Summary
4 m.
Case 26 - Jefferson Fracture, vertebral dissection
3 m.
Case 27 - Jefferson Fracture on MRI
6 m.
Case 27 - Jefferson's Burst Fracture: Summary
3 m.
Case 27 - Fixed Rotatory Subluxation
3 m.
Case 28 - Bilateral Jumped Facet
8 m.
Case 28 - Unilateral Facet Dislocation, Carotid Dissection
3 m.
Case 28 - Hyperextension Injury
3 m.
Case 28 - Cervical Spine Flexion Injury
5 m.
Case 29 - Transverse process fracture
2 m.
Case 30 - Unstable Fracture, Two Column Injury
5 m.
Case 30 - Epidural Hematoma Summary
6 m.
Case 31 - Facet Fracture, Vertebral Artery Occlusion
3 m.
Case 31 - Spinal Cord Injury Without Radiographic Abnormalities
3 m.
Case 31 - Thoracolumbar AO Spine Injury Score
1 m.
Case 32 - Chance Fracture
1 m.
Case 32 - Axial Loading Fractures
4 m.
Case 33 - Lumbar Transverse Process Fracture
1 m.
Case 33 - Transverse Process Fractures and Visceral Injury
2 m.
Case 34 - Compression Fracture
3 m.
Case 34 - Compression Fracture & Stress Injury
2 m.
Cervical Spine Trauma Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 6 - Fever, Back Pain - Video Introduction
1 m.
Case 35 - Discitis, Osteomyelitis
4 m.
Case 35 - Diskitis: Summary
5 m.
Case 36 - Tuberculous Spondylitis with Psoas Abscess
3 m.
Case 37 - Spinal Cord Infarct
4 m.
Case 38 - Spinal Cord Astrocytoma
1 m.
Case 39 - Guillain-Barré Syndrome
1 m.
Case 39 - Grisel Syndrome, Calcific Tendonitis of Longus Coli,
5 m.
Fever, Back Pain Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Head and Neck Emergencies - Video Introduction
7 m.
Case 40 - Fungus Ball
1 m.
Case 40 - Fungal Sinusitis
1 m.
Case 40 - Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis
6 m.
Case 41 - Invasive Fungal Sinusitis
3 m.
Case 41 - Invasive Fungal Sinusitis Imaging Signs
3 m.
Case 42 - Necrotizing Fasciitis
3 m.
Case 42 - Necrotizing Fasciitis: Summary
1 m.
Case 43 - Allergic Fungal Sinusitis with Mucocele
1 m.
Case 43 - Epidural Abscess from Sinusitis
2 m.
Case 44 - Otomastoiditis with Bezold abscess
1 m.
Case 45 - Frontal Lobe Abscess, Sinusitis
2 m.
Head and Neck Emergencies Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
39 Videos
3 Hours 7 Minutes of Video
43 Clinical Cases
15 Quiz Questions
Jamlik-Omari Johnson, MD, FASER
Chair, Department of Radiology
University of Southern California
<1 m.
Anatomy Review on Chest X-Ray and CT
14 m.
Introduction: Chest Pain
3 m.
Case 1 - Pneumothorax on Chest X-ray
2 m.
Case 2 - Pneumothorax without Tension
2 m.
Case 3 - Pneumothorax with Tension
1 m.
Case 4 - Pneumothorax on Chest CT
5 m.
Pneumothorax - Summary
2 m.
Case 5 - Pericardial Effusion
9 m.
Pericardial Effusion - Summary
3 m.
Chest Pain Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Introduction: Shortness of Breath
1 m.
Case 1 - Pulmonary Embolism - Approach to CT Pulmonary Angiography
7 m.
Case 2 - Pulmonary Embolism
5 m.
Pulmonary Embolism - Summary
3 m.
Case 3 - Pulmonary Edema
2 m.
Case 4 - Suspected Pulmonary Edema with CT for Differential
6 m.
Case 5 - Importance of Search Pattern in Cases with Multiple Findings
7 m.
Case 6 - History of Asthma
6 m.
Case 7 - Lymphoma
7 m.
Case 8 - Malignancy
5 m.
Shortness of Breath Reinforcement Quiz
Introduction: Fever & Infection
1 m.
Case 1 - Lobar & Multifocal Pneumonia
7 m.
Pneumonia - Summary
2 m.
Case 2 - Tuberculosis
6 m.
Case 3 - COVID-19 Pneumonia
5 m.
COVID-19 - Summary
3 m.
Infections Reinforcement Quiz
Introduction: Trauma
1 m.
Case 1 - Blast Injury, Pulmonary Contusion & Pleural Effusion
6 m.
Case 2 - Clavicular Fracture
2 m.
Case 3 - Rib Fractures
9 m.
Rib Fracture Summary
3 m.
Trauma Reinforcement Quiz
Introduction: Lines & Tubes
1 m.
Case 1 - Orogastric Tubes
13 m.
Introduction: Foreign Bodies
1 m.
Case 2 - Foreign Body
2 m.
Case 3 - Esophageal Foreign Body
3 m.
Case 4 - Esophageal Perforation
9 m.
Case 5 - Edge of Film - Myocardial Infarction Incidental
2 m.
Myocardial infarction - Summary
3 m.
Miscellaneous Reinforcement Quiz
3.5 CME
87 Videos
3 Hours 34 Minutes of Video
50 Clinical Cases
Laura L Avery, MD
Assistant Professor of Emergency Radiology Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hosptial
Introduction to Emergency Abdominal Imaging
1 m.
Normal Anatomy and Basic Ultrasounds: Abdomen and Pelvis
7 m.
1 m.
Case: Acute Cholecystitis on Ultrasound
1 m.
Acute Cholecystitis on Ultrasound
2 m.
Case: Acute Cholecystitis on CT
1 m.
Acute Cholecystitis on CT
<1 m.
Case: Cholecystitis With Calcified Stones
2 m.
Gallstones on CT
1 m.
Case: Tensile Gallbladder Fundus Sign
1 m.
Tensile Gallbladder Fundus Sign
1 m.
Case: Gangrenous Cholecystitis
1 m.
Gangrenous Cholecystitis
1 m.
Case: Emphysematous Cholecystitis With Portal Venous Gas Air
1 m.
Emphysematous Cholecystitis With Portal Venous Gas Air
3 m.
Case: Emphysematous Cholecystitis With Perforation
4 m.
Emphysematous Cholecystitis Summary
2 m.
Case: Mirizzi Syndrome With Dilated Intrahepatic Bile Ducts
3 m.
Mirizzi Syndrome
5 m.
Case: Choledocholithiasis
4 m.
3 m.
Case: Acute Gallstone Pancreatitis
1 m.
Causes of Pancreatitis
3 m.
Cases: Pancreatitis Without/With Necrosis
2 m.
Revised Atlanta Classification
5 m.
Case: Pancreatitis With SMV and Splenic Vein Thrombosis
2 m.
Pancreatitis Complication: SMV and Splenic Vein Thrombosis
2 m.
Case: Pancreatitis With Pseudoaneurysm of Splenic Artery
1 m.
Pancreatitis Complication: Splenic Artery Pseudoaneurysm
1 m.
Case: Duodenal Ulcer With Perforation
1 m.
Types of Perforated Ulcers
2 m.
Case: Classic Appendicitis
2 m.
Acute Appendicitis
4 m.
Case: Perforated Appendicitis
2 m.
Perforated Appendicitis
1 m.
Case: Classic Diverticulitis
1 m.
1 m.
Case: Diverticulitis With Free Air
1 m.
Case: Diverticulitis, Perforated with Abscess
1 m.
Diverticulitis: Perforated With Abscess Post Drainage
1 m.
Case: Diverticulitis With Colovesical Fistula
1 m.
Diverticulitis With Colovesical Fistula
<1 m.
Case: Diverticulitis With IMV Thrombosis
1 m.
Diverticulitis With IMV Thrombosis
1 m.
Case: Epiploic Appendagitis
1 m.
Epiploic Appendagitis and Omental Infarction
2 m.
Case: Umbilical Hernia
2 m.
Obstructing Umbilical Hernias
2 m.
Groin Hernias: Introduction
2 m.
Case: Indirect Inguinal Hernia
1 m.
Inguinal Hernias
1 m.
Case: Femoral Hernia
1 m.
Case: Obturator Hernia
1 m.
Groin Hernias: Summary
2 m.
Case: Simple Bowel Obstruction
1 m.
Case: High Grade Bowel Obstruction
1 m.
Case: Gallstone Ileus
2 m.
Gallstone Ileus and Cholecytocolic Fistula
2 m.
Case: Closed Loop Small Bowel Obstruction
2 m.
Closed Loop Small Bowel Obstruction
4 m.
Case: Large Bowel Colonic Obstruction
1 m.
Large Bowel Colonic Obstruction
1 m.
Case: Perforated Colon From Colon Cancer
2 m.
Perforated Colon
3 m.
Case: SMA Embolism With Bowel Ischemia
2 m.
SMA Embolism
3 m.
Case: Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis
2 m.
Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis
1 m.
Case: Cecal Volvulus
1 m.
Cecal Volvulus
3 m.
Case: Sigmoid Volvulus
2 m.
Sigmoid Volvulus
2 m.
3 m.
Case: Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
1 m.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Rupture
3 m.
Case: Bleeding Angiomyolipoma
2 m.
1 m.
Case: Psoas Hematoma
2 m.
Retroperitoneal Bleeding
1 m.
Case: Renal Stones
2 m.
Enhancement Patterns of Kidneys
6 m.
Case: Forniceal Rupture
3 m.
Forniceal Rupture
1 m.
Case: Pyelonephritis
2 m.
2 m.
Case: Renal Infarcts
2 m.
Renal Infarcts
8 m.
6.5 CME
111 Videos
6 Hours 34 Minutes of Video
68 Clinical Cases
John A Carrino, MD, MPH
Vice-Chairman, Radiology and Imaging
Hospital for Special Surgery
Introduction to Emergency MSK Imaging
2 m.
Projection Radiography – Basic Principles
10 m.
Normal Variants
3 m.
Common Presentations: Fractures, Overt Trauma
9 m.
Common Presentations: Fractures, Chronic Repititious Trauma
9 m.
Common Presentations: Infections
9 m.
Common Presentations: Neoplasms and Tumor-like Conditions
8 m.
Introduction to Shoulder Radiography
10 m.
Case: Sternoclavicular Dislocation
2 m.
Sternoclavicular Dislocation Summary
4 m.
Case: Posterior Shoulder Dislocation
1 m.
Shoulder Dislocation Summary
9 m.
Case: Greater Tuberosity Fracture
2 m.
Avulsion Lesions Summary
2 m.
Proximal Humerus Fractures
6 m.
Case: Acromioclavicular Joint Separation
1 m.
Acromioclavicular Joint Separation Summary
5 m.
Case: Lung Apex Lesion
1 m.
Lung Apex Lesion Summary
1 m.
Introduction to Elbow Radiography
2 m.
Elbow Fractures
1 m.
Case: Coronoid Fracture
1 m.
Coronoid Fracture Summary
1 m.
Case: Capitellum Fracture
1 m.
Capitellum Fracture Summary
1 m.
Case: Radial Head Fracture
1 m.
Radial Head Fracture Summary
1 m.
Case: Monteggia Lesion
1 m.
Forearm Fracture Dislocations Summary
4 m.
Case: Olecranon Bursitis
1 m.
Olecranon Bursitis Summary
2 m.
Introduction to Wrist and Hand Radiography
2 m.
Case: Colle Fracture
1 m.
Case: Reverse Barton Fracture
1 m.
Distal Radius Fractures Summary
6 m.
Case: Scaphoid Waist Fracture
2 m.
Scaphoid Fractures Summary
3 m.
Case: Lunate Dislocation
1 m.
Case: Perilunate Dislocation
<1 m.
Lunate and Perilunate Dislocations Summary
3 m.
Case: Hamate Hook Fractures
1 m.
Hamate Hook Fractures Summary
<1 m.
Case: Triquetral Avulsion
1 m.
Triquetral Avulsion Summary
1 m.
Case: CMC Injury
1 m.
CMC Injuries Summary
2 m.
Case: Skier’s (Gamekeeper’s) Thumb
1 m.
Skier’s (Gamekeeper’s) Thumb Summary
1 m.
Case: Thumb Dislocation
1 m.
Thumb Lesions Summary
3 m.
Case: Mallet Finger
<1 m.
Mallet Finger Summary
<1 m.
Case: Volar Plate Injury
1 m.
Volar Plate Injury Summary
<1 m.
Case: Nail Bed Injury (Distal Phalanx Tuft Fracture)
<1 m.
Nail Bed Injuries
<1 m.
Infections in the Wrist and Hand
2 m.
Wrist and Hand Summary
3 m.
Introduction on Pelvis/Hip Radiography
12 m.
Introduction to Pelvic Fractures
9 m.
Introduction to Pelvic Anatomy
4 m.
Introduction to Acetabular Fractures
3 m.
Introduction to Acetabular Fracture Types
10 m.
Cases: Acetabular Fracture Patterns
5 m.
Hip Dislocations
1 m.
Case: Subcapital Femoral Neck Fracture
2 m.
Hip Fractures/Dislocations Summary
3 m.
Case: Greater Trochanteric Fracture
2 m.
Hip Avulsion Fractures Summary
9 m.
Cases: Sacral Insufficiency Fractures
9 m.
Case: Stress Fracture/Reaction
2 m.
Stress Fracture Summary
1 m.
Osteochondral Fractures and Osteonecrosis
4 m.
Case: Calcific Tendinitis
2 m.
Calcific Tendinitis Summary
5 m.
Case: Bisphosphonate Fracture
3 m.
Case: Pelvic Lines
3 m.
Pelvic Lines Summary
4 m.
Introduction to Knee Radiography
9 m.
Knee Joint Effusions
3 m.
Case: Segond Fracture
2 m.
Segond Fracture Summary
3 m.
Case: Tibial Stress Fracture
3 m.
Tibial Stress Fracture Summary
3 m.
Case: Tibial Plateau Fracture
2 m.
Tibial Plateau Fractures Summary
4 m.
Cases: Subchondral Insufficiency Fractures
9 m.
Periosteal Reaction and Prepatellar Bursitis
3 m.
Case: Patellofemoral Dislocation
5 m.
Patellofemoral Dislocation Summary
5 m.
Case: Patellar Fracture
2 m.
Extensor Mechanism Disruption
4 m.
Knee Checklist
2 m.
Introduction to Foot and Ankle Radiography
4 m.
Case: Osteochondral Lesion
1 m.
Osteochondral Lesion Summary
1 m.
Case: High Ankle Sprain
1 m.
Common Causes of Heel Pain
2 m.
Case: Talus Lateral Process Fracture
1 m.
Lateral Process Fracture Summary
4 m.
Case: Distal Fibular Fracture
1 m.
Case: Jones Fracture
1 m.
5th Metatarsal Fractures Summary
2 m.
Case: Peroneal Retinaculum Avulsion
1 m.
Case: Extensor Digitorum Brevis Avulsion
<1 m.
Case: Calcaneus Anterior Process Fracture
<1 m.
Ankle Avulsions Summary
3 m.
Ankle Fractures Summary
8 m.
First Metatarsal Dislocation
<1 m.
Case: Lisfranc Ligament Injury
1 m.
Lisfranc Ligament Injury Summary
8 m.
2.75 CME
3 Videos
2 Hours 43 Minutes of Video
Grace S Mitchell, MD, MBA
Pediatric Radiologist
Children's Mercy Hospital Kansas City
Anjali Agrawal, MD, FASER
Consultant Radiologist
Teleradiology Solutions
16 Videos
16 Hours 8 Minutes of Video
Various Instructors
Abdominal Trauma, Dr. Laura L. Avery (7-25-24)
1 h.
Role of Ultrasound in Pediatric GI Emergencies, Dr. Alka Singhal (10-5-23)
1 h.
Gallbladder Ultrasound Pitfalls On Call, Dr. Douglas S. Katz (7-6-23)
1 h.
Acute Gynecologic Ultrasound Review, Dr. Kathryn McGillen, (12-13-22)
1 h.
Ocular Trauma, Dr. David M. Yousem, 04/14/22
1 h.
MRI in Abdominopelvic Emergencies, Dr. Manjiri Dighe, (10/28/21)
40 m.
Abdominopelvic Trauma, Dr. Rony Kampalath (07/23/21)
49 m.
Pitfalls and Pearls in Blunt A/P Trauma CT, Dr. Douglas Katz (07/16/21)
1 h.
Interesting and Challenging Cases from the ER, Dr. Rony Kampalath (5/19/21)
54 m.
Toxic Ingestions, Dr. Laura L. Avery (4-14-21)
56 m.
'Do Not Miss' Diagnoses in Emergency Radiology, Dr. Anjali Agrawal (12/15/20)
1 h.
Imaging of Head and Neck Emergencies, Dr. Rohini Nadgir (11-18-20)
58 m.
Penile and Scrotal Emergencies, Dr. Laura L. Avery (11-2-20)
48 m.
Trauma Head-to-Toe Case Conference, Dr. Keith Herr (10-23-20)
52 m.
Trauma in the Community, Dr. Barbara Hamilton (4-20-20)
1 h.
Foot and Ankle Trauma, Dr. Claire Sandstorm, (4-10-20)
1 h.
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