Training Collections
1 topic, 1 min.
19 topics, 1 hr. 35 min.
Clinical Scenario 1 - Orbital Trauma/Inflammation - Introduction Video
2 m.Case 1 - Anterior Segment Ocular Injury
9 m.Case 1 - Ocular Injury/Globe Anatomy
6 m.Case 2 - Choroidal Detachment, Retinal Detachment, Vitrious Hemorrhage, Orbital Floor Fracture
9 m.Case 2 - Orbit: Foreign Body
8 m.Case 2 - Orbit: Non-accidental Trauma
3 m.Case 2 - Early Ocular Intervention
6 m.Case 2 - Non-Ocular Orbital Trauma
3 m.Case 2 - Orbital Wall Fracture
8 m.Case 2 - Orbital Medial Wall Fracture
8 m.Case 2 - Orbital Apex and Roof Fracture
5 m.Case 2 - Orbital Blow Out Fractures
6 m.Case 2 - Orbital Trauma
5 m.Case 2 - Indications for Surgery
4 m.Case 3 - Orbital Cellulitis, Periorbital Abscess
6 m.Case 3 - Orbital Inflammation
5 m.Case 4 - Pediatric Subperiosteal Abscess
4 m.Case 4 - Orbital Pseudotumor
7 m.Orbital Trauma/Inflammation Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
29 topics, 1 hr. 34 min.
Clinical Scenario 2 - Facial/Neck Trauma - Video Introduction
6 m.Case 5 - Cominuted Nasal Bone Fracture
2 m.Case 5 - Multiple Fractures in Nasal Bones
3 m.Case 5 - Nasal Bone Fracture Summary
3 m.Case 5 - Mandibular Fractures
6 m.Case 5 - Displaced Mandible Fracture At the Angle
3 m.Case 5 - Midface Butresses
3 m.Case 5 - Naso-orbito-ethmoid Fractures
5 m.Case 5 - NOE Fracture
3 m.Case 5 - Midface NOE Fracture
3 m.Case 5 - Le Fort Fractures
7 m.Case 5 - Bilateral Le Fort 1 & 2 Fractures
4 m.Case 5 - Bilateral Le Fort 1, Unilateral Le Fort 2 & 3
4 m.Case 5 - Le Fort Summary
1 m.Case 5 - Zygomaticomaxillary Complex (Tripod) Fracture
5 m.Case 5 - Tripod Fracture
3 m.Case 5 - ZMC Summary
2 m.Case 5 - Capo de Tutti Fractures
5 m.Case 6 - Bilateral Temporal Bone Fractures
9 m.Case 6 - Temporal Bone Fractures
2 m.Case 7 - Complications of Temporal Bone Injury
3 m.Case 8 - Temporal Bone Fracture Summary
3 m.Case 9 - Transverse Sinus Injury
3 m.Case 10 - Dissection, pseudo aneurysm
5 m.Case 11 - Bilateral Dissection
4 m.Case 12 - Horner's Syndrome, MS, Dissection
5 m.Case 12 - Horner's Syndrome
5 m.Case 12- Airway Injury
4 m.Facial/Neck Trauma Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
12 topics, 46 min.
Clinical Scenario 3 - Sore Throat Pain and Fever - Video Introduction
1 m.Case 13 - Tonsillitis
6 m.Case 13 - Peritonsillar Abscess
5 m.Case 14 - Phlegmon
6 m.Case 15 - Epiglotitis, Super Glotitis, Air Way Compromise
7 m.Case 16 - Periodontal Disease
9 m.Case 16 - Ludwig's Angina
3 m.Case 16 - Summary: Ludwig's Angina
3 m.Case 17 - Ludwig's Angina, Sialadinitis
4 m.Case 17 - Lemierre's Syndrome
2 m.Case 17 - Malignant Otitis Externa
6 m.Sore Throat Pain and Fever Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
12 topics, 42 min.
Clinical Scenario 4 - Mass in the Neck - Video Introduction
4 m.Case 18 - T Cell Lymphoma, lymphadenopathy
4 m.Case 18 - Retropharyngeal Space
3 m.Case 19 - Retropharyngeal Abscess
4 m.Case 20 - Retropharyngeal Phlegmon
3 m.Case 20 - Retropharyngeal Space Collections
4 m.Case 20 - Afebrile
7 m.Case 21 - 2nd Branchial Cleft Cyst
4 m.Case 22 - Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
5 m.Case 22 - Sarcoma in the Levator Scapuli
2 m.Case 22 - Thyroid Nodules
9 m.Mass in the Neck Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
27 topics, 1 hr. 42 min.
Clinical Scenario 5 - Cervical Spine Trauma - Video Introduction
7 m.Case 23 - Occipital Condyle Fracture
2 m.Case 24 - Anterior Arch C1 Fracture
6 m.Case 25 - Odontoid Fracture
4 m.Case 25 - How to Diagnose Alanto-odontoid Distraction
5 m.Case 25 - Odontoid Fractures: Summary
5 m.Case 26 - Jefferson Fracture, vertebral dissection
4 m.Case 27 - Jefferson Fracture on MRI
7 m.Case 27 - Jefferson's Burst Fracture: Summary
4 m.Case 27 - Fixed Rotatory Subluxation
4 m.Case 28 - Bilateral Jumped Facet
9 m.Case 28 - Unilateral Facet Dislocation, Carotid Dissection
4 m.Case 28 - Hyperextension Injury
4 m.Case 28 - Cervical Spine Flexion Injury
6 m.Case 29 - Transverse process fracture
3 m.Case 30 - Unstable Fracture, Two Column Injury
6 m.Case 30 - Epidural Hematoma Summary
7 m.Case 31 - Facet Fracture, Vertebral Artery Occlusion
4 m.Case 31 - Spinal Cord Injury Without Radiographic Abnormalities
4 m.Case 31 - Thoracolumbar AO Spine Injury Score
2 m.Case 32 - Chance Fracture
2 m.Case 32 - Axial Loading Fractures
5 m.Case 33 - Lumbar Transverse Process Fracture
2 m.Case 33 - Transverse Process Fractures and Visceral Injury
3 m.Case 34 - Compression Fracture
4 m.Case 34 - Compression Fracture & Stress Injury
3 m.Cervical Spine Trauma Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
9 topics, 28 min.
Clinical Scenario 6 - Fever, Back Pain - Video Introduction
2 m.Case 35 - Discitis, Osteomyelitis
5 m.Case 35 - Diskitis: Summary
6 m.Case 36 - Tuberculous Spondylitis with Psoas Abscess
4 m.Case 37 - Spinal Cord Infarct
5 m.Case 38 - Spinal Cord Astrocytoma
2 m.Case 39 - Guillain-Barré Syndrome
2 m.Case 39 - Grisel Syndrome, Calcific Tendonitis of Longus Coli,
6 m.Fever, Back Pain Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
13 topics, 37 min.
Head and Neck Emergencies - Video Introduction
8 m.Case 40 - Fungus Ball
2 m.Case 40 - Fungal Sinusitis
2 m.Case 40 - Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis
7 m.Case 41 - Invasive Fungal Sinusitis
4 m.Case 41 - Invasive Fungal Sinusitis Imaging Signs
4 m.Case 42 - Necrotizing Fasciitis
4 m.Case 42 - Necrotizing Fasciitis: Summary
2 m.Case 43 - Allergic Fungal Sinusitis with Mucocele
2 m.Case 43 - Epidural Abscess from Sinusitis
3 m.Case 44 - Otomastoiditis with Bezold abscess
2 m.Case 45 - Frontal Lobe Abscess, Sinusitis
3 m.Head and Neck Emergencies Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
13 Questions
Question Types:
Case Review
Mastery Score
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