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Browse OB/Gynecologic radiology CME and learn from the top OB/GYN radiologists in the world. View all OB/GYN radiology courses, watch bite-sized videos, and practice on OB/GYN cases with real-world DICOMs.


Fetal Heart and Great Vessel Evaluation

Mastery Series

1.5 CME

23 Videos

1 Hour 30 Minutes of Video

48 Clinical Cases

Tony Filly, MD

Chair of Medicine

Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula

Introduction to Fetal Heart and Great Vessel

1 m.

Why Is Fetal Heart Evaluation So Important?

3 m.

Why Do We Struggle So Much?

4 m.

Step 1 – Identify Chambers

3 m.

Step 2 – Evaluate Chamber Size

4 m.

Step 3 – Black Blood in LV

4 m.

Step 4 – Assess Heart Size

1 m.

Step 5 – Assess Valves

5 m.

Step 6 – Mediastinal Position and Shift

4 m.

Step 7 – Axis

4 m.

Step 8 – Situs

2 m.

Getting the 4 Chamber View

5 m.

Putting It All Together

4 m.

The Great Vessels Introduction

1 m.


2 m.


2 m.

How to Obtain the LVOT

2 m.

How to Obtain the RVOT

2 m.

3 Vessel View

5 m.

Other Helpful Views

5 m.

Case Review

9 m.

Echogenic Intracardiac Focus

3 m.

Final Takeaways

2 m.

High-Risk OB Imaging

Mastery Series

2.5 CME

55 Videos

2 Hours 29 Minutes of Video

38 Clinical Cases

Erin Gomez, MD

Assistant Professor of Radiology

Johns Hopkins Hospital

Watch this case review for free!

3 m.

Introduction & Anatomy of the Female Pelvis

<1 m.

Location of the Uterus and Ovaries (Non-Pregnant Patient)

1 m.

Uterine Anatomy (Distinct Layers and Serosa)

1 m.

Female Pelvis Anatomy on CT

2 m.

Female Pelvis Anatomy on MRI

1 m.

Female Pelvis Anatomy on US

2 m.

Changes to the Uterus and Ovaries During Pregnancy

1 m.

Ultrasound: First-Line Imaging in the Setting of Pregnancy

1 m.

Indications and Protocols for MRI During Pregnancy

3 m.

MRI Protocols: Appendix, General Abdomen & Placenta

3 m.

Introduction: Normal Pregnancy

1 m.

First Trimester US

3 m.

Second/Third Trimester US

2 m.

First Trimester MR (7 weeks)

2 m.

First Trimester MR (10 weeks)

1 m.

Second/Third Trimester MR

1 m.

Third Trimester MR

1 m.

Second/Third Trimester CT

1 m.

Multiple Gestations (MRI) Dichorionic Triplets

1 m.

Multiple Gestations (MRI) Twins

2 m.

Multiple Gestations (CT)

1 m.

Summary: Multimodal Imaging of Normal Pregnancy

1 m.

Introduction: Abdominopelvic Pathology During Pregnancy

2 m.


3 m.


2 m.

Acute Deep Venous Thrombosis

1 m.

Adnexal Mass

1 m.

Second Trimester Pregnancy with Bilateral Adnexal Masses (Teratomas)

4 m.

Ovarian Torsion MR

2 m.

Ovarian Torsion US

3 m.

Summary: Acute Abdominopelvic Pathology During Pregnancy

8 m.

Introduction: Placenta Accreta Spectrum

6 m.

Placenta Accreta

4 m.

Placenta Increta

4 m.

Placenta Percreta

3 m.

Identifying Bladder Dome Invasion

3 m.

Percreta with Bladder Invasion

4 m.

Percreta with Vascular Recruitment

4 m.

CTA: An Occasional Adjunct

4 m.

Summary: Placenta Accreta Spectrum

<1 m.

Introduction: Ectopic Pregnancy

1 m.

Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy

2 m.

Ruptured Tubal Ectopic CT

2 m.

Ruptured Tubal Ectopic US

3 m.

Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy

2 m.

Intra-Abdominal Ectopic Pregnancy

3 m.

Interstitial Ectopic MR

1 m.

Interstitial Ectopic US

2 m.

Cesarean Section Scar Ectopic

2 m.

Summary: Ectopic Pregnancy

<1 m.

Uterine Incarceration

4 m.

Retained products of conception MR, US

5 m.

Uterine Dehiscence

3 m.

Role of Structured Reporting in Interpretation of High-Risk OB Imaging

1 m.



Uterine Imaging

Mastery Series


63 Videos

3 Hours 2 Minutes of Video

43 Clinical Cases

Kathryn McGillen, MD

Assistant Professor of Radiology, Medical Director of Ultrasound

Penn State University Milton S Hershey Medical Center

Watch this case review for free!

2 m.

Introduction to Uterine Imaging

<1 m.

Normal Anatomy Review on Illustrations

2 m.

Ultrasound Anatomy

4 m.

Probe Position/Version/Flexion

5 m.

Anterior/Posterior Compartments

1 m.

Introduction to Mullerian Duct Anomalies (MDA)

4 m.


3 m.

Unicornuate with Rudimentary Horn

4 m.

Didelphys Uterus – Pediatric

4 m.

Didelphys Uterus – Adult

3 m.

Unknown case – Septate (Complete Septate Uterus)

6 m.

Complete Septate MRI (Fibrous Septum)

5 m.

Partial Septate on US

2 m.

Bicornuate Uterus - Case 1

3 m.

Bicornuate Uterus - Case 2

1 m.

Mullerian Duct Anomalies (MDA) – Teaching Points

1 m.

Introduction and Positioning- IUD

3 m.

Normal Position of IUD

2 m.

Abnormal Position – Question of Embedded IUD

3 m.

Malpositioned IUD – Embedded in Myometrium

2 m.

Abnormal Retroverted IUD – Embedded

3 m.

IUD – Serosal Perforation

3 m.

IUD Failure Resulting in Pregnant

2 m.

IUD – Teaching Points

1 m.

Adenomyosis – Introduction

5 m.

Adenomyosis Nodules

2 m.

Adenomyosis – Cysts in 26 y/o Patient

2 m.

Venetian Blind Appearance of Adenomyosis

2 m.

Multiple Imaging Findings of Adenomyosis

3 m.

Adenomyosis on MRI – Focal Thickening

2 m.

Classic Adenomyosis on MRI – T2 Cysts

1 m.

Adenomyosis – Problem Solving with MRI

3 m.

Adenomyosis – Problem solving MRI with Endometrioma

3 m.

Adenomyosis – Teaching Points

1 m.

Fibroids – Introduction

5 m.


1 m.

MRI Red Fibroid

5 m.


2 m.

MRI Lipoleiomyoma

3 m.

Necrotic Fibroid

4 m.

Teaching Point – Normal Thickness by Age/Cycle

<1 m.

Teaching Point - Postmenopausal Endometrium

4 m.


2 m.

Atypical Polyp

2 m.


2 m.

Tamoxifen Polyp

2 m.


3 m.

Carcinoma Companion Case

2 m.

Unknown – Intracavitary Fibroid

2 m.

Unknown – Mobile blood

2 m.

Unknown – Proliferative Endometrium

1 m.

Teaching Point- Endometrium

<1 m.

Introduction- Post Pregnancy Considerations

<1 m.

Endometritis (After C-Section)

2 m.

C- Section Dehiscence

3 m.

C-Section Pseudoaneurysm

3 m.

Retained Products of Conception (RPOC)

2 m.

Retained Products of Conception and Ancillary Findings

4 m.

Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)

4 m.

Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) – Companion Case

2 m.

Isthmocele – Three Appearances

2 m.

Teaching Points- Post Pregnancy Considerations

<1 m.

Conference Replays (non-CME)

Body: OB/Gynecologic (GYN) Imaging Noon Conference

Noon Conference

17 Videos

16 Hours 52 Minutes of Video

Various Instructors

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