Training Collections
Library Memberships
25% OFF!On-demand course library with video lectures, expert case reviews, and more
Fellowship Certificate™ Programs
25% OFF!Practice-focused training programs designed to help you gain experience in a specific subspecialty area.
Ultimate Learning Pass
30% Off!Unlock access to our full Course Library and all self-paced Fellowships.
Noon Conference (Free)
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Case of the Week (Free)
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Case Crunch: Rapid Case Review (Free)
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Dr. Resnick's MSK Conference
Learn directly from the MSK Master himself.
Lower Extremities MRI Conference
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
For Training Programs
Supplement your training program with case-based learning for residents, registrars, fellows, and more.
For Private Practices
Upskill in high growth, advanced imaging areas.
Emergency Call Prep
Prepare trainees to be on call for the emergency department with this specialized training series.
Training Collections
Library Memberships
25% OFF!On-demand course library with video lectures, expert case reviews, and more
Fellowship Certificate™ Programs
25% OFF!Practice-focused training programs designed to help you gain experience in a specific subspecialty area.
Ultimate Learning Pass
30% Off!Unlock access to our full Course Library and all self-paced Fellowships.
Noon Conference (Free)
Get access to free live lectures, every week, from top radiologists.
Case of the Week (Free)
Get a free weekly case delivered right to your inbox.
Case Crunch: Rapid Case Review (Free)
Register for free live board reviews.
Dr. Resnick's MSK Conference
Learn directly from the MSK Master himself.
Lower Extremities MRI Conference
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
For Training Programs
Supplement your training program with case-based learning for residents, registrars, fellows, and more.
For Private Practices
Upskill in high growth, advanced imaging areas.
Emergency Call Prep
Prepare trainees to be on call for the emergency department with this specialized training series.
15 topics, 1 hr. 25 min.
General Features of the Meniscus
3 m.Anatomy of the Meniscus
5 m.Meniscal Morphology
4 m.Meniscal Failure Part 1
7 m.Meniscal Failure Part 2
8 m.Meniscal Failure Types
7 m.Longitudinal Horizontal Tears
6 m.Radial Tears
8 m.Free Edge Tears
3 m.Displaced Meniscal Tears
7 m.Meniscal Root Ligament Tears
8 m.Popliteomeniscal Ligaments
5 m.Meniscus: Diagnostic Pitfalls
6 m.Discoid Meniscus and Meniscal Movement
7 m.Pathologic Conditions
7 m.8 topics, 28 min.
Insufficiency Fracture with Root Tear
6 m.Posterior Lateral Meniscus Horn Tear
4 m.Wrisberg Rip & Ligament of Humphrey Tear
5 m.Posterior Root Tear
2 m.RAMP Lesion with ACL Tear
4 m.Meniscocapsular Injury with Semimembranosus Tear
2 m.Posterior Meniscus Injury, Radial Tear, Ligamnet of Humphrey Injury
5 m.Meniscus Question and Answer Session
4 m.10 topics, 43 min.
Ligament Structure
8 m.Ligament Classification & Attachments
3 m.Ligaments: Restraints
5 m.Muscle Antagonists & Agonists
3 m.Osseous Anatomy
3 m.Injury Mechanisms: Basic Concepts & External Forces
7 m.Inury Mechanisms: Internal Forces
4 m.Types of Force: 5 Scenarios
9 m.Pure Distraction Injury
2 m.Injury Mechanisms: Summary
5 m.11 topics, 46 min.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Anatomy
6 m.Types of Force: 5 Scenarios
4 m.Manifestations of Injury
5 m.Mechanisms of Injury
3 m.MR Imaging: Osseous/Cartilaginous Findings
9 m.MR Imaging: Other Findings
3 m.MR Imaging: Some Specific Lesions
4 m.MR Imaging: Partial ACL Tears
4 m.PCL Anatomy & Pathology
4 m.Mechanisms of Injury in the PCL
4 m.Patterns of Injury in the PCL
5 m.7 topics, 23 min.
10 topics, 42 min.
Anatomy of the Medial Supporting Structures
5 m.Anterior Portion of the Supporting Structures
8 m.Middle Portion of the Supporting Structures
4 m.Posterior Portion of the Supporting Structures
5 m.Patterns of Injury: Valgus Motion
4 m.Patterns of Injury: Rotational Motion
2 m.Grades of Injury in the Supporting Structures
6 m.Bone Contusions
5 m.Diagnostic Considerations in the Pediatric Knee & Pelligrini-Stieda Disease
4 m.Diagnostic Considerations
4 m.12 topics, 39 min.
Lateral Ligament Anatomy
5 m.IT Band Syndrome
4 m.Accessory ITB Meniscal Ligament
2 m.Kaplan Fiber System
4 m.Kaplan Fiber Injury
2 m.Gerdy Tubercle Avulsion & Segond Fractures
5 m.Anterolateral Ligament
4 m.Posterolateral Corner
4 m.Fibular Colateral Ligament
6 m.The Biceps Femoris
4 m.PLC Big 3 & The Popliteus Fibular Ligament
3 m.The Fabellofibular Ligament & The Arcuate Ligament
5 m.7 topics, 37 min.
13 topics, 45 min.
Imaging the Post Surgical Knee
3 m.ACL Reconstruction
7 m.Graft Fixation and Motion
2 m.Radiographic Assessment & The Femoral Tunnel
4 m.Tibial Tunnel Placement
3 m.Ligamentization
3 m.ACL Reconstruction Complications
10 m.Foreign Body Reaction
3 m.Cyclops Lesions & Nerve Injury
4 m.MPFL Reconstruction
4 m.Lateral Ligament Procedures
3 m.Lateral Extra Articular Tenodesis
2 m.PCL Reconstruction
4 m.9 topics, 45 min.
12 topics, 46 min.
Anatomy of the Popliteal Fossa
3 m.Popliteal Cysts & Masses
6 m.Synovial Lining Disease
3 m.Differential Diagnoses in the Popliteal Fossa
6 m.Popliteal Fossa Contents
6 m.Popliteal Nerves & Trauma
4 m.Popliteal Vasculature
5 m.Popliteal Artery & Abberant Tibial Artery
3 m.Popliteal Artery Trauma
3 m.Popliteal Artery Aneurysm
3 m.Cystic Adventitial Disease
6 m.Popliteal Artery Entrapment
6 m.6 topics, 42 min.
Interactive Transcript
Donald Resnick, MD
Professor Emeritus, Department of Radiology
University of California, San Diego
Mini N. Pathria, MD, FRCP(C)
Division Chief, Musculoskeletal Imaging
University of California San Diego
Eric Y. Chang, MD
Adjunct Professor, Radiology
University of California, San Diego
Brady K. Huang, MD
Clinical Professor of Radiology
UC San Diego Medical Center
Musculoskeletal (MSK)
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