Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
2 topics
52 topics
GE Protocol - Body - Abdomen w/wo MRCP
GE Protocol - Body - Abdominal muscle
GE Protocol - Body - Adrenals
GE Protocol - Body - Breast (Screening)
GE Protocol - Body - Breast w/wo
GE Protocol - Body - Breast w/wo (Implant rupture)
GE Protocol - Body - Cardiac w/wo (Leopard syndrome)
GE Protocol - Body - Cardiomyopathy w/wo
GE Protocol - Body - Coronary arteries
GE Protocol - Body - Enterography w/wo IV and oral contrast
GE Protocol - Body - Full body
GE Protocol - Body - Kidneys
GE Protocol - Body - Liver w/wo Eovist
GE Protocol - Body - Liver w/wo GAD
GE Protocol - Body - Pancreas w/wo
GE Protocol - Body - Pelvis
GE Protocol - Body - Pectus excavatum (Cardiac)
GE Protocol - Body - Pectus excavatum (Children's)
GE Protocol - Body - Pelvis (Female)
GE Protocol - Body - Pelvis (Sports hernia)
GE Protocol - Body - Prostate (Screening)
GE Protocol - Body - Prostate w/wo
GE Protocol - Body - Testicle (4mm sm FOV)
GE Protocol - Body - Urethra
GE Protocol - Body - Uterus
GE Protocol - MSK - Ankle (30 min) - Dx OCD
GE Protocol - MSK - Ankle (45 min)
GE Protocol - MSK - Foot (45 min)
GE Protocol - MSK - Foot (45 min) - Dx Osteo
GE Protocol - MSK - Hamstring (45 min)
GE Protocol - MSK - Hips (45 min) - Dx Labral
GE Protocol - MSK - Knee (30 min)
GE Protocol - MSK - Knee (Metal artifact)
GE Protocol - MSK - Knee (Noyes; 30 min)
GE Protocol - MSK - Knee (Noyes; Cartilage detail; 45 min)
GE Protocol - MSK - Posterior tibial tendon (PTT) / Achilles
GE Protocol - MSK - Thigh (45 min)
GE Protocol - MSK - Tibia / Fibula (45 min)
GE Protocol - MSK - Toes (45 min)
GE Protocol - MSK - Toes (45 min) - Dx Osteo
GE Protocol - Neuro - Brachial plexus w/wo
GE Protocol - Neuro - Brain w/o
GE Protocol - Neuro - Brain w/o (w/ CSF flow study)
GE Protocol - Neuro - Brain w/wo
GE Protocol - Neuro - Brain w/wo (for MS)
GE Protocol - Neuro - Brain (for Ptosis)
GE Protocol - Neuro - Brain and Orbits w/wo
GE Protocol - Neuro - Internal auditory canal (IAC) (for Bell's Palsy)
GE Protocol - Neuro - Internal auditory canal (IAC) w/wo
GE Protocol - Neuro - Orbits w/wo
GE Protocol - Neuro - Perfusion study
GE Protocol - Neuro - Pituitary w/wo
57 topics
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Abdomen - General; RAPID
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Adrenal
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Breast - Dense; Axial Dynamic
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Breast - Implants
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Breast - Routine; Axial Dynamic
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Breast (30 min) - Screening
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Enterography (75 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Full scan
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Kidney - Dynamic RAPID
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Kidney - Dyn 2 Phase RAPID
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Kidney - With CE
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Liver - Eovist
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Liver - RAPID
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Liver - RAPID Triple Phase Arterial
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Pectoralis Muscle (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Pelvis - Female
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Pelvis - Soft tissue
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Body - Prostate
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Ankle (45 min) - Achilles
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Ankle (45 min) - Achilles / Posterior Tibial Tendon (PTT) combo
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Ankle (45 min) - Routine
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Elbow (30 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Femur (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Finger
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Foot (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Foot / Toe (45 min) - Osteo
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Forearm (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Hand (45 min) - Decub
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Hip (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Hip (45 min) - Replacement
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Hip - Pediatric
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Humerus (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Knee (30 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Knee (30 min) - Routine; Cartilage Mapping
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Knee (Metal)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Sacroiliac (SI) Joint (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Scapula (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Shoulder (30 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Thigh (45 min) - Hamstring
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Thumb
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Tibia / Fibula (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Wrist (30 min) - Decub or Superman
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - MSK - Wrist - Scaphoid Decub or Superman
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Brachial Plexus (60 min) - Arm down and arm up; Pre and post
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Brain and Orbits
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Brain (30 min - wo) (45 min - w/wo) - Routine
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Internal auditory canal (IAC)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Pituitary
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Sacrum / Coccyx (45 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Spine (30 min) - Cervical
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Spine (45 min) - Cervical MS
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Spine (30 min) - Lumbar
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Spine (30 min) - Lumbar; Pediatric 17 and younger; Spondylolysis or Listhesis; Occasionally for disc herniation
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Spine (45 min) - Lumbar, with and without
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Spine (30 min) - Thoracic
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Subthalamic nucleus (STN) (60 min)
Hitachi - Echelon Oval HF Protocol - Neuro - Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
31 topics
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Body - Neck - Soft tissue
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Ankle - Achilles
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Ankle - Achilles / Posterior Tibial Tendon (PTT) combo
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Ankle - All
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Ankle - Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) / Talar Dome
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Elbow
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Femur - Long bones
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Foot
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Foot - Liz Franc
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Foot - Osteomyelitis
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Hamstring - Proximal
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Hips
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Humerus - Long bones
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Knee
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Sacroiliac (SI) Joint
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Shoulder
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Tibia / Fibula - Long bones
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Toe
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Toe - Osteomyelitis
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - MSK - Wrist
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Brachial Plexus
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Brain
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Brain - MS
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Internal auditory canal (IAC)
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Sacrum
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Sella
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Spine - Cervical
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Spine - Lumbar
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Spine - Thoracic
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - Neuro - Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
Hitachi - Low Field Protocol - TIPS
127 topics
Phillips Protocol - Angio - AAA
Phillips Protocol - Angio - Brain MRV
Phillips Protocol - Angio - CE MRA Carotids
Phillips Protocol - Angio - CE MRA C.O.W. (Add to brain)
Phillips Protocol - Angio - CE Renals
Phillips Protocol - Angio - MRA Carotids w/o
Phillips Protocol - Angio - MRA C.O.W. (Add to Brain)
Phillips Protocol - Angio - SMA / Celiac arteries
Phillips Protocol - Body - Abdomen w/wo MRCP
Phillips Protocol - Body - Abdomen / Pelvis (Truncated Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Abdominal muscles
Phillips Protocol - Body - Adrenals
Phillips Protocol - Body - Brachial plexus w/wo
Phillips Protocol - Body - Breast (Biopsy)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Breast (Screening)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Breast w/wo
Phillips Protocol - Body - Breast w/wo (Implant rupture)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Cardiac w/wo (Leopard Syndrome)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Cardiomyopathy w/wo
Phillips Protocol - Body - Coronary arteries
Phillips Protocol - Body - Enterography w/wo IV and Oral contrast
Phillips Protocol - Body - Full body
Phillips Protocol - Body - Kidneys
Phillips Protocol - Body - Liver w/wo Eovist
Phillips Protocol - Body - Liver w/wo GAD
Phillips Protocol - Body - Neck (Soft tissue)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Pancreas w/wo
Phillips Protocol - Body - Pectus excavatum (Cardiac)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Pectus excavatum (Children's)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Pelvis
Phillips Protocol - Body - Pelvis / Abdomen (Truncated Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Pelvis (Female)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Pelvis (Sports hernia)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Piriformis muscle (All bilateral)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Prostate (Screening)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Prostate w/wo
Phillips Protocol - Body - Testicle (4mm sm FOV)
Phillips Protocol - Body - Thoracic outlet syndrome
Phillips Protocol - Body - Urethra
Phillips Protocol - Body - Uterus
Phillips Protocol - Body - Vocal chord paralysis
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Ankle
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Ankle (for Achille's Tendon)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Ankle (Fracture; FX) (Athletics Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Elbow
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Elbow (Arthrogram)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Elbow (UCL Micro Coil Protocol SM FOV 8-10cm)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Femur
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Femur (Hamstring)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Femur w/wo (Tumor)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Finger (Micro)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Finger (Standard)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Foot
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Foot (r/o Lis Franc)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Foot (r/o Osteo)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Foot / Ankle (Truncated Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Forearm
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Gastrocnemius (Athletics Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Hamstring (Athletics Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Hand w/o
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Hand w/wo
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Hip
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Hip (Arthrogram)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Hip (MARS Bilat)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Hip (Therapeutic)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Hip (Truncated Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Humerus w/o
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Humerus w/wo
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Hyaline or Meniscal cartilage
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Knee (8ch SENSE Coil)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Knee (Arthrogram; 8ch SENSE Coil)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Knee (Cartilage detail)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Knee (Foot / Knee coil)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Knee (Metal; 8ch SENSE Coil)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Knee (Truncated Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Lower Extremity (Rotational Profile)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Pelvis (Groin strain) (Athletics Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Quadriceps muscle (Athletics Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Scapula
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Shoulder
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Shoulder (Arthrogram)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Shoulder (Arthrogram, Indirect)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Shoulder (Fast)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Shoulder (Truncated Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Shoulder (w/ abductor views)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Sternoclavicular (SC) joint
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Sternum (Tumor)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Stress (Fracture; FX) (Athletics Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) (All bilateral)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Thumb (GameKeeper's) / UCL
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Tibia / Fibula
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Tibia / Fibula w/wo (Add)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Toe w/o
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Wrist (Arthrogram)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Wrist (Dynamic)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Wrist w/o
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Wrist w/o (Scaphoid)
Phillips Protocol - MSK - Wrist w/wo
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Brain
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Brain (Anosmia) / 1st Cranial Nerve / Olfactory Nerve
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Brain (MRA)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Brain (MRV)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Brain (for MS)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Brain (for Ptosis)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Brain (Truncated Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) / 7th and 8th Cranial Nerves / Brainstem / Posterior Fossa
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Internal Auditory Canal (IAC) (for Bell's Palsy)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Lumbosacral plexus
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Orbits
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Perfusion study
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Pituitary
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Sacrum / Sacroiliac (SI) Joint w/o
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Cervical; Alar ligament)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Cervical; Fast)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Cervical; for MS)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Cervical w/o)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Cervical w/wo)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Cervical w/ Flex and Ext)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Lumbar; for Patients 25 and under / Pars Defect / FX / Spondylopathy
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Lumbar w/o)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Lumbar w/wo)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Lumbar w/wo; Fast)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Lumbar w/wo; Metal Protocol)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Survey w/wo)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Thoracic w/o)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Thoracic w/wo)
Phillips Protocol - Neuro - Spine (Truncated Protocol)
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