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Dr. Resnick's MSK Conference
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Lower Extremities MRI Conference
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
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Training Collections
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Dr. Resnick's MSK Conference
Learn directly from the MSK Master himself.
Lower Extremities MRI Conference
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
For Training Programs
Supplement your training program with case-based learning for residents, registrars, fellows, and more.
For Private Practices
Upskill in high growth, advanced imaging areas.
Emergency Call Prep
Prepare trainees to be on call for the emergency department with this specialized training series.
PSMA PET - Interpretation and Applications
Content Reviewed: October 31, 2023
Fine-tune your search patterns and work through your list of differential diagnoses by reviewing challenging cases. Expert readers take you through their optimal search patterns in these in-depth case reviews. Available on-demand.
Included with Premium Membership and Subspecialty Plans
0.75 CME
1 Videos
43 min.
Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography (PET) has radically altered the landscape of imaging and therapeutic decision-making in prostate cancer. For certain applications within prostate cancer, including initial staging and biochemical recurrence, PSMA PET is undoubtedly a new standard-of-care. However, as with any new imaging modality, interpretation has important pitfalls. Those pitfalls must be considered when approaching PSMA PET in order to optimize its role in guiding patient management. Dr. Rowe will discuss the accepted indications for PSMA PET as well as strategies for mitigating interpretive pitfalls.
Steven P. Rowe, MD, PhD
Professor of Radiology
University of North Carolina
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All Medality (formerly MRI Online) staff and reviewers involved in the development of content for this activity have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
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Steven P. Rowe, MD, PhD
Professor of Radiology
University of North Carolina
Case Review
0 / 1
43 min.
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