Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
21 topics, 34 min.
Introduction to ED Practice Cases
2 m.Wk 1, Case 1 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 1 - Review
2 m.Wk 1, Case 2 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 2 - Review
3 m.Wk 1, Case 3 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 3 - Review
11 m.Wk 1, Case 4 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 4 - Review
6 m.Wk 1, Case 5 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 5 - Review
2 m.Wk 1, Case 6 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 6 - Review
4 m.Wk 1, Case 7 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 7 - Review
2 m.Wk 1, Case 8 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 8 - Review
3 m.Wk 1, Case 9 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 9 - Review
4 m.Wk 1, Case 10 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 10 - Review
2 m.20 topics, 35 min.
Wk 2, Case 11 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 11 - Review
10 m.Wk 2, Case 12 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 12 - Review
3 m.Wk 2, Case 13 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 13 - Review
3 m.Wk 2, Case 14 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 14 - Review
2 m.Wk 2, Case 15 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 15 - Review
10 m.Wk 2, Case 16 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 16 - Review
2 m.Wk 2, Case 17 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 17 - Review
1 m.Wk 2, Case 18 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 18 - Review
2 m.Wk 2, Case 19 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 19 - Review
3 m.Wk 2, Case 20 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 20 - Review
4 m.20 topics, 40 min.
Wk 3, Case 21 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 21 - Review
8 m.Wk 3, Case 22 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 22 - Review
4 m.Wk 3, Case 23 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 23 - Review
9 m.Wk 3, Case 24 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 24 - Review
2 m.Wk 3, Case 25 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 25 - Review
6 m.Wk 3, Case 26 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 26 - Review
2 m.Wk 3, Case 27 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 27 - Review
3 m.Wk 3, Case 28 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 28 - Review
4 m.Wk 3, Case 29 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 29 - Review
3 m.Wk 3, Case 30 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 30 - Review
5 m.20 topics, 39 min.
Wk 4, Case 31 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 31- Review
2 m.Wk 4, Case 32 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 32 - Review
7 m.Wk 4, Case 33 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 33 - Review
3 m.Wk 4, Case 34 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 34 - Review
5 m.Wk 4, Case 35 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 35 - Review
5 m.Wk 4, Case 36 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 36 - Review
5 m.Wk 4, Case 37 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 37 - Review
3 m.Wk 4, Case 38 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 38 - Review
6 m.Wk 4, Case 39 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 39 - Review
3 m.Wk 4, Case 40 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 40 - Review
5 m.20 topics, 41 min.
Wk 5, Case 41 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 41 - Review
6 m.Wk 5, Case 42 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 42 - Review
8 m.Wk 5, Case 43 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 43 - Review
2 m.Wk 5, Case 44 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 44 - Review
3 m.Wk 5, Case 45 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 45 - Review
7 m.Wk 5, Case 46 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 46 - Review
3 m.Wk 5, Case 47 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 47 - Review
2 m.Wk 5, Case 48 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 48 - Review
6 m.Wk 5, Case 49 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 49 - Review
4 m.Wk 5, Case 50 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 50 - Review
6 m.Interactive Transcript
CT of the abdomen and pelvis with intravenous contrast.
LOWER THORAX: There are bibasilar linear opacities related to subsegmental atelectasis. There are vascular calcifications of the aortic valve and coronary arteries. There is a small hiatus hernia.
HEPATOBILIARY: No focal hepatic lesions. No biliary ductal dilatation.
SPLEEN: No splenomegaly.
PANCREAS: No focal masses or ductal dilatation.
ADRENALS: No adrenal nodules.
KIDNEYS/URETERS: There are multiple hypodense lesions in the bilateral kidneys, with the largest measuring 12 mm in the right upper pole, consistent with renal cysts. There are multiple non obstructing calculi in the left kidney with the largest measuring 5 mm. There is no evidence of hydronephrosis or hydroureter.
PELVIC ORGANS/BLADDER: Part of the pelvic organs are obscured by metallic artifact from a prosthetic left hip. The visualized bladder is unremarkable. The prostate gland appears enlarged.
PERITONEUM / RETROPERITONEUM: There is a small amount of free air in the anti-dependent areas of the peritoneum. There is a small amount of perihepatic ascites. There is a small amount of perihepatic ascites. There is a small amount of pelvic free fluid. There is a small amount of free fluid in the right lower quadrant.
LYMPH NODES: No lymphadenopathy.
VESSELS: There are atherosclerotic calcifications in the aorta and its tributaries.
GI TRACT: There are diverticula in the sigmoid colon with associated bowel wall thickening and adjacent soft tissue stranding at the junction of the descending and sigmoid colon, consistent with acute diverticulitis. There is a small fluid attenuation collection with wall enhancement measuring up to 1.7 x 1.1 cm which may represent an adjacent abscess. There is secondary small bowel thickening adjacent to the pericolonic inflammation.
There is significant stool accumulation within the cecum.
BONES AND SOFT TISSUES: There has been a left hip replacement. There are degenerative changes in the lumbar spine. There is complete obliteration of the L4 – L5 vertebral disc and fusion of the vertebral bodies. There are no suspicious lytic or blastic lesions seen.
Findings consistent with acute diverticulitis at the junction of the descending colon and sigmoid colon.
Small amount of free air in the non-dependent areas of the peritoneum suggesting perforation.
1.7 x 1.1 cm fluid attenuation collection adjacent to the area of diverticulitis concerning for adjacent abscess formation.
Laura L Avery, MD
Assistant Professor of Emergency Radiology Harvard Medical School
Massachusetts General Hosptial
Vascular Imaging
Large Bowel-Colon
Gastrointestinal (GI)
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