Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
21 topics, 34 min.
Introduction to ED Practice Cases
2 m.Wk 1, Case 1 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 1 - Review
2 m.Wk 1, Case 2 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 2 - Review
3 m.Wk 1, Case 3 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 3 - Review
11 m.Wk 1, Case 4 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 4 - Review
6 m.Wk 1, Case 5 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 5 - Review
2 m.Wk 1, Case 6 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 6 - Review
4 m.Wk 1, Case 7 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 7 - Review
2 m.Wk 1, Case 8 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 8 - Review
3 m.Wk 1, Case 9 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 9 - Review
4 m.Wk 1, Case 10 - Practice
Wk 1, Case 10 - Review
2 m.20 topics, 35 min.
Wk 2, Case 11 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 11 - Review
10 m.Wk 2, Case 12 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 12 - Review
3 m.Wk 2, Case 13 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 13 - Review
3 m.Wk 2, Case 14 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 14 - Review
2 m.Wk 2, Case 15 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 15 - Review
10 m.Wk 2, Case 16 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 16 - Review
2 m.Wk 2, Case 17 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 17 - Review
1 m.Wk 2, Case 18 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 18 - Review
2 m.Wk 2, Case 19 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 19 - Review
3 m.Wk 2, Case 20 - Practice
Wk 2, Case 20 - Review
4 m.20 topics, 40 min.
Wk 3, Case 21 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 21 - Review
8 m.Wk 3, Case 22 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 22 - Review
4 m.Wk 3, Case 23 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 23 - Review
9 m.Wk 3, Case 24 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 24 - Review
2 m.Wk 3, Case 25 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 25 - Review
6 m.Wk 3, Case 26 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 26 - Review
2 m.Wk 3, Case 27 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 27 - Review
3 m.Wk 3, Case 28 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 28 - Review
4 m.Wk 3, Case 29 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 29 - Review
3 m.Wk 3, Case 30 - Practice
Wk 3, Case 30 - Review
5 m.20 topics, 39 min.
Wk 4, Case 31 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 31- Review
2 m.Wk 4, Case 32 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 32 - Review
7 m.Wk 4, Case 33 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 33 - Review
3 m.Wk 4, Case 34 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 34 - Review
5 m.Wk 4, Case 35 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 35 - Review
5 m.Wk 4, Case 36 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 36 - Review
5 m.Wk 4, Case 37 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 37 - Review
3 m.Wk 4, Case 38 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 38 - Review
6 m.Wk 4, Case 39 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 39 - Review
3 m.Wk 4, Case 40 - Practice
Wk 4, Case 40 - Review
5 m.20 topics, 41 min.
Wk 5, Case 41 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 41 - Review
6 m.Wk 5, Case 42 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 42 - Review
8 m.Wk 5, Case 43 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 43 - Review
2 m.Wk 5, Case 44 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 44 - Review
3 m.Wk 5, Case 45 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 45 - Review
7 m.Wk 5, Case 46 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 46 - Review
3 m.Wk 5, Case 47 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 47 - Review
2 m.Wk 5, Case 48 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 48 - Review
6 m.Wk 5, Case 49 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 49 - Review
4 m.Wk 5, Case 50 - Practice
Wk 5, Case 50 - Review
6 m.Interactive Transcript
EXAM: CT Chest w/ Contrast
CLINICAL INDICATION: PE Protocol;Acute shortness of breath, history of asthma.
TECHNIQUE: Written informed consent was obtained. Non-gated spiral axial images of the chest were obtained with nonionic intravenous contrast according to a pulmonary embolism protocol. There were no immediate complications reported.
Diagnostic to the level of the subsegmental pulmonary arteries. No pulmonary emboli are identified.
Heart size normal, no pericardial effusion. No evidence of right heart dysfunction. No enlarged thoracic lymph nodes by CT size criteria. The aorta is normal in course and caliber, without thoracic aortic dissection.
Patchy ground glass opacities within all lobes the lungs, with a shifting distribution compared to prior examination, with some areas of new ground glass opacity, and improvement in other areas of ground glass opacity likely representing infection, such as a viral pneumonia. Diffuse bronchial wall thickening. No septal thickening or pleural effusions to suggest pulmonary edema.
Images of the upper abdomen show no significant abnormality.
Visualized bones are unremarkable.
1. No pulmonary emboli.
2. Patchy ground glass opacities, most of which are bronchocentric, within all lobes of the lungs, with small amount of consolidation within the right middle lobe. These findings likely represent infection such as viral, atypical community acquired pneumonia such as mycoplasma, or other etiology of pneumonia.
3. Mild hilar lymph node enlargement, likely reactive in etiology.
4. Diffuse bronchial wall thickening, which can be seen in infectious bronchitis, and asthma.
Jamlik-Omari Johnson, MD, FASER
Chair, Department of Radiology
University of Southern California
X-Ray (Plain Films)
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