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Dr. Resnick's MSK Conference
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Lower Extremities MRI Conference
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
For Training Programs
Supplement your training program with case-based learning for residents, registrars, fellows, and more.
For Private Practices
Upskill in high growth, advanced imaging areas.
Emergency Call Prep
Prepare trainees to be on call for the emergency department with this specialized training series.
Training Collections
Library Memberships
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Fellowship Certificate™ Programs
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Dr. Resnick's MSK Conference
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Lower Extremities MRI Conference
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
For Training Programs
Supplement your training program with case-based learning for residents, registrars, fellows, and more.
For Private Practices
Upskill in high growth, advanced imaging areas.
Emergency Call Prep
Prepare trainees to be on call for the emergency department with this specialized training series.
2 topics, 14 min.
9 topics, 31 min.
Introduction: Chest Pain
4 m.Case 1 - Pneumothorax on Chest X-ray
3 m.Case 2 - Pneumothorax without Tension
3 m.Case 3 - Pneumothorax with Tension
2 m.Case 4 - Pneumothorax on Chest CT
6 m.Pneumothorax - Summary
3 m.Case 5 - Pericardial Effusion
10 m.Pericardial Effusion - Summary
4 m.Chest Pain Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
11 topics, 54 min.
Introduction: Shortness of Breath
2 m.Case 1 - Pulmonary Embolism - Approach to CT Pulmonary Angiography
8 m.Case 2 - Pulmonary Embolism
6 m.Pulmonary Embolism - Summary
4 m.Case 3 - Pulmonary Edema
3 m.Case 4 - Suspected Pulmonary Edema with CT for Differential
7 m.Case 5 - Importance of Search Pattern in Cases with Multiple Findings
8 m.Case 6 - History of Asthma
7 m.Case 7 - Lymphoma
8 m.Case 8 - Malignancy
6 m.Shortness of Breath Reinforcement Quiz
7 topics, 27 min.
6 topics, 23 min.
9 topics, 36 min.
Introduction: Lines & Tubes
2 m.Case 1 - Orogastric Tubes
14 m.Introduction: Foreign Bodies
2 m.Case 2 - Foreign Body
3 m.Case 3 - Esophageal Foreign Body
4 m.Case 4 - Esophageal Perforation
10 m.Case 5 - Edge of Film - Myocardial Infarction Incidental
3 m.Myocardial infarction - Summary
4 m.Miscellaneous Reinforcement Quiz
Oftentimes in the ED, patients are traumatized and you'll come in or will
be asked to evaluate patients who have a history of trauma,
you may get very broad categorical, this is a patient who has had
trauma versus someone who has an NBC or who has had chest trauma,
or who's got penetrating trauma. So the degree of information that you get
is widely variable, but things to think about and to look for include
pneumo thoraxes, fractures pulmonary contusions. Whether or not there's
any aortic or great vessel injury, any sort of pericardial effusion or fluid
esophageal injury or bronchial injury. When you're thinking about exams
that can be ordered in this context, depending on your institution,
the ED may do the mass exams, some of the imaging teams
could be involved in mass exams, but we rely heavily on radiographs, both
PA and lateral, laterally if possible... And chest CTs. And then
in some instances, radiography of the ribs looking specifically for rib
fractures that may not be apparent on normal PA and lateral views of
the chest. So one thing to keep in mind, and I'm not a
huge fan of dedicated group series, particularly for getting other imaging,
as part of the work up. So if we know that we are getting
the CT, if we're gonna get a PA, and lateral of the chest
to radiograph with good inspiratory volume, again, the fractures that are
going to be damaging and need to be found right away,
generally you can see those, but keep in mind that oblique view that
are done on the rib series to elongate ribs and allow for a
better assessment of rib fractures.
Interactive Transcript
Oftentimes in the ED, patients are traumatized and you'll come in or will
be asked to evaluate patients who have a history of trauma,
you may get very broad categorical, this is a patient who has had
trauma versus someone who has an NBC or who has had chest trauma,
or who's got penetrating trauma. So the degree of information that you get
is widely variable, but things to think about and to look for include
pneumo thoraxes, fractures pulmonary contusions. Whether or not there's
any aortic or great vessel injury, any sort of pericardial effusion or fluid
esophageal injury or bronchial injury. When you're thinking about exams
that can be ordered in this context, depending on your institution,
the ED may do the mass exams, some of the imaging teams
could be involved in mass exams, but we rely heavily on radiographs, both
PA and lateral, laterally if possible... And chest CTs. And then
in some instances, radiography of the ribs looking specifically for rib
fractures that may not be apparent on normal PA and lateral views of
the chest. So one thing to keep in mind, and I'm not a
huge fan of dedicated group series, particularly for getting other imaging,
as part of the work up. So if we know that we are getting
the CT, if we're gonna get a PA, and lateral of the chest
to radiograph with good inspiratory volume, again, the fractures that are
going to be damaging and need to be found right away,
generally you can see those, but keep in mind that oblique view that
are done on the rib series to elongate ribs and allow for a
better assessment of rib fractures.
Jamlik-Omari Johnson, MD, FASER
Chair, Department of Radiology
University of Southern California
X-Ray (Plain Films)
Bone & Soft Tissues
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