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For Training Programs
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For Private Practices
Upskill in high growth, advanced imaging areas.
Emergency Call Prep
Prepare trainees to be on call for the emergency department with this specialized training series.
10 topics, 14 min.
10 topics, 35 min.
11 topics, 29 min.
11 topics, 18 min.
11 topics, 30 min.
Interactive Transcript
Patient History: 47-yo male with left hip pain and tightness
SKELETAL: No infiltrative or destructive bone lesion. No bone contusion, stress reaction or fracture.
PELVIS: Colonic diverticulosis. No free fluid.
JOINTS: Symphysis pubis arthrosis. SI joint arthrosis. Severe left-greater-than-right femoroacetabular arthropathy including bone-on-bone, erosions, spurs. Short femoral neck bilaterally. Complex glenohumeral joint fluid collection with debris/bodies. Arthropathic erosion and pseudocyst formation within the left acetabulum superior aspect.
ACETABULUM/LABRUM: Upward and superior tilt of the left acetabular roof. Acetabular spurring and diffuse anterior and lateral labral tearing.
MUSCLES/TENDONS/LIGAMENTS: Intact ligamentum teres. Intact hamstring origin. Mild peritendinitis of the gluteus medius and minimus insertion.
OTHER/SOFT TISSUE: No muscle atrophy or tear. No soft tissue mass. No complicated hernia.
1. Developmental dysplasia in both hips. Severe left, moderate right osteoarthropathy. Bilateral labral tears. Bilateral acetabular spurring. Left-greater-than-right osteochondral erosion and pseudocyst formation.
2. Complex bilateral joint fluid collections of both hips, with loose bodies and debris on the left.
3. Mild peritendinitis of the gluteus medius and minimus insertions without tear.
4. Colonic diverticulosis.
Case Discussion
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Jenny T Bencardino, MD
Vice-Chair, Academic Affairs Department of Radiology
Montefiore Radiology
Edward Smitaman, MD
Clinical Associate Professor
University of California San Diego
Musculoskeletal (MSK)
Hip & Thigh
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