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Dr. Resnick's MSK Conference
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Lower Extremities MRI Conference
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Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
For Training Programs
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Emergency Call Prep
Prepare trainees to be on call for the emergency department with this specialized training series.
98 topics, 98 hr. 10 min.
CT Evaluation of Pelvic Ring Injuries - Patterns, Classifications, and Approach, Dr. Sameer Raniga (3-20-25)
71 m.A Practical Approach to Neonatal Brain Imaging, Dr.Mai-Lan Ho (3-13-25)
75 m.Pediatric Brain Tumors: Latest Updates on the WHO Classification Revision, Dr. Asim Choudhri (12-18-24)
62 m.Imaging of CNS Vasculopathies, Dr. David M. Yousem (11-27-24)
74 m.Spine Trauma Imaging - Craniocervical Junction Injuries, Dr. Sameer Raniga (11-6-24)
68 m.SWI Imaging - Practical Applications, Dr. Joshua P Nickerson (8-29-24)
54 m.Pediatric Epilepsy: What The Radiologist Needs to Know, Dr. Felice D’Arco (7-11-24)
54 m.Acute Encephalitis, Dr. Maria Cortes (4-25-24)
70 m.Thoracolumbar Spine Injury at CT: A Systematic Search Pattern, Dr. Sameer Raniga (3-21-24)
81 m.SCCA of the Larynx: What Radiologists Need to Know, Dr. Suresh Mukherji (2-8-24)
83 m.Simplified Approach to the Lymph Nodes of the Head & Neck, Suresh Mukherji (11-16-23)
66 m.Case Review Live - Adult Suprahyoid Neck, Dr. Gloria J. Guzmán Pérez-Carrillo and Dr. Rami Eldaya (10-12-23)
63 m.Update on Imaging and 2021 WHO CNS Tumor Classification, Dr. Soonmee Cha (9-13-23)
59 m.Critical Updates in the Dynamic Landscape of Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Imaging, Dr. Suzie Bash (8-10-23)
63 m.Advanced Spine Imaging, Dr. Majid Aziz Khan (8-3-23)
71 m.Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics - Leaks and Communicating Hydrocephalus, Dr. Jeffrey Scott Pannell (6-1-23)
70 m.Case Review Live - Head CT Perfusion Cases, Dr. Francis Deng (4-13-23)
89 m.MR Neurography of the Craniospinal Nerves Below the Skull Base, Dr. Lea Alhilali (4-6-23)
48 m.Spine Imaging Board Review, Dr. David M Yousem (3-30-23)
62 m.The Glymphatic System - Anatomy, Physiology, and Imaging, Dr. Mai-Lan Ho (3-2-23)
68 m.Spine Degeneration & Inflammation, Dr. Marcelo de Abreu (1-19-23)
62 m.Vertebral Augmentation - Past , Present, and Future, Majid Aziz Khan (1-5-23)
63 m.Acute Ischemic Stroke Imaging and Thrombectomy Treatment, Dr. Jeremy J. Heit (11-3-22)
65 m.AI Applications in Advanced Neuroimaging, Dr. Suzie Bash (10-6-22)
70 m.Imaging of Neuromodulation and Surgical Interventions for Epilepsy, Dr. Mehmet Emin Adin (9-8-22)
63 m.Advanced CT/MR Imaging for Stroke Patient Treatment Selection State of the Art and Future Directions, Dr. Michael H. Lev (9-1-22)
67 m.Classifications of Supratentorial Malformations of Cortical Development, Dr. Asim F. Choudhri (7/21/22)
60 m.Thyroid International Recommendations Online, Azita Khorsandi, MD, 06/23/2022
45 m.Brain Tumors: Imaging and Molecular Updates, Mai-Lan Ho, MD, 06/01/22
66 m.Sinonasal Imaging, Rohini N. Nadgir, MD, 05/26/22
69 m.Adult Hydrocephalus Imaging, Dr. Ari Blitz, 05/05/2022
111 m.Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumors, Dr. Melike Guryildirim, 03/10/22
66 m.Degenerative and Inflammatory Disorders of the Vertebral Column: Imaging – Pathologic Correlation, Dr. Donald Resnick, 03/03/22
71 m.Dose Reduction Strategies for the Angio Suite, Dr. Emanuele Orru', 2/17/22
46 m.Imaging Review of the Endoscopic Management of Clivus Based Tumors, Dr. Dinesh Rao, 1/27/22
57 m.CNS Infection: The Basics, Professor Tchoyoson Lim, (1/06/22)
46 m.Applications of HIFUS in the Brain, Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi, (12/16/21)
39 m.Gadolinium Deposition, Dr. Mehmet Adin, (11/18/21)
31 m.Pediatric Neurointerventional Radiology, Dr. Karen S. Chen, (11/11/21)
50 m.Thyroid Nodules: All You Need to Know in a Nutshell, Dr. Alice Goldman, (09/30/21)
43 m.Brain Development: Normal, Variants, Pitfalls, Dr. Mai-Lan Ho, (09/15/21)
59 m.CTP in Stroke: Practical Tips, Dr. Anna Derman, (08/27/21)
47 m.Brain Arteriovenous Malformations: Where Do We Stand?, Dr. Emanuele Orrù, (08/13/21)
55 m.Maxillofacial Trauma, Dr. Michael Kraut, (08/09/21)
57 m.Tumors of the Vertebral Column, Dr. Anna Derman, (08/06/21)
57 m.Thyroid Cancer: A (Hopefully) Practical Approach to Ultrasound of the Post-Operative Neck, Dr. Deborah Baumgarten, (08/02/21)
55 m.Ventricles and Hydrocephalus, Dr. Ritu Bordia (07/14/21)
52 m.Phakomatoses: Molecules to Morphology, Dr. Mai-Lan Ho (07/12/21)
54 m.Brainstem/Cerebellum Hodology and Imaging, Dr. Rajan Jain (6/25/21)
49 m.Somatostatin-Receptor Targeted PET/MR and PET/CT, Dr. Jana Ivanidze (06/23/2021)
50 m.Thyroid Nodules Using ATA and TIRADS Systems, Dr. Deborah Baumgarten (06/16/2021)
62 m.Suprahyoid Neck: Pathology Through Anatomy, Dr. Richard Wiggins (5/28/21)
61 m.Differentiating T2 Hyperintensity in the Cord, Dr. Allison Grayev (4-26-21)
38 m.Neuroimaging of CNS Lymphoma, Dr. Lamyaa Alsarraf (4-21-21)
59 m.Maxillofacial Trauma, Dr. Melissa A. Davis (4-7-21)
36 m.Paranasal Sinus Imaging - The Basics, Dr. Ritu Bordia, (3-31-21)
52 m.Imaging the Premature Newborn, Dr. Brandon Patrick Brown (3-24-21)
66 m.Head US in Neonatal Encephalopathy, Dr. Monica S. Epelman (3-1-21)
57 m.Acute Ischemic Stroke Imaging, Dr. Pamela Schaefer (2-22-21)
62 m.The Many Faces of Pediatric Intracranial Infection, Dr. Tracy Kilborn (2-10-21)
46 m.Neuroradiology Horror Stories, Dr. Nolan Kagetsu (2-5-21)
54 m.Imaging PRES, RCVS, and CNS Vasculitis, Dr. Andrew D. Schweitzer (1-20-21)
72 m.Interpreting Lumbar Spine MRIs - What Findings are Relevant?, Dr. John Carrino (1-8-21)
82 m.Image Guided Spine Biopsy, Dr. Vikas Agarwal (1-6-21)
61 m.Venous Infarcts - An Overview, Dr. Vivek Yedavalli (12-18-20)
49 m.Imaging of Epilepsy, Dr. Siddhartha Gaddamanugu (12-10-20)
45 m.Susceptibility - Weighted Imaging - What and Why, Dr. Joshua Nickerson (12-9-20)
55 m.Vertebral Involvement in Spondylarthritis, Dr. Mohamed Jarraya (12-8-20)
60 m.Headache & Neuroimaging, Dr. John Jordan (11-24-20)
54 m.Management of Vertebral Compression Fractures, Dr. Drew Caplin (11-19-20)
40 m.Inflammatory Diseases of the CNS, Dr. Carol P. Geer (11-13-20)
63 m.CT Perfusion of the Brain, Dr. Dinesh Rao (11-4-20)
61 m.Sinonasal Polyps and Mimics, Dr. Kristen Lloyd Baugnon (10-27-20)
55 m.Imaging of Adult Brain Tumors, Dr. Brent Weinberg (10-16-20)
61 m.Neuroimaging of Epilepsy, Dr. Ranliang Hu (10-12-20)
59 m.COVID-19 and the CNS - A Neuroimaging Perspective, Dr. Eduardo Labat (10-6-20)
61 m.Update on Intracranial Aneurysms for Diagnostic Radiologists, Dr. Sammy Chu (9-28-20)
59 m.Clinical MRI - Fundamentals & Unexpected Challenges, Dr. Asim Mian (9-18-20)
49 m.PET-CT of Neurologic Disorders, Dr. Sikandar Shaikh (9-2-20)
67 m.Imaging Parapharyngeal Masses (Pre & Poststyloid) - A Systematic Approach to Diagnosis, Dr. Supreeta Arya (7-21-20)
57 m.Imaging of Chiari I Malformation, Dr. Khaled Gad (7-15-20)
72 m.Location-Based Differential Diagnosis of Pediatric Brain Tumors, Dr. Sheng-Che Hung (6-23-20)
56 m.Imaging Approach to Jaw Lesions pt 2, Dr. Khaled Gad (6-22-20)
67 m.Imaging of Degenerative Disease of the Lumbosacral Spine, Dr. Eric Russell (6-18-20)
59 m.Imaging Approach to Jaw Lesions, Dr. Khaled Gad (6-15-20)
58 m.Infections of the Spine and Spinal Cord, Dr. Asim Mian (6-8-20)
56 m.Anatomic and Functional Imaging of Neuroendocrine Tumors, Dr. Nadine Mallak (6-3-20)
67 m.Imaging of Tinnitus, Dr. David Pastel (6-1-20)
62 m.The "How To" of Neck Nodes, Dr. Christine Glastonbury (5-26-20)
75 m.Complicated Sinusitis - A Primer for Radiologists, Dr. Sameer Raniga (5-19-20)
75 m.Anatomy and Pathology of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx, Dr. Suresh Mukherji (5-14-20)
66 m.Salivary Glands, Dr. David M. Yousem (5-7-20)
67 m.Imaging Cranial Nerve Pathology, Dr. Mark E. Mullins (5-5-20)
75 m.Perineural Tumor Spread Made Easy, Dr. Rihan Khan, (4-21-20)
68 m.Functional MRI Anatomy of the Cerebellum, Dr. Nivedita Agarwal (4-14-20)
53 m.Critical Concepts in Spinal Imaging, Dr. Stephen J Pomeranz (3-31-20)
60 m.Temporal Lobe Lesion, David Yousem, MD (3-26-20)
62 m.Laryngeal Carcinoma, Suresh Mukherji, MD (3-25-20)
61 m.© 2025 Medality. All Rights Reserved.