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Hip MRI Mastery

Content Reviewed: September 13, 2021

Mastery Series
Preview Course

2.25 CME

10 DICOM Case Files

26 Videos

2 hr. 18 min.

Course Description

While the hip is a large joint, it has a small capsule, thus making diagnoses that much more challenging. Join Dr. Pomeranz as he takes a highly practical instructional approach utilizing MRI images to methodically walk you through the anatomy, protocols and sequences, and abnormalities of the acetabular labrum.

An acetabular labral injury is a small detachment or tear within a triangular fibrocartilaginous substance that produces disproportionate symptoms. Older folks are prone to them with regular frequency, but can be asymptomatic and not problematic due to lower level of activity. But, when a small tear happens in a high performance athlete, it can be career-ending. 

This course will help you gain confidence identifying different types of tears like: a tear that’s symptomatic, a tear that can be ignored, and the different variations that may simulate a tear and lead to diagnosing a tear that isn’t there.

Using our DICOM viewer, review cases alongside Dr Pomeranz as he demonstrates his process of searching for potential causes of intra-articular pathology. Watch as he showcases that while the labrum is our focus, we need to be sure to search for things like loose bodies, signs of femoroacetabular impingement, capsular abnormalities, and oft-overlooked abnormalities of the ligament that tear easily.

Topics covered in this course: 

  • Protocols and sequences of the axial, coronal, and sagittal hip
  • Staging for hip and labral pathology
  • Anatomy review of the acetabular labrum in the coronal plane, axial, and sagittal planes
  • Magnified imagery review of components, variations, and injuries
  • Extra-articular abnormalities 
  • Sports hernias, athletic pubalgia, and osteitis pubis
  • Case review of injuries to high performance athletes
  • Patient care for labral pathology of the hip 
  • …and more!

Optimize your learning:

  • Review at your own pace – Reminder to utilize the video player features to speed up or slow down the video, pause or rewind to best fit your available time and learning needs.
  • Read alongside Dr. Pomeranz Keep the DICOM study open while you watch Dr. Pomeranz review the cases. We suggest popping the DICOM viewer open in a new window and viewing side by side with the video on your screen. 

After you’re done, check out these additional Musculoskeletal Mastery Courses for further in-depth case review:

Read alongside Dr. Pomeranz as he uses real-world DICOM cases to walk you through acetabular anatomy, hip MRI protocols, and interesting case reviews of acetabular labral injuries.


Stephen J Pomeranz, MD

Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online

ProScan Imaging

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3 m

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