Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
15 topics
Case 1 - 64 year old male with severe low back pain
Case 2 - Back pain. Status post lumbar decompression.
Case 3 - Cervical spine mass
Case 4 - A patient with low back pain, left lower extremity numbness, and urinary difficulty
Case 5 - A patient with disorientation and a neck mass
Case 6 - High-speed motor vehicle collision (MVC) Trauma
Case 7 - 27 year old female with myelopathy
Case 8 - A 56 year-old patient with thoracic myelopathy
Case 9 - Neck pain after trauma
Case 10 - A 19-year-old female with new diagnosis of leukemia
Case 11 - A patient with back pain and right-sided sciatica
Case 12 - Cervical intramedullary spinal cord tumor
Case 13 - Cauda Equina Syndrome in a 22-year-old. Prior intracranial tumor resection.
Case 14 - Weakness in the right lower extremity
Case 15 - Acute low back pain with saddle anesthesia
Cervical spine mass
What is the most likely diagnosis?
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