56-year-old female with lateral ankle pain

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Foot pain injury of the peroneal tendon.

Long- and short-axis fat- and water-weighted images were performed.

  • Extensive PVNS in the peroneus longus and brevis sheath and involving the ankle joint with pressure erosions about the ankle joint most conspicuous in the dorsal talus.
  • Although there are foci of osteoarthritis at the TMT no PVNS is located in this jurisdiction or locale.
  • Mild valgus deformity of the 1st MTP.

Moderate to marked or massive PVNS of the ankle and peroneus longus and brevis sheath whose distal extension is just over 2cm proximal to the peroneus insertion on the base of the 5th and is described in the ankle joint has distant extension above the fibula in the lower leg for 5cm.

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