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Dr. Resnick's MSK Conference
Learn directly from the MSK Master himself.
Lower Extremities MRI Conference
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
For Training Programs
Supplement your training program with case-based learning for residents, registrars, fellows, and more.
For Private Practices
Upskill in high growth, advanced imaging areas.
Emergency Call Prep
Prepare trainees to be on call for the emergency department with this specialized training series.
Training Collections
Library Memberships
On-demand course library with video lectures, expert case reviews, and more
Fellowship Certificate™ Programs
Practice-focused training programs designed to help you gain experience in a specific subspecialty area.
Ultimate Learning Pass
Unlock access to our full Course Library and all self-paced Fellowships.
Noon Conference (Free)
Get access to free live lectures, every week, from top radiologists.
Case of the Week (Free)
Get a free weekly case delivered right to your inbox.
Case Crunch: Rapid Case Review (Free)
Register for free live board reviews.
Dr. Resnick's MSK Conference
Learn directly from the MSK Master himself.
Lower Extremities MRI Conference
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
For Training Programs
Supplement your training program with case-based learning for residents, registrars, fellows, and more.
For Private Practices
Upskill in high growth, advanced imaging areas.
Emergency Call Prep
Prepare trainees to be on call for the emergency department with this specialized training series.
19 topics, 18 hr. 21 min.
Cardiac CT in Practice - From Prevention to Post-Revascularization, Dr. Brian Ghoshhajra (10-8-24)
62 m.A Beginner's Guide to CT for Coronary Artery Anomalies, Christy Pomeranz (3-14-24)
43 m.Assessment of Fractional Flow Reserve from Coronary CT Angiography, Dr. Moritz C. Halfmann (9-7-23)
57 m.Ultrasound Evaluation of Fetal Non Cardiac Thoracic Anomalies, Dr. Alka Singhal (5-25-23)
56 m.1 Heart. 1 Mission. Success of a Multidisciplinary Cardiac Imaging Team Approach, Dr. Giovanni E. Lorenz and Dr. Emilio Fentanes (3-16-22)
60 m.Role of Cardiac CT in Recently Updated Clinical Guidelines, Dr. Stefan L. Zimmerman (12-8-22)
67 m.Case Review of Cardiac Manifestations of COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccination, Dr. Kate Hanneman (8/18/22)
60 m.Chest Pain Evaluation During Contrast Shortages, Dr. Giovanni E. Lorenz (7-7-22)
55 m.Imaging of Left Ventricular Assist Devices, Dr. Amar Shah (07/19/21)
48 m.Don't Mess with the Esophagus on Chest Exams, Dr. Susan K. Hobbs (5/21/21)
61 m.MRI of Mediastinal Masses, Dr. Carole Ridge (05/07/21)
43 m.Introduction to Cardiac MRI, Dr. Juan Carlos Batlle (03/05/21)
60 m.Peculiarities of the Cardiac Septa, Dr. Pal Suranyi (02/26/21)
82 m.Cardiac Masses - What You Need to Know, Dr. Laura Heyneman (02/24/21)
53 m.Cardiac Tumors - How to Image and Reach a Diagnosis, Dr. Elizabeth Lee (11/03/20)
31 m.Novel Cardiovascular Devices - An Imaging Primer, Dr. Cristina Fuss (06/11/20)
75 m.Unrepaired Congenital Heart Disease - A Case-Based Review, Dr. Prachi Agarwal (05/15/20)
53 m.Acute Aortic Syndrome, Dr. Cristina Fuss (04/27/20)
75 m.Basic Approach to Cardiomyopathy, Dr. Jadranka Stojanovska, (04/08/20)
69 m.© 2025 Medality. All Rights Reserved.