Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
Training Collections
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Emergency Imaging
PET Imaging
Pediatric Imaging
25 topics
Case 1 - 60-year-old with double vision and dizziness.
Case 2 - 65-year-old with altered mental status.
Case 3 - 65-year-old. Altered mental status.
Case 4 - 68-year-old. Dysphagia and aphasia.
Case 5 - 82-year-old with right hemiparesis.
Case 6 - 70-year-old with confusion.
Case 7 - 60-year-old with right sided weakness.
Case 8 - 70-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 9 - 68-year old with aphasia.
Case 10 - 50-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 11 - 65-year-old with right visual field defects.
Case 12 - 65-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 13 - 60-year-old with left-sided weakness.
Case 14 - 60-year-old with left-sided stroke symptoms.
Case 15 - 60-year-old with bilateral weakness.
Case 16 - 50-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 17 - 65-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 18 - 60-year-old with altered mental status.
Case 19 - 55-year-old with aphasia.
Case 20 - 60-year-old with left-sided weakness.
Case 21 - 60-year-old with left hemiparesis.
Case 22 - 60-year-old with left visual field defects.
Case 23 - 68-year-old with weakness.
Case 24 - 60-year-old with bilateral weakness.
Case 25 - 90-year-old with acute left hemiplegia.
50-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Which cranial nerve arises in the interpeduncular cistern?
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