Diagnosis Definition
- Cervical paragangliomas (aka glomus tumors) are derived from neuroendocrine cells of parasympathetic tissue (although intra-abdominal paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas arise from sympathetic tissue)
- There are four main types that occur in the extracranial head and neck: glomus jugulare, glomus jugulotympanicum, glomus tympanicum, or carotid body tumor
- They are not usually associated with endocrinopathies
- Patients usually present with single or multiple palpable masses, pulsatile tinnitus, or neurologic deficits related to mass effect
- About 25% of cervical paragangliomas arise in the setting of a heritable syndrome, including Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN 2A or 2B), von Hippel-Lindau, Neurofibromatosis type1, and the Carney Triad (chondromas of the lung, extra-adrenal paragangliomas, and gastrointestinal stromal tumors)
Imaging Findings
- Cervical paragangliomas are typically hyperenhancing masses on both CT and MR in classic locations: carotid space, jugular foramen, middle ear, and along the course of the vagus nerve
- Classically, T1 MR images show black flow voids and bright foci of slow flow or hemorrhage, creating a “salt and pepper” appearance
- On T2 images, cervical paragangliomas are hyperintense to skeletal muscle
- Cervical paragangliomas can be multiple, particularly in the setting of a known syndrome; PET scanning with Dotatate and Dotanoc can be performed if further characterization is warranted
- Cervical paragangliomas should not be biopsied due to the risk of exsanguination; pre-operative embolization is commonly performed to reduce perioperative blood loss
- The differential diagnosis for carotid space masses includes nerve sheath tumors, pathologic lymph nodes (infectious and neoplastic processes), aneurysms or other vascular anomalies and meningiomas
- Kirmani S, Young WF. Hereditary Paraganglioma-pheochromocytoma syndromes. Gene Reviews 2014; available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1548/. Accessed 10/17/2019
- Chengazi HU, Bhatt AA. Pathology of the carotid Space. Insights into imaging 2019; 10(1):21
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