Morton’s Neuroma
- Morton neuroma is a nonneoplastic thickening of the soft tissues around the digital nerve as it passes the intermetatarsal ligament of the metatarsal heads
- Most often occurs between the third and fourth toes
- May occur as a result of entrapment in the area of the transverse intermetatarsal ligament, or as the result of compression/repetitive microtrauma
- Typical symptom is sharp burning forefoot pain in the characteristic location
- MRI shows an interdigital mass at the plantar aspect between the involved metatarsal heads
- The mass is low or intermediate signal on T1 and T2, often with intense contrast enhancement
- Morton’s neuroma is nine times more common in females than males
- Fibroid in a prior surgical bed is nearly indistinguishable from a neuroma
- 10% of cases are bilateral
- Xu Z, Duan X, Yu X, Wang H, Dong X, Xiang Z. The accuracy of ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging for the diagnosis of Morton’s neuroma: a systematic review. Clin Radiol 2015: 70(4):351-358
- Zanetti M, Weishaupt D. MR imaging of the forefoot: Morton neuroma and differential diagnoses. Semin Musculoskel Radiol 2005; 9(3):175-186
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