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19 topics, 41 min.
Introduction to Gross Anatomy of the Brain
4 m.Frontal Lobar Anatomy
5 m.Sylvian Fissure
3 m.Middle Frontal Gyrus
2 m.Inferior Parietal Lobule
2 m.Central Sulcus of Rolando
3 m.Intraparietal Sulcus
2 m.Localizing the Intraparietal Lobule Part 2
2 m.Localizing the Intraparietal Lobule Part 3
2 m.Pars Marginalis
2 m.Parieto-occipital Sulcus
2 m.Pars Marginalis on Axial Imaging
3 m.Midline Sagittal Commissures
2 m.Basic Brainstem Anatomy
2 m.Midline Cerebellum (Vermis)
3 m.Midline Cisterns and Spaces
2 m.Midline Sagittal Blood Supplies
4 m.Midline Skeletal Anatomy
3 m.Miscellaneous Midline Structures
3 m.52 topics, 2 hr. 14 min.
The Olfactory Nerve – Cranial Nerve I
4 m.The Olfactory Bulb
5 m.The Olfactory Tracts
5 m.The Optic Nerve – Cranial Nerve II
3 m.The Globe and Optic Pathway
5 m.Chiasm & Retrochiasmatic Pathway
3 m.Destinations of Optic Nerve Signals
3 m.The Oculomotor Nerve – Cranial Nerve III
4 m.Oculomotor Nerve: Course, Adjacent Structures & Destination
4 m.Oculomotor Nerve: Nuclei and Intramedullary Course
3 m.Third Nerve Syndromes
5 m.The Trochlear Nerve - Cranial Nerve IV
3 m.Trochlear Nerve: Course and Pathologies
3 m.The Trigeminal Nerve – Cranial Nerve V
3 m.Trigeminal Nerve Synapses in the Brainstem
6 m.Nuclear Anatomy and Position of the Trigeminal System
4 m.Parasympathetic Ganglia Anatomy of the Head and Neck
2 m.MRI anatomy of the Submandibular Ganglion
4 m.MRI Anatomy of the Pterygopalatine Ganglion
3 m.Trigeminal Nerve - V1 Division
2 m.Trigeminal Nerve - V2 Division
2 m.Trigeminal Nerve - V3 Division
3 m.The Abducens Nerve – Cranial Nerve VI
3 m.Cranial Nerves 1-6: Review
3 m.Abducens Nerve Nucleus and Nerve
4 m.Identifying the Cisternal Abducens Nerve
3 m.The Facial Nerve: Nucleus and Intramedullary Course
3 m.The Facial Nerve – Cranial Nerve VII
2 m.Facial Nerve: Medullary, Cisternal, and Canalicular Segments
3 m.Seventh Nerve Segments on MRI
5 m.Facial Nerve: Motor, Sensory, and Parasympathetic Branches
2 m.Proximal Branches of the Facial Nerve
3 m.Distal Branches of the Facial Nerve
2 m.The Posterior Auricular Nerve
2 m.The Greater Petrosal Nerve
2 m.The Vestibulocochlear Nerve – Cranial Nerve VIII
4 m.Cranial Nerves 7 & 8: Cisternal Course at the CPA
2 m.Vestibulocochlear Nerve: Cochlea and Internal Auditory Canal
2 m.Glossopharyngeal Nerve – Cranial Nerve IX
2 m.Glossopharyngeal Nerve Course
2 m.Exit of the Glossopharyngeal Nerve
2 m.Nuclei of the Glossopharyngeal Nerve
3 m.Glossopharyngeal Nerve Summary
2 m.The Vagus Nerve – Cranial Nerve X
2 m.Nuclei of the Vagus Nerve
2 m.The Innervations of the Vagus Nerve
4 m.Function of Vagal Nuclei
3 m.Accessory Nerve – Cranial Nerve XI
2 m.Accessory Nerve Summary
3 m.The Hypoglossal Nerve – Cranial Nerve XII
3 m.The Descent of the Hypoglossal Nerve
2 m.The Real Origin of the Hypoglossal Nerve
2 m.0:00
Dr. P here talking to you about the second division of the
trigeminal nerve, also known as the maxillary nerve.
And here we've got maxillary,
and number two to delimit this nomenclature.
This nerve comes off the Gasserian or semilunar ganglion,
but runs in an anteroposterior direction through,
for you test-takers, the foramen rotundum,
which, by the way, runs parallel to the vidian canal,
although the maxillary nerve goes through the rotundum,
not the vidian canal.
Now, the main ganglion coming off this nerve which is the
most common nerve afflicted in tic douloureux
or trigeminal neuralgia,
whereas the ophthalmic is the least commonly affected.
The pterygopalatine ganglion is seen right here
coming off the maxillary. There's also supply,
sensory supply to the pterygopalatine nerve,
the zygomatic nerve, the infraorbital nerve,
the lacrimal communicating nerve,
zygomatic facial, and temporal nerves.
And we've already discussed the importance and role of
the pterygopalatine ganglion, which we said has both
sympathetic sensory and parasympathetic function.
Let's move on to the third division of the trigeminal nerve,
the mandibular division.
Dr. P out.
Interactive Transcript
Dr. P here talking to you about the second division of the
trigeminal nerve, also known as the maxillary nerve.
And here we've got maxillary,
and number two to delimit this nomenclature.
This nerve comes off the Gasserian or semilunar ganglion,
but runs in an anteroposterior direction through,
for you test-takers, the foramen rotundum,
which, by the way, runs parallel to the vidian canal,
although the maxillary nerve goes through the rotundum,
not the vidian canal.
Now, the main ganglion coming off this nerve which is the
most common nerve afflicted in tic douloureux
or trigeminal neuralgia,
whereas the ophthalmic is the least commonly affected.
The pterygopalatine ganglion is seen right here
coming off the maxillary. There's also supply,
sensory supply to the pterygopalatine nerve,
the zygomatic nerve, the infraorbital nerve,
the lacrimal communicating nerve,
zygomatic facial, and temporal nerves.
And we've already discussed the importance and role of
the pterygopalatine ganglion, which we said has both
sympathetic sensory and parasympathetic function.
Let's move on to the third division of the trigeminal nerve,
the mandibular division.
Dr. P out.
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
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