Browse Neuroradiology radiology CME and learn from the top Neuro radiologists in the world. View all Neuro radiology courses, watch bite-sized videos, and practice on Neuro cases with real-world DICOMs.
71 Videos
2 Hours 55 Minutes of Video
3 DICOM Case Files
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Introduction to Gross Anatomy of the Brain
3 m.
Frontal Lobar Anatomy
4 m.
Sylvian Fissure
2 m.
Middle Frontal Gyrus
1 m.
Inferior Parietal Lobule
1 m.
Central Sulcus of Rolando
2 m.
Intraparietal Sulcus
1 m.
Localizing the Intraparietal Lobule Part 2
1 m.
Localizing the Intraparietal Lobule Part 3
1 m.
Pars Marginalis
1 m.
Parieto-occipital Sulcus
1 m.
Pars Marginalis on Axial Imaging
2 m.
Midline Sagittal Commissures
1 m.
Basic Brainstem Anatomy
1 m.
Midline Cerebellum (Vermis)
2 m.
Midline Cisterns and Spaces
1 m.
Midline Sagittal Blood Supplies
3 m.
Midline Skeletal Anatomy
2 m.
Miscellaneous Midline Structures
2 m.
The Olfactory Nerve – Cranial Nerve I
3 m.
The Olfactory Bulb
4 m.
The Olfactory Tracts
4 m.
The Optic Nerve – Cranial Nerve II
2 m.
The Globe and Optic Pathway
4 m.
Chiasm & Retrochiasmatic Pathway
2 m.
Destinations of Optic Nerve Signals
2 m.
The Oculomotor Nerve – Cranial Nerve III
3 m.
Oculomotor Nerve: Course, Adjacent Structures & Destination
3 m.
Oculomotor Nerve: Nuclei and Intramedullary Course
2 m.
Third Nerve Syndromes
4 m.
The Trochlear Nerve - Cranial Nerve IV
2 m.
Trochlear Nerve: Course and Pathologies
2 m.
The Trigeminal Nerve – Cranial Nerve V
2 m.
Trigeminal Nerve Synapses in the Brainstem
5 m.
Nuclear Anatomy and Position of the Trigeminal System
3 m.
Parasympathetic Ganglia Anatomy of the Head and Neck
1 m.
MRI anatomy of the Submandibular Ganglion
3 m.
MRI Anatomy of the Pterygopalatine Ganglion
2 m.
Trigeminal Nerve - V1 Division
1 m.
Trigeminal Nerve - V2 Division
1 m.
Trigeminal Nerve - V3 Division
2 m.
The Abducens Nerve – Cranial Nerve VI
2 m.
Cranial Nerves 1-6: Review
2 m.
Abducens Nerve Nucleus and Nerve
3 m.
Identifying the Cisternal Abducens Nerve
2 m.
The Facial Nerve: Nucleus and Intramedullary Course
2 m.
The Facial Nerve – Cranial Nerve VII
1 m.
Facial Nerve: Medullary, Cisternal, and Canalicular Segments
2 m.
Seventh Nerve Segments on MRI
4 m.
Facial Nerve: Motor, Sensory, and Parasympathetic Branches
1 m.
Proximal Branches of the Facial Nerve
2 m.
Distal Branches of the Facial Nerve
1 m.
The Posterior Auricular Nerve
1 m.
The Greater Petrosal Nerve
1 m.
The Vestibulocochlear Nerve – Cranial Nerve VIII
3 m.
Cranial Nerves 7 & 8: Cisternal Course at the CPA
1 m.
Vestibulocochlear Nerve: Cochlea and Internal Auditory Canal
1 m.
Glossopharyngeal Nerve – Cranial Nerve IX
1 m.
Glossopharyngeal Nerve Course
1 m.
Exit of the Glossopharyngeal Nerve
1 m.
Nuclei of the Glossopharyngeal Nerve
2 m.
Glossopharyngeal Nerve Summary
1 m.
The Vagus Nerve – Cranial Nerve X
1 m.
Nuclei of the Vagus Nerve
1 m.
The Innervations of the Vagus Nerve
3 m.
Function of Vagal Nuclei
2 m.
Accessory Nerve – Cranial Nerve XI
1 m.
Accessory Nerve Summary
2 m.
The Hypoglossal Nerve – Cranial Nerve XII
2 m.
The Descent of the Hypoglossal Nerve
1 m.
The Real Origin of the Hypoglossal Nerve
1 m.
3.75 CME
50 Videos
3 Hours 44 Minutes of Video
35 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Watch this case review for free!
4 m.
Watch this case review for free - 2!
2 m.
Introduction to Head Trauma
<1 m.
Introduction to Traumatic Brain Injury
1 m.
Mechanism of Coup and Contrecoup Injuries
4 m.
Trauma Imaging Techniques
4 m.
CT Search Pattern
7 m.
Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage
4 m.
Contusion vs. Hematoma
3 m.
Coup-Contrecoup Findings
5 m.
Cerebellar Hematoma with Tonsillar Hernia
2 m.
Intraventricular Hemorrhage
4 m.
Parenchymal and Subdural Hematoma
4 m.
Retroclival Subdural Hematoma
2 m.
Acute on Chronic Subdural Hematoma
2 m.
Midline Shift
3 m.
Recurrent Subdural Hematoma
3 m.
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
4 m.
Follow-up Imaging of Brain Trauma
5 m.
Venous Epidural Hematoma
2 m.
Venous Sinus vs. Arterial Epidural Hematomas
6 m.
Evolution of Epidural and Subdural Hematomas
3 m.
Diffuse Axonal Injury
8 m.
Lucid Interval in Epidural Hematomas
2 m.
Brainstem Hemorrhage
7 m.
Pediatric Skull Fractures
6 m.
Neurosurgical Intervention of IPH
5 m.
Posterior Fossa Hematoma
4 m.
Neurosurgical Intervention of Posterior Fossa Bleeding
3 m.
Surgical Indications of Skull Fractures
3 m.
Depressed Skull Fracture
2 m.
Extra-Axial Bleeding Overview
9 m.
Non-accidental Trauma, Retinal Hemorrhage
7 m.
Non-Accidental Trauma, Neurotransmitter Leak
4 m.
Pathophysiology of Shearing Injuries
4 m.
CT Features of Child Abuse
1 m.
Secondary Traumatic Injuries
1 m.
Traumatic Intracranial Dissection
4 m.
Vertebral Artery Dissection, Pseudoaneurysm
5 m.
Arteriographic Evaluation of Dissection
3 m.
Traumatic Dissection of the MCA
3 m.
Overview of Brain Herniation Types
4 m.
Mechanisms of Brain Herniations
8 m.
Herniation resulting in Infarction
8 m.
Acute Hemorrhage on MRI
5 m.
Subacute Hematoma on MRI
6 m.
Chronic Hematoma on MRI
7 m.
Hyperacute Hematoma on MRI
1 m.
CT of Blood
2 m.
Brain Trauma Summary
2 m.
4.25 CME
73 Videos
4 Hours 21 Minutes of Video
27 DICOM Case Files
Asim F Choudhri, MD
Chief, Pediatric Neuroradiology
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Rajan Jain, MD
Professor of Radiology and Neurosurgery
New York University Grossman School of Medicine
Soonmee Cha, MD
Program Director, Vice Chair of Education
University of California San Francisco Medical Center
Introduction to Brain Tumor Imaging
<1 m.
Case: Assessing Lesion Position
3 m.
Intra-Axial vs. Extra-Axial Lesions
2 m.
Case: Typical Locations of Meningiomas
2 m.
Case: Defining Meningioma
1 m.
Case: Meningioma Appearance on MRI
5 m.
Case: Meningioma Enhancement
2 m.
Case: Meningioma vs. Schwannoma
4 m.
Case: Meningiomas in the Posterior Fossa
4 m.
Case: Planum Sphenoidale Meningioma with Orbital Apex Extension
3 m.
Case: Suprasellar Meningioma
6 m.
Case: Optic Nerve Meningioma
5 m.
Case: Vascular Encasement of Meningioma With Absent Vasogenic Edema
2 m.
Case: Parafalcine Meningioma
5 m.
Case: Meningiomatosis
4 m.
Case: Solitary Fibrous Tumor
5 m.
Case: Hemangioblastoma and Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome
6 m.
Case: Recurrent Hemangioblastoma
3 m.
Case: Spinal Hemangioblastoma
3 m.
Case: VHL Renal Lesions
5 m.
Case: Endolymphatic Sac Tumor
2 m.
Case: Central Neurocytoma
5 m.
Case: Lhermitte-Duclos Disease/Dysplastic Cerebellar Gangliocytoma
5 m.
Case: Epidermoid Cyst
3 m.
Case: Rhabdomyosarcoma
4 m.
Introduction to Glioma Imaging
<1 m.
Introduction to the 2021 WHO CNS Tumor Classification
4 m.
Neuroimaging Techniques For CNS Tumors
12 m.
Pediatric Brain Tumors Based on Molecular Genetics: Medulloblastomas
1 m.
Pediatric Brain Tumors Based on Molecular Genetics: Ependymomas
5 m.
Pediatric Brain Tumors Based on Molecular Genetics: Diffuse Midline Gliomas
4 m.
Adult Brain Tumors Based on Molecular Genetics: Solitary Fibrous Tumors and Hemangiopericytoma
1 m.
Adult Brain Tumors Based on Molecular Genetics: Circumscribed Gliomas
1 m.
Adult Brain Tumors Based on Molecular Genetics: Glioblastomas
2 m.
Adult Brain Tumors Based on Molecular Genetics: Diffuse Gliomas
8 m.
IDH-Wildtype Gliomas
7 m.
Case: Primary IDH-Wildtype Glioma
2 m.
Case: IDH-Wildtype Glioma
5 m.
Case: IDH-Wildtype Gliobastoma with Epedymal Extension
6 m.
IDH-Mutant Gliomas
8 m.
Case: IDH-Mutant Astrocytoma, FLAIR Mismatch, Grade 2
4 m.
Case: IDH-Mutant Astrocytoma, Grade 2
2 m.
Case: IDH-Mutant Oligodendroglioma, Grade 2
1 m.
Case: Oligodendroglioma, Grade 3
2 m.
Case: CNS Lymphoma
3 m.
H3 and BRAF Gliomas
8 m.
Case: H3K27M Midline Glioma, Grade 4
2 m.
Case: H3K27 Glioma
2 m.
Case: BRAF V600E Tumor
4 m.
T2 FLAIR Mismatch Sign of IDH-Mutant Astrocytomas
7 m.
Case: T2 FLAIR Mismatch Sign, Astrocytoma – 31 y/o Female
1 m.
Case: T2 FLAIR Mismatch Sign, Astrocytoma – 28 y/o Male
1 m.
Case: IDH Mutant Astrocytoma, No Mismatch Sign
1 m.
Approach to Intra-Axial Tumors: Tumor Mimics, Non-Neoplastic Lesions
11 m.
Final Pearls, Pediatric Non-Gliomas
4 m.
1 m.
Case: Typical Medulloblastoma
1 m.
Case: WNT-activated Medulloblastoma
<1 m.
Case: SHH-activated Medulloblastoma
1 m.
Case: Ependymoma
1 m.
Case: Posterior Fossa Ependymoma Type B
1 m.
Case: Pilocytic Astrocytoma
1 m.
Case: Solid Pilocytic Astrocytoma With No Discernible Cyctic Component
2 m.
Case: Pilocytic Astrocytoma Within the Fourth Ventricle
1 m.
Case: H3K27M Diffuse Midline Glioma With a DIPG Pattern, Grade 4
2 m.
Case: Diffuse Midline Glioma With a DIPG Pattern
1 m.
Case: Pilocytic Astrocytoma Masked as DIPG
1 m.
Case: Embryonal Tumor With Multilayered Rosettes
1 m.
Case: Diffuse Midline Glioma With a Bi-thalamic Pattern
1 m.
Case: Pilocytic Astrocytoma Arising From the Thalamus
1 m.
Case: Diffuse Astrocytoma
<1 m.
Case: Diffuse Astrocytoma With Apparent Discrete Margins
1 m.
Case: Diffuse Astrocytoma With Gliomatosis Cerebri Pattern of Spread
1 m.
2.5 CME
13 DICOM Case Files
10 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 76-year-old female presents with history of brain tumor
Case 2 - 48-year-old male presents with history of brain tumor
Case 3 - 80-year-old female presents with history of left leg numbness
Case 4 - 29-year-old male presents with history of adenoid cystic carcinoma
Case 5 - 50-year-old female presents with known meningioma
Case 6 - 39-year-old female presents with history of brain disorders
Case 7 - 2-year-old male presents with history of altered mental status and seizure
Case 8 - 30-year-old female presents with history of multiple surgeries to remove tumor
Case 9 - 28-year-old male presents with headaches, nausea and vomiting
Case 10 - 58-year-old male case is a followup for supratentorial tumor
0.75 CME
16 Videos
48 Minutes of Video
13 DICOM Case Files
Suresh K Mukherji, MD, FACR, MBA
Clinical Professor, University of Illinois & Rutgers University. Faculty, Michigan State University. Director Head & Neck Radiology, ProScan Imaging
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2 m.
Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA) Anatomy
6 m.
Inner Ear Anatomy
2 m.
Facial Nerve Schwannoma
2 m.
Arachnoid Cyst
1 m.
Arachnoid Cyst vs Epidermoid Cyst
2 m.
Epidermoid Cyst on DWI
1 m.
Epidermoid Cyst – Internal Characteristics
3 m.
Vestibular Schwannoma
3 m.
Schwannoma Classic
2 m.
Vestibular Schwannoma vs Meningioma
1 m.
Bilateral Vestibular Schwannoma
3 m.
2 m.
Meningioma Involving the Meckel’s Cave
4 m.
Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma (JPA)
2 m.
Leptomeningeal Metastases
3 m.
3.5 CME
63 Videos
3 Hours 34 Minutes of Video
17 DICOM Case Files
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Introduction to Neurodegenerative Diseases
2 m.
Huntington’s Disease
2 m.
Types of Movement Disorder
3 m.
Extrapyramidal Anatomy
3 m.
Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of the corpus striatum 1
3 m.
Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology of the corpus striatum 2
3 m.
Huntington’s Chorea Case Review
4 m.
Measurements and Ratios in Huntington’s Chorea
2 m.
Epidemiology of Huntington's disease
4 m.
Clinical Implications Part 2
3 m.
Genetic Choreas
3 m.
Imaging Differentiators in Genetic Choreas
2 m.
Sydenham’s Chorea
3 m.
Immunologic Causes of Chorea
2 m.
Infectious Causes of Chorea
2 m.
Drug Induced Choreas
2 m.
Vascular Choreas
2 m.
Neoplastic Disorder Choreas
1 m.
Metabolic Causes of Chorea Part 1
1 m.
Metabolic Causes of Chorea Part 2
2 m.
MR Spectroscopy in Huntington's Chorea
2 m.
Huntington’s Chorea on PET
2 m.
Putaminal Necrosis
2 m.
Leigh’s Disease
2 m.
Brain Iron in Parkinson’s Disease
2 m.
The Swallow Tail Sign
2 m.
Parkinson’s Disease Imaging Options
2 m.
Classic Parkinson's Disease Imaging Features
2 m.
Parkinsonian Syndromes: Lewy Body Dementia (LBD)
4 m.
Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
2 m.
Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
3 m.
Lipoid Proteinosis or Urbach-Wiethe Disease
2 m.
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) vs Lewy Body Dementia (LBD)
4 m.
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)
5 m.
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) vs Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD)
3 m.
Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)
2 m.
Midbrain Anatomy: PSP
2 m.
Bilateral Corpus Striatum Caudoputamen Hyperintensity Differential Diagnosis
5 m.
5 m.
Bilateral Corpus Striatum Caudoputamen Hyperintensity: Wilson’s Disease
4 m.
Wilson’s Disease: Panda Sign
2 m.
MSA Subtypes: MSA-C
4 m.
Parkinsonian Syndromes: MSA-P
5 m.
Cerebellopontine Atrophy Differential in Older Population
6 m.
GCA Scale for Assessing Neurodegenerative Disease
2 m.
Medial Temporal Lobe Scale
2 m.
Fazekas Scale
2 m.
Koedam Parietal Atrophy Scale
3 m.
Mild Cognitive Impairment Syndrome
7 m.
Differential Diagnosis of Cognitive Decline
4 m.
Alzheimer's Disease: Part 1
2 m.
Alzheimer's Disease: Part 2
3 m.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: Part 1
2 m.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: Part 2
4 m.
Subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy
4 m.
Using Fiber Tracking in Neurodegenerative Disease Cases
1 m.
Vascular Dementia Differential Diagnosis: Part 1
4 m.
Vascular Dementia Differential Diagnosis: Part 2
5 m.
Dementia of Unknown Type
3 m.
Pick's Disease
3 m.
Pick’s Disease Subtypes
2 m.
The Role of PET in Pick's disease
2 m.
Differential Diagnosis of Parkinsonian Symptoms
5 m.
29 Videos
2 Hours 1 Minute of Video
36 DICOM Case Files
Suzie Bash, MD
Medical Director of Neuroradiology
San Fernando Valley Interventional Radiology & Imaging (SFI), RadNet
Watch this case review for free!
4 m.
Dementia Introduction
2 m.
CT vs MRI Imaging of Dementia
1 m.
Quantitative Volumetric Imaging of Dementia
4 m.
PET Imaging of Dementia (FDG, Amyloid, Tau)
2 m.
Alzheimer’s Disease Overview
9 m.
Dementia Imaging Case Review Introduction
1 m.
Alzheimer's Disease plus Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy (CAA)
7 m.
Alzheimer’s Disease in 86 yo with Memory Loss
7 m.
Alzheimer’s Disease in 73 yo with Memory Loss
2 m.
Alzheimer’s Disease in 72 yo with Memory Loss
5 m.
Vascular Dementia in 81 yo with Sudden Onset Memory Loss
3 m.
Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer's, and Amyloid Angiopathy
5 m.
Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) in 73 yo
9 m.
Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) in 74 yo patient
4 m.
Logopenic Progressive Aphasia (LPA) in 55 yo
<1 m.
Logopenic Progressive Aphasia (LPA) in 48 yo
<1 m.
Traumatic Brain Injury and Encephalopathy
4 m.
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy with Inflammation (CAARI)
2 m.
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) with Alzheimer's Disease
9 m.
Overview of Approved DMT for Alzheimer's Disease
1 m.
3 m.
1 m.
<1 m.
Amyloid Related Imaging Abnormalities (ARIA)
6 m.
ARIA Case Review
4 m.
ARIA Mimics and Pitfalls
4 m.
ARIA's Impact on Imaging Facilities
8 m.
Dementia Summary
<1 m.
0.75 CME
21 Videos
50 Minutes of Video
Jeffrey Scott Pannell, MD
Director of Neurointerventional Surgery
University of California San Diego
Overview of CSF Flow
1 m.
Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension
5 m.
Types of Spinal CSF Leaks
2 m.
CSF Leak Categorization
2 m.
CSF Leak and Venous Fistula Localization
3 m.
Ultra-Fast Pressure Neutral CT Myelography
1 m.
Case Review: 32 yr old with postural headaches
3 m.
Pressure Augmented CT Myelography
2 m.
Case Review: 54 yr old and 81 yr old with postural headaches
1 m.
Contrast Enhanced MRI Myelography
1 m.
Case Review: 64 yr old & 38 yr old with postural headaches
1 m.
Digital Subtraction Myelography
1 m.
Case Review: 16 yr old and 74 yr old with postural headaches
3 m.
Obstructive Hydrocephalus Overview
2 m.
Case Review: 59 yr old with gait disturbance and cognitive issues
2 m.
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
4 m.
Case Review: 82 yr old with progressive gait disturbance and memory loss
1 m.
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and Venous Sinus Obstruction
2 m.
Case Review: 46 yr old with headaches and papilledema
3 m.
Chiari Malformations
1 m.
Case Review: 29 yr old with severe headaches triggered by coughing and sneezing
1 m.
Suggested Reading
6.25 CME
25 DICOM Case Files
25 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 68-year-old male presents with new onset of impaired cognition
Case 2 - 63-year-old male presents with headache, memory loss, ataxia
Case 3 - 59-year-old female presents with symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions and awareness
Case 4 - 53-year-old female presents with cognitive decline with sleep inversion
Case 5 - 66-year-old male presents with decreased fine motor skills
Case 6 - 2-year-old male presents with developmental delay
Case 7 - 63-year-old male presents with headaches
Case 8 - 29-year-old female presents with several syncopal episodes
Case 9 - 15-year-old female presents with blurred vision for two weeks
Case 10 - 10-year-old female presents with sudden onset disconjugate gaze
Case 11 - 50-year-old male presents with dizziness, diplopia
Case 12 - 59-year-old female presents with hyperreflexia
Case 13 - 52-year-old female presents with olivopontocerebellar atrophy
Case 14 - 64-year-old female presents with memory loss
Case 15 - 65-year-old male presents with abnormal gait
Case 16 - 66-year-old male presents with history of Parkinson's disease
Case 17 - 76-year-old male presents with Parkinson's disease
Case 18 - 62-year-old female referred for MRI subsequent to being unable to hold still
Case 19 - 74-year-old male presents with gait disturbance, dementia
Case 20 - 52-year-old male presents with history of multiple sclerosis
Case 21 - 68-year-old male presents with history of a fall one year prior with brain trauma
Case 22 - 92-year-old female is to be evaluated for cerebral degeneration
Case 23 - 58-year-old female presents with speech disturbance
Case 24 - 51-year-old female presents with numbness and weakness in legs and arms
Case 25 - 64-year-old male presents with possibility of ALS
47 Videos
4 Hours 2 Minutes of Video
30 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Demyelinating Disease
<1 m.
Imaging Techniques For Demyelinating Disorders
10 m.
Research Pulsing Sequences
6 m.
The Anatomy of Demyelinating Disease
6 m.
ADC Positive Multiple Sclerosis
15 m.
ADC Negative Multiple Sclerosis
9 m.
Non-enhancing Multiple Sclerosis
5 m.
ADC Positive Multiple Sclerosis, Optic Neuritis
6 m.
Criteria for Diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis
6 m.
MS Plaques
8 m.
Expanded Disability Status Scale
3 m.
Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesion Summary
3 m.
Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesion Vs. Astrocytoma
2 m.
Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesion
2 m.
Clinically Isolated Syndrome
6 m.
Optic Neuritis as an Early Sign of Multiple Sclerosis
5 m.
Optic Neuritis Review
6 m.
Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder – Summary
7 m.
Monophasic Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
4 m.
Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
6 m.
ADEM Summary
4 m.
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
2 m.
Suspected Infarct, ADEM
3 m.
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy Summary
3 m.
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy
2 m.
PML in Autoimmune Deficient Patient
6 m.
Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome
3 m.
COVID Leukoencephalopathy
2 m.
Osmotic Demyelination
3 m.
Osmotic Demyelination Summary
5 m.
Focal Splenium Demyelination
3 m.
Splenium Demyelination Due to Anti-epileptic Drug Withdrawal
3 m.
Splenium Demyelination Summary
4 m.
Vascular Etiologies of White Matter Lesion
11 m.
3 m.
CADASIL, Hypertensive Hemorrhage
3 m.
Binswanger Disease
4 m.
Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Summary
6 m.
PRES, Patient on Cancer Medication
3 m.
Resolved PRES
1 m.
Dysmyelinating Disease Summary
11 m.
Metachromatic Leukodystrophy
3 m.
Canavan's Disease vs. Alexander Disease
2 m.
2 m.
Leukoencephalopathy with Cysts and Calcification
3 m.
Idiopathic Acquired Transverse Myelitis
5 m.
Demyelination – Take Home Messages
5 m.
36 Videos
2 Hours 59 Minutes of Video
23 DICOM Case Files
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
6 m.
Pituitary Gland Imaging Protocol
4 m.
Sagittal and Coronal Pituitary Anatomy on MRI
2 m.
Sagittal Anatomy on MRI Part 2
3 m.
Coronal Anatomy on MRI
6 m.
Pituitary Endocrinology
2 m.
Anatomical Variants
3 m.
Pituitary Stalk Anatomy
3 m.
Pituitary Signal Variations
3 m.
Question Based Reporting
2 m.
Assessing the Pituitary Tuft
2 m.
Using the Pituitary Tuft to Make the Call
2 m.
Pars Intermedia Cyst
2 m.
Ectopic Neurohypophysis
3 m.
Kissing Carotids
4 m.
Pituitary Adenoma with Cavernous Sinus Involvement
6 m.
Rathke Cleft Cyst
5 m.
Pituitary Macroadenoma
10 m.
Pituitary Hyperplasia
5 m.
Pituitary Macroadenoma
4 m.
Surgical Approaches to Suprasellar Masses
9 m.
Suprasellar Masses Differential Diagnosis
3 m.
Suprasellar Mass Signal Characteristics
3 m.
Pituitary Macroadenoma
10 m.
Adamantinomatous Craniopharyngiomas
2 m.
Adamantinomatous Craniopharyngiomas: Surgical Approach
7 m.
2 m.
Suprasellar Meningioma
5 m.
Suprasellar Meningioma
5 m.
Pars Intermedia Cyst
3 m.
6 m.
Suprasellar Enhancing Mass: Germinoma
5 m.
Papillary Craniopharyngioma
6 m.
Pituitary Apoplexy
6 m.
Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension (SIH)
5 m.
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (Pseudotumor Cerebri)
6 m.
3.5 CME
14 DICOM Case Files
14 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 76-year-old male presents with hemianopia and mass
Case 2 - 21-year-old male presents with visual field defect
Case 3 - 42-year-old male presents with moderate to severe headaches
Case 4 - 53-year-old female presents with Rathke's cleft cyst
Case 5 - 46-year-old female presents with papilledema
Case 6 - 78-year-old female presents with headaches and pituitary lesion
Case 7 - 64-year-old female presents with severe intermittent left-sided headaches
Case 8 - 63-year-old female presents with right retroorbital pain, paresthesia
Case 9 - 13-year-old male presents with blurred vision
Case 10 - 63-year-old male presents with dizziness for four weeks
Case 11 - 54-year-old male with history of resected pituitary cyst
Case 12 - 38-year-old male presents with peripheral vision loss
Case 13 - 61-year-old female presents with memory loss
Case 14 - 63-year-old male presents with benign neoplasm of pituitary gland
44 Videos
2 Hours 55 Minutes of Video
34 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Watch this case review for free!
4 m.
Introduction to Spinal Cord Anatomy and Lesion Localization
7 m.
MRI Pulse Sequences for Spine Imaging
5 m.
Applying VITAMIN C&D to the Spine
<1 m.
2 m.
Spondylomyelopathy from OPLL
3 m.
Spondylomyelopathy Causing Cord Atrophy
1 m.
Neoplasms of the Intradural Intramedullary Space
<1 m.
Ependymoma Associated with NF2
3 m.
1 m.
Myxopapillary Ependymoma
1 m.
Cervical Spinal Cord Astrocytoma
3 m.
Cervical Spinal Cord Glioblastoma
3 m.
Hemangioblastoma of the Spinal Cord
3 m.
Hemangioblastoma at the Conus Medullaris
3 m.
Neurologic Manifestations of Von Hippel Lindau Disease
3 m.
Additional Spinal Canal Manifestations of VHL
2 m.
Cervical Spinal Cord Ganglioglioma
2 m.
Rare Case of a Spinal Cord Lipoma
2 m.
Summary of Intradural Intramedullary Neoplasms
11 m.
Multiple Sclerosis of the Spinal Cord
3 m.
Idiopathic Acquired Transverse Myelitis
3 m.
Vacuolar Myelopathy
2 m.
Summary of Demyelinating Disorders in the Spine
7 m.
Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis of the Spinal Cord
3 m.
Summary of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis
1 m.
Chiari 1 with Syringohydromyelia
4 m.
Summary of congenital lesions of the spinal cord
10 m.
Spinal Cord Infectious and Inflammatory Disorders
5 m.
Cysticercosis of the Spinal Cord
3 m.
Sarcoidosis of the Spinal Cord
4 m.
Hemorrhage within the Spinal Cord
3 m.
Hematomyelia and Spinal Cord Cavernomas
6 m.
Cavernoma of the Spinal Cord
2 m.
Dural Arteriovenous Fistula
4 m.
Type II Dural AVF and its Potential Consequences
4 m.
Intramedullary AVM in the setting of Type II Dural AVF
1 m.
Assessing Vascular Malformations on MRA
4 m.
Common Causes and Imaging of Spinal Cord Ischemia/Infarction
7 m.
Spinal Cord Infarct
4 m.
Acquired Metabolic Disorders of the Spinal Cord
3 m.
Subacute Combined Degeneration from Copper Deficiency
3 m.
Spinocerebellar Ataxia
3 m.
Intradural Intramedullary Lesions - Conclusion
6 m.
2.25 CME
42 Videos
2 Hours 16 Minutes of Video
27 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Intradural Extramedullary Lesions
3 m.
Standard MRI Pulse Sequences for Evaluating Spinal Lesions
2 m.
Cystic Lumbar Schwanoma
3 m.
Lumbar Spine Solid Schwanoma vs. Meningioma
2 m.
Cervical Spine Plexiform Neurofibroma in a Patient with NF1
5 m.
Intradural Extramedullary Lesion Differential Diagosis
2 m.
Nerve Sheath Tumors of the Spine
4 m.
Neurofibromatosis Type 2
3 m.
Neurofibromatosis Type 1
3 m.
Spinal Meningiomas
4 m.
Thoracic Spine Meningioma
3 m.
Calcified Meningioma
2 m.
Cervical Spine Meningioma
3 m.
Cervical Spine Meningioma, Atypical Location
3 m.
Spinal Hemangioblastomas
2 m.
Multiple Hemangioblastomas, Von Hippel Lindau
4 m.
Myxopapillary Ependymoma
3 m.
Spinal Paraganglioma
1 m.
Differential Diagosis of Intradural Metastasis
9 m.
Subarachnoid Seeding from Medulloblastoma
3 m.
Subarachoid Seeding in a Breast Cancer Patient
2 m.
Spinal Lymphoma
1 m.
Congenital and Developmental IDEM Cysts
7 m.
Neurenteric Cysts
3 m.
Transdural Herniation of the Spinal Cord
2 m.
Spinal Arachoid Cyst
2 m.
Prominent Transdural Herniation of the Spinal Cord
1 m.
Fat Containing Spine Lesions
3 m.
Lumbar Spine Lipoma
1 m.
Pediatric Lumbar Lipoma and a Congenital Malformation
2 m.
Lipoma vs. Fatty Infiltration of the Filum
2 m.
Congenital Dural Ectasia
2 m.
Dural Ectasia
1 m.
Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Type 1
3 m.
Dural AVF vs. Normal Variation
4 m.
Review of Dural AVF Types II, III, and IV
2 m.
IDEM Infectious and Inflammatory Abormalities
5 m.
Guillian Barre Syndrome
2 m.
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy
2 m.
CIDP Causing Cauda Equina Syndrome
2 m.
CIDP Causing Brachial Plexopathy
2 m.
Indradural Extramedullary Processes - Conclusion
1 m.
1.75 CME
34 Videos
1 Hour 48 Minutes of Video
18 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Extradural Spine Lesions
6 m.
Degenerative Spondylomyelopathy
2 m.
Traumatic Lesions of the Spine
5 m.
Subdural Hematoma of the Spine
1 m.
Epidural Hematoma of the Spine
1 m.
Post-operative Hematoma
3 m.
Discitis-Osteomyelitis of the Spine
4 m.
Discitis-Osteomyelitis with Epidural Phlegmon/Abscess
3 m.
Tuberculous Spondylitis
4 m.
Discitis-Osteomyelitis with Prevertebral Abscess
1 m.
Discitis Osteomyelitis with Anterior Epidural Phlegmon
2 m.
Epidural Abscess from Facet Joint Infectious Synovitis
3 m.
Paraspinal Abscess with Epidural Extension
2 m.
Summary of Extradural Neoplasms
3 m.
Lumbar Spine Schwannoma Extending into the Neural Foramen
1 m.
Primary Osseous Extradural Neoplasms
7 m.
Osteochondroma of the Spine
2 m.
Extradural Metastatic Disease
3 m.
Chondrosarcoma of the Spine
3 m.
Metastatic Disease vs. Multiple Myeloma
2 m.
Malignant versus Benign Compression Fractures
6 m.
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis of the Epidural Space
2 m.
Paraspinal Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
1 m.
Multifocal Epidural Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
3 m.
Epidural Lipomatosis
2 m.
Extradural Congenital Lesions
5 m.
Epidermoid Cyst of the Thoracic Spine
2 m.
Spinal Congenital Anomalies: Myelomeningoceles
5 m.
Cervicothoracic Myelomeningocele
2 m.
Recurrent Myelomeningocele and Cord Tethering After Repair
1 m.
2 m.
2 m.
Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy
2 m.
Extradural Processes – Conclusion
2 m.
3.25 CME
37 Videos
3 Hours 21 Minutes of Video
26 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Watch this case review for free!
3 m.
Introduction to Degenerative Spine Disease
5 m.
MRI Pulse Sequences for Degenerative Spine Disease
6 m.
Anatomy of an Intervertebral Disc
3 m.
Pulse Sequences For Lumbar Spine Imaging
9 m.
Nomenclature of Intervertebral Disc Disease
11 m.
Disc Protrusions vs. Extrusions
7 m.
Disc Sequestration
7 m.
Reporting of Lumbar Spine Degenerative Changes
13 m.
Case of Lumbar Spine Degenerative Disc Disease
10 m.
Case of Disc Protrusion
4 m.
Appropriate Reporting of Spine Degenerative Changes
6 m.
Describing Disc Protrusion Location and Important Features
3 m.
Analyzing a Disc Extrusion
2 m.
Foraminal/Far-Lateral Disc Herniation
4 m.
Cervical Spine Disc Extrusion
7 m.
Annular Fissure
2 m.
Contained vs. Uncontained Disc Herniation
6 m.
Terminology for Herniation Location
3 m.
Modic Classification of Degenerative Marrow Changes
8 m.
Modic Type 1 Endplate Changes
2 m.
Identifying an Annular Fissure
2 m.
Modic Type II Endplate Changes
3 m.
Differentiate Postoperative Scar vs. Recurrent Herniation
7 m.
Identify Common Causes of Spinal Canal Stenosis
6 m.
Grading and Common Causes of Spondylolisthesis
6 m.
Spondylolisthesis Secondary to Spondylolysis
2 m.
Synovial Cyst
3 m.
Clinical Importance of Posteriorly Projecting Synovial Cyst
2 m.
Common Causes of Acquired Stenosis
5 m.
Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament (OPLL)
5 m.
Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (DISH)
2 m.
Role of CT for the Identification of OPLL
4 m.
Association of OPLL and OLF
2 m.
Evaluation of Uncovertebral Joints
1 m.
Uncovertebral Degenerative Disease and Foraminal Narrowing
3 m.
Other Causes of Low Back Pain and Spinal Canal Stenosis
7 m.
4.25 CME
30 Videos
4 Hours 16 Minutes of Video
29 DICOM Case Files
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Ankylosing Spondylitis
8 m.
Devic's Disease (Neuromyelitis Optica)
16 m.
Pseudorheumatoid Arthritis
5 m.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Tarda
5 m.
Spinal Tuberculosis
10 m.
Post Surgical Spinal Abscess
14 m.
Post Surgical Dural Leak
11 m.
Spinal Dural AVF
14 m.
Spinal Dural AVF: Case 2
12 m.
Spinal Cavernoma
10 m.
Spinal Dural AVF - Postoperative Complications
7 m.
Spinal Dural AVF: case 3
7 m.
Lumbar Spine Instrumentation
10 m.
Postsurgical extradural Seroma/Hematoma
7 m.
Failed Back Surgery
6 m.
Post Operative Dural Tear and Leak.
3 m.
Cervical Radiculopathy and Neck Pain
9 m.
Postoperative Arachnoiditis
9 m.
Loculated Arachnoiditis
5 m.
Synovial Cyst
8 m.
3 m.
Epidural Lipomatosis
6 m.
Counting the level
6 m.
Wrong level surgery.
6 m.
Postoperative Osteomyelitis
5 m.
Postoperative Cervecalgia
7 m.
Postoperative Mycobacterium abscessus
8 m.
Immediate postoperative pain
7 m.
Over vigorous decompression of cervico cranial junction.
5 m.
Recurrent Disc Prolapse
9 m.
0.75 CME
21 Videos
50 Minutes of Video
Jeffrey Scott Pannell, MD
Director of Neurointerventional Surgery
University of California San Diego
Overview of CSF Flow
1 m.
Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension
5 m.
Types of Spinal CSF Leaks
2 m.
CSF Leak Categorization
2 m.
CSF Leak and Venous Fistula Localization
3 m.
Ultra-Fast Pressure Neutral CT Myelography
1 m.
Case Review: 32 yr old with postural headaches
3 m.
Pressure Augmented CT Myelography
2 m.
Case Review: 54 yr old and 81 yr old with postural headaches
1 m.
Contrast Enhanced MRI Myelography
1 m.
Case Review: 64 yr old & 38 yr old with postural headaches
1 m.
Digital Subtraction Myelography
1 m.
Case Review: 16 yr old and 74 yr old with postural headaches
3 m.
Obstructive Hydrocephalus Overview
2 m.
Case Review: 59 yr old with gait disturbance and cognitive issues
2 m.
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
4 m.
Case Review: 82 yr old with progressive gait disturbance and memory loss
1 m.
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and Venous Sinus Obstruction
2 m.
Case Review: 46 yr old with headaches and papilledema
3 m.
Chiari Malformations
1 m.
Case Review: 29 yr old with severe headaches triggered by coughing and sneezing
1 m.
Suggested Reading
34 Quiz Questions
Suresh K Mukherji, MD, FACR, MBA
Clinical Professor, University of Illinois & Rutgers University. Faculty, Michigan State University. Director Head & Neck Radiology, ProScan Imaging
Course Instructions
Orbits Anatomy 1
Orbits Anatomy 2
Orbits Anatomy 3
Orbits Anatomy 4
Orbits Anatomy 5
Oral Cavity Anatomy 1
Oral Cavity Anatomy 2
Skull Base Anatomy 1
Skull Base Anatomy 2
Skull Base Anatomy 3
IAC Anatomy 1
IAC Anatomy 2
IAC Anatomy 3
IAC Anatomy 4
Larynx Anatomy 1
Larynx Anatomy 2
Larynx Anatomy 3
Larynx Anatomy 4
Larynx Anatomy 5
HN Oncology Anatomy 1
HN Oncology Anatomy 2
HN Oncology Anatomy 3
HN Oncology Anatomy 4
Sinonasal Cavity Anatomy 1
Sinonasal Cavity Anatomy 2
Sinonasal Cavity Anatomy 3
Spaces Anatomy 1
Spaces Anatomy 2
Spaces Anatomy 3
Salivary Glands Anatomy 1
Salivary Glands Anatomy 2
Salivary Glands Anatomy 3
Salivary Glands Anatomy 4
Salivary Glands Anatomy 5
4.25 CME
75 Videos
4 Hours 21 Minutes of Video
40 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Imaging of the Orbits
1 m.
Orbit Protocols for CT
2 m.
Orbit Protocols on MRI
5 m.
Imaging Artifacts in MRI and CT
<1 m.
Anterior Globe Anatomy
3 m.
Membranes of the Orbit
2 m.
Anatomic Considerations: Orbital Spaces
1 m.
The Conal Space
1 m.
Extraconal Space
<1 m.
Orbital Boundaries
1 m.
Lacrimal System Anatomy
1 m.
Orbit Anatomy on CT
3 m.
Axial Anatomy on MRI
2 m.
Coronal Anatomy on MRI
1 m.
Anterior Globe Rupture with Laterally Dislocated Cataract
3 m.
Foreign Body in Globe
3 m.
Wood Foreign Body and Ocular Hypotony
1 m.
Hemmorhage in Both Chambers, Open Globe
2 m.
3 m.
Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous (PHPV)
4 m.
Retinal Detachment
2 m.
Retinoblastoma on CT
3 m.
Retinoblastoma on MRI
8 m.
Bilateral Retinoblastoma
6 m.
Ocular Pathology - Review
10 m.
2 m.
PHPV Review, Coloboma, and Staphyloma
4 m.
Phthisis Bulbi, Macrophthalmia, and Microphthalmia
3 m.
Ocular Calcification
3 m.
Retinoblastoma - Review
4 m.
Choroidal Melanoma
2 m.
Intraconal, Conal and Extraconal Anatomy
<1 m.
Intraconal Hemangioma
4 m.
Venous Vascular Malformation
2 m.
Optic Nerve Glioma, NF1
3 m.
Optic pathway glioma (pilocytic astrocytoma)
3 m.
Optic Neuritis, Multiple Sclerosis
5 m.
Optic Neuritis, Multiple Sclerosis (2)
6 m.
Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
4 m.
Neuromyelitis Optica With Spinal Cord Involvement
2 m.
Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma
4 m.
Bilateral Optic Neuritis, Leukemia
5 m.
Intraconal Pathology - Review
10 m.
Optic Neuritis - Review
4 m.
Optic Nerve Glioma - Review
3 m.
Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma - Review
5 m.
Thyroid Eye Disease
3 m.
Lipogenic Thyroid Eye Disease
3 m.
Thyroid Eye Disease (2)
1 m.
Orbital Pseudotumor
4 m.
Conal Pathology - Review
3 m.
Extraconal Pathology - Introduction
<1 m.
Periorbital Cellulitis & Abscess
3 m.
Type 3 Orbital Infection
2 m.
Solitary Fibrous Tumor
3 m.
Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
1 m.
Juvenile Ossifying Fibroma
1 m.
Perineural Spread of Squamous Cell Carcinoma
4 m.
Proptosis from Extraosseous Extension of Prostate Metastasis
2 m.
Orbital Floor Fracture
4 m.
Orbital Floor Fracture with Muscle/Fat Herniation
3 m.
Orbital Floor Fracture: Status Post Repair
1 m.
Bilateral Orbital Fracture Repair
1 m.
Periorbital Cellulitis - Review
4 m.
Orbital Pseudotumor - Review
2 m.
Orbital Wall Abnormalities - Review
2 m.
Orbital Fracture - Review
6 m.
Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma
2 m.
Granulomatous Sinusitis with IgG4-related Ophthalmic Disease
4 m.
Anatomy Review - Nasolacrimal system
1 m.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Nasolacrimal Sac
2 m.
Sarcoidosis of the Lacrimal Gland
1 m.
Lymphoma of the Lacrimal Gland
5 m.
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Lacrimal Gland
4 m.
Nasolacrimal system - Review
3 m.
4.25 CME
77 Videos
4 Hours 12 Minutes of Video
36 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Mahla Radmard, MD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Introduction to Paranasal Sinus
<1 m.
Sinonasal CT and MR Protocol
3 m.
Sinonasal Drainage
3 m.
Mucociliary Clearance
3 m.
Current Surgical Procedures in the Sinonasal Channels
3 m.
Posterior Ethmoid Surgical Procedures
1 m.
Neurovascular Structures in the Paranasal Sinus
2 m.
Anatomic Variation in the Paranasal Sinus Part 1
5 m.
Anatomic Variation in the Paranasal Sinus Part 2
6 m.
Paranasal Sinus Anatomy on CT
7 m.
Keros Classification
4 m.
Keros Classification on CT
4 m.
Normal Post-op Findings in the Paranasal Sinus and Complications
7 m.
Post-op Orbital Complications
2 m.
Acute Sinusitis
4 m.
Acute Bacterial Sinusitis
3 m.
Chronic Sinusitis
5 m.
Chronic Sinusitis on CT
6 m.
MR in Inflammation
6 m.
Hyperdense Sinus
5 m.
Fungal Sinusitis
2 m.
Nasal Congestion in a 36-Year-Old
2 m.
Fungus Ball in the Sphenoid Sinus
1 m.
Fungus Ball in the Maxillary Sinus
1 m.
Allergic Fungal Sinusitis
3 m.
Invasive Fungal Sinusitis
4 m.
Sinonasal Fungus Disease
6 m.
Rhinosinusitis Classification
1 m.
Identifying Complications of Sinusitis
4 m.
Subperiosteal Abscess of the Orbit
3 m.
Mucocele in the Sphenoid Sinus
1 m.
Mucocele Summary
4 m.
Intracranial Complications of Sinusitis
3 m.
Pott's Puffy Tumor
1 m.
Epidural Abscess
2 m.
Epidural Abscess on MRI
2 m.
Vascular Complications of Sinusitis
2 m.
Sinus Thrombosis
2 m.
Maxillary Sinusitis Silent Sinus Syndrome Summary
2 m.
Polyps Summary
1 m.
Polyps on CT
2 m.
Polyposis with Mucocele
3 m.
Polyposis on MRI
1 m.
Antrochoanal Polyp, Odontogenic Sinusitis
2 m.
Organizing Hematoma
1 m.
Silent Sinus Syndrome
3 m.
Paranasal Benign Neoplasms
2 m.
Mucous Retention Cysts and Frontal Ethmoidal Osteoma
1 m.
Benign Chondroma of the Nasal Septumn
<1 m.
Inverted Papilloma Features
4 m.
Inverted Papilloma on MRI
1 m.
Pleomorphic Adenoma
1 m.
Sinus Malignancies
4 m.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
3 m.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Summary
5 m.
Sinus Malignancy Rule
6 m.
1 m.
MSG Tumor, Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
7 m.
Paranasal Sinus Sarcomas
3 m.
Undifferentiated Sarcoma of the Sinonasal Cavity
2 m.
2 m.
Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma SNUC
3 m.
Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma on MRI
1 m.
Esthesio / Olfactory Neuroblastoma
1 m.
1 m.
Olfactory Neuroblastoma
1 m.
Kadish System Grading of Olfactory Neuroblastoma
5 m.
Miscellaneous Lesions of the Paranasal Sinus
3 m.
1 m.
Venous Vascular Malformation
1 m.
Fibrous Dysplasia
2 m.
Epistaxis, Sarcoidosis Summary
3 m.
Nasal Septal Perforation
1 m.
Encephalocele: CSF Rhinorrhea
4 m.
1 m.
Encephalocele on Reconstructed CT
<1 m.
Paranasal Sinus: Take Home Messages
2 m.
36 Videos
2 Hours 59 Minutes of Video
23 DICOM Case Files
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
6 m.
Pituitary Gland Imaging Protocol
4 m.
Sagittal and Coronal Pituitary Anatomy on MRI
2 m.
Sagittal Anatomy on MRI Part 2
3 m.
Coronal Anatomy on MRI
6 m.
Pituitary Endocrinology
2 m.
Anatomical Variants
3 m.
Pituitary Stalk Anatomy
3 m.
Pituitary Signal Variations
3 m.
Question Based Reporting
2 m.
Assessing the Pituitary Tuft
2 m.
Using the Pituitary Tuft to Make the Call
2 m.
Pars Intermedia Cyst
2 m.
Ectopic Neurohypophysis
3 m.
Kissing Carotids
4 m.
Pituitary Adenoma with Cavernous Sinus Involvement
6 m.
Rathke Cleft Cyst
5 m.
Pituitary Macroadenoma
10 m.
Pituitary Hyperplasia
5 m.
Pituitary Macroadenoma
4 m.
Surgical Approaches to Suprasellar Masses
9 m.
Suprasellar Masses Differential Diagnosis
3 m.
Suprasellar Mass Signal Characteristics
3 m.
Pituitary Macroadenoma
10 m.
Adamantinomatous Craniopharyngiomas
2 m.
Adamantinomatous Craniopharyngiomas: Surgical Approach
7 m.
2 m.
Suprasellar Meningioma
5 m.
Suprasellar Meningioma
5 m.
Pars Intermedia Cyst
3 m.
6 m.
Suprasellar Enhancing Mass: Germinoma
5 m.
Papillary Craniopharyngioma
6 m.
Pituitary Apoplexy
6 m.
Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension (SIH)
5 m.
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (Pseudotumor Cerebri)
6 m.
0.75 CME
16 Videos
48 Minutes of Video
13 DICOM Case Files
Suresh K Mukherji, MD, FACR, MBA
Clinical Professor, University of Illinois & Rutgers University. Faculty, Michigan State University. Director Head & Neck Radiology, ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
2 m.
Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA) Anatomy
6 m.
Inner Ear Anatomy
2 m.
Facial Nerve Schwannoma
2 m.
Arachnoid Cyst
1 m.
Arachnoid Cyst vs Epidermoid Cyst
2 m.
Epidermoid Cyst on DWI
1 m.
Epidermoid Cyst – Internal Characteristics
3 m.
Vestibular Schwannoma
3 m.
Schwannoma Classic
2 m.
Vestibular Schwannoma vs Meningioma
1 m.
Bilateral Vestibular Schwannoma
3 m.
2 m.
Meningioma Involving the Meckel’s Cave
4 m.
Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma (JPA)
2 m.
Leptomeningeal Metastases
3 m.
2.5 CME
28 Videos
2 Hours 36 Minutes of Video
9 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to External Auditory Canal (EAC)
4 m.
Axial Anatomy Temporal Bone - Summary
16 m.
Coronal Anatomy Temporal Bone - Summary
9 m.
Temporal Bone Anatomy and Cerumen Impaction
12 m.
EAC Congenital Lesions
10 m.
Critical Issues in Ear Reconstruction – Summary
4 m.
EAC Atresia
7 m.
Other Congenital EAC Anomalies - Summary
5 m.
Branchial Cleft Cyst Work Type 2 With Fistula
4 m.
Superinfected First Branchial Cleft Cyst with Fistula
4 m.
EAC Mass: Epidermal Inclusion Cyst
3 m.
External Ear Infections - Malignant Otitis Externa
9 m.
Malignant Otitis Externa
3 m.
Otomastoiditis and EAC Soft Tissue Mass
5 m.
Relapsing Polychondritis
2 m.
EAC Fungal Infection
4 m.
Malignant External Otitis in a Diabetic
2 m.
EAC Benign Masses – Summary
7 m.
EAC Bony Overgrowth
4 m.
EAC Exostoses
2 m.
Fibrovascular Polyp of EAC
3 m.
Acquired Cholesteatoma
3 m.
EAC Cholesteatoma
4 m.
EAC Paraganglioma
4 m.
EAC Neurofibroma
3 m.
EAC Malignancies – Summary
5 m.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) Spread to EAC
2 m.
Review of EAC Disease
3 m.
42 Videos
3 Hours 3 Minutes of Video
39 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Imaging The Middle Ear
4 m.
Anatomy of the Middle Ear on CT
9 m.
Otomastoiditis Summary
8 m.
Otomastoiditis Case Study
2 m.
Otomastoiditis w/ Labyrinthitis
6 m.
Otitis Media with Ossicular Erosion
4 m.
Mastoiditis with Abscess
4 m.
Coalescent Mastoiditis Extensive Complications
5 m.
Cholesteatoma Summary
7 m.
Cholesteatoma Case Study
5 m.
Cholesteatoma, Facial Nerve Dehiscence
5 m.
Granulation Tissue Vs. Cholesteatoma
5 m.
Post Operative MR Cholesteatoma
1 m.
Total Ossicular Replacement Prosthesis (TORP)
1 m.
Paraganglioma Summary
5 m.
Glomus Tympanicum DDX VVM
2 m.
Glomus Tympanicum
2 m.
Glomus Jugulotympanicum
5 m.
Right Glomus Tympanicum, Left Glomus Jugulare, Meningioma, Aneurysm, Multiple Paragangliomas
4 m.
Red Retrotympanic Masses DDX
5 m.
Persistent Stapedial Artery
3 m.
Right Facial Nerve Hemangioma
2 m.
Left sided Facial Hemangioma
1 m.
Cholesterol Granuloma
5 m.
Middle Ear Congenital Anomalies – Summary
5 m.
Second Branchial Apparatus Anomaly
<1 m.
Encephalocele Congenital vs. Acquired Review
3 m.
Middle Ear Benign Neoplasms and Normal/Abnormal Facial Enhance
5 m.
Facial Schwannoma
4 m.
ELST’s – Summary
3 m.
Endolymphatic Sac Tumor (ELST)
3 m.
VonHipple Lindau with ELST
2 m.
Meningioma (Middle Ear)
3 m.
Malignant Processes of the Middle Ear – Summary
3 m.
Leukemic Chloroma Mastoid
3 m.
Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with MEC Extension
1 m.
Fractures in the Middle Ear – Summary
5 m.
Fractures with Incudo-Stapedial Dislocation
3 m.
Post-op Cholesteatoma, Cholesteatoma Complications
5 m.
Middle Ear Epidermoid, Temporal Bone Fx, High Riding Jugular Bulb, Dehiscence
6 m.
Canal Wall Up Mastoidectomy, Recurrent Cholesteatoma, TORP
3 m.
Middle Ossicular Fusion, EAC Atresia
3 m.
3.25 CME
49 Videos
3 Hours 16 Minutes of Video
29 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Inner Ear Preview
1 m.
Inner Ear – Introduction
1 m.
Anatomy of the Internal Auditory Canal (IAC)
7 m.
Coronal Anatomy of the Inner Ear
3 m.
Axial IAC Anatomy and Otospongiosis/Otosclerosis
6 m.
Coronal IAC Anatomy and Facial Nerve Segments
5 m.
MRI imaging techniques and cochlea aplasia
6 m.
IAC Congenital Lesions & Syndromes - Summary
6 m.
Cochlear Hypoplasia
7 m.
Cochlear Nerve Deficiency, Pontine Tegmental Cap Dysplasia
4 m.
Bilateral Cochlea Nerve Deficiency
4 m.
Labyrinthine Dysplasia/Syndromes - Summary
9 m.
Incomplete Partition Type 1
2 m.
Incomplete Partition Type 2 – Summary
2 m.
Bilateral Incomplete Partition Type 2
2 m.
Mondini Malformation, Incomplete Partition Type II
1 m.
Incomplete Partition Type II, Mondini Malformation, Semicircular Canal Abnormality
2 m.
Vestibular Malformation
2 m.
Enlarged Endolymphatic Sac
1 m.
Incomplete Partition Type III – Summary
3 m.
Down Syndrome – Summary
5 m.
Down Syndrome, Semicircular Canal Deformity, Cochlear Aperture Stenosis
5 m.
Down Syndrome, Aperture Stenosis
5 m.
Cochlear Hypoplasia and Aperture Stenosis - Summary
3 m.
Semicircular Canal (SCC) Dehiscence – Summary
3 m.
Semicircular Canal (SCC) Dehiscence
2 m.
Semicircular Canal (SCC) – Oblique Reformat
1 m.
Inflammatory/Infectious Lesions of the Inner Ear - Summary
6 m.
Labyrinthitis, Secondary to Otomastoiditis
2 m.
Labyrinthine Fistula Mastoidectomy and Cochlea implant
2 m.
Viral Labyrinthitis
2 m.
Otospongiosis (Otosclerosis) - Summary
9 m.
Bilateral Otospongiosis (Otosclerosis)
4 m.
Bilateral Retrofenestral Otospongiosis
3 m.
Bilateral Otospongiosis and SCC Dehiscence
2 m.
Otospongiosis, Left Stapedectomy
2 m.
Labyrinthitis Ossificans – Summary
10 m.
Post Traumatic Labyrinthitis Ossificans
2 m.
Labyrinthitis Ossificans, Cochlear Turn
1 m.
Labyrinthitis Ossificans, Superior SCC
1 m.
Unilateral Labyrinthine Ossificans
1 m.
Petrous Apex Lesions
7 m.
Right Cholesterol Granuloma
4 m.
Intravestibular/Labyrinthine schwannoma
2 m.
Labyrinthine Schwannoma
3 m.
Left Side Labyrinthine/Vestibule Schwannoma
1 m.
Endolymphatic Sac Tumor (ELST) – Summary
3 m.
Endolymphatic Sac Tumor and VHL
3 m.
Inner Ear Malignant Neoplasm and Trauma Closing Points
5 m.
34 Videos
2 Hours 52 Minutes of Video
10 DICOM Case Files
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
7 m.
Introduction to MRI of the Temporomandibular Joint
1 m.
TMJ Anatomy Overview
4 m.
TMJ Anatomy: The Articular Disc
6 m.
TMJ Anatomy: The Mandibular Condyle
4 m.
TMJ Anatomy: Closed Mouth
7 m.
TMJ Anatomy: Open Mouth
5 m.
Normal Meniscal Capture from Closed to Open Mouth View
3 m.
Failed Meniscal Capture
5 m.
V & A Grading System
5 m.
Defining Internal Derangement
5 m.
TMJ: Imaging Pitfalls
4 m.
Indications for Temporomandibular Joint Imaging
1 m.
Condylar Shapes & Variations
2 m.
Skeletal Anatomy
4 m.
Meniscus, Capsule & Bilaminar Zone
3 m.
TMJ Anatomy: Meniscus in Open and Closed Mouth
8 m.
TMJ: Clinical Significance
4 m.
Grading System Summary
6 m.
Internal Derangement with Capture: Posterior Pseudodisc
4 m.
Internal Derangement with Capture: Anterior Pseudodisc
4 m.
Posterior Pseudodisc from Bilaminar Scarring and Swelling
4 m.
Meniscal Adhesion with Decreased Excursion
5 m.
Meniscal Rupture with Increased Excursion
2 m.
Closed lock State with Meniscal Obliteration
4 m.
Identifying Meniscus in Closed Lock State
4 m.
Temporomandibular Joint: Applying the Grading Systems
2 m.
Partial and Complete Internal Derangements
5 m.
Partial and Complete Internal Derangements
7 m.
TMJ Hypermobility
4 m.
Severe TMJ Arthritis
7 m.
Bilateral Closed Lock with Complete Derangement
8 m.
Open and Closed Lock State
6 m.
Wilkes Classification of Internal Derangement
7 m.
6.25 CME
25 DICOM Case Files
25 Quiz Questions
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Case 1 - 65-year-old female presents with chronic temporomandibular joint pain
Case 2 - 54-year-old female presents with TMJ pain, clicking, locking, headaches, facial pain
Case 3 - 55-year-old female presents with 40-year history of bilateral temporomandibular joint pain
Case 4 - 53-year-old female presents with disc displacement
Case 5 - 68-year-old female presents with pain to the left sided jaw
Case 6 - 56-year-old female presents with new onset of left-sided TMJ pain
Case 7 - 56-year-old female presents with history of wisdom teeth extraction
Case 8 - 55-year-old male presents with jaw locking
Case 9 - 31-year-old female presents with severe headaches and jaw clicking
Case 10 - 53-year-old female presents with TMJ dysfunction
Case 11 - 66-year-old female presents with bilateral temporomandibular joint dislocation
Case 12 - 31-year-old male presents with extreme jaw, facial, and occipital muscle pain
Case 13 - 59-year-old male presents with temporomandibular joint internal derangement
Case 14 - 49-year-old female presents with bilateral jaw pain
Case 15 - 48-year-old female presents with one year history of right open and close lock
Case 16 - 63-year-old female presents with right temporomandibular joint pain
Case 17 - 39-year-old female presents with pain
Case 18 - 63-year-old male presents with capsulitis of temporomandibular joint
Case 19 - 17-year-old female presents with jaw locking
Case 20 - 24-year-old female presents with left TMJ pain
Case 21 - 28-year-old male presents with difficulty opening mouth wide
Case 22 - 45-year-old female presents with limited range of motion for four months
Case 23 - 17-year-old male presents with TMJ pain
Case 24 - 89-year-old male presents with left jaw pain for four months
Case 25 - 47-year-old female is being evaluated for right disc dislocation
1.25 CME
22 Videos
1 Hour 12 Minutes of Video
22 DICOM Case Files
Suresh K Mukherji, MD, FACR, MBA
Clinical Professor, University of Illinois & Rutgers University. Faculty, Michigan State University. Director Head & Neck Radiology, ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
2 m.
Oral Cavity Imaging: Introduction
9 m.
Left Glossotonsillar Sulcus squamous cell carcinoma
2 m.
Right Glossotonsillar Sulcus Carcinoma
2 m.
Floor of Mouth Squamous Cell Carcinoma
2 m.
Oropharyngeal tonsillar carcinoma
2 m.
Retromolar trigone carcinoma
3 m.
Mandibular Lymphoma
2 m.
ACC of the Oral Cavity
2 m.
SCC of the Tonsil
3 m.
Tonsilar Cancer – Why it’s Not a Glomus Tumor
2 m.
Right Tongue Base SCCA
3 m.
Tonsilar Phlegmon
2 m.
Ludwig’s Angina
2 m.
Oral Abscess
1 m.
Suppurative Adenitis with Retropharyngeal Effusion
2 m.
Pharyngeal Trauma
1 m.
Bilateral Ranulas
2 m.
Venolymphatic Malformation of Right Face/Oral Cavity
3 m.
Lymphatic Malformation
2 m.
Mixed Vascular Malformation
4 m.
Oropharynx Anatomy
8 m.
97 Videos
6 Hours 1 Minute of Video
16 DICOM Case Files
Sidney Levy, PhD, MBBS
Radiologist and Nuclear Medicine Specialist
Anatomy and Boundaries of the Oral Cavity
4 m.
Anatomy of the Buccal Mucosa
3 m.
Anatomy of the Alveolar Mucosa
4 m.
Anatomy of the Retromolar Trigone
4 m.
Anatomy of the Floor of Mouth
5 m.
Anatomy of the Hard Palate
2 m.
Anatomy of the Oral Tongue
3 m.
Principles of T Staging of Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Malignancy
3 m.
Principles of N and M Staging of Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Malignancy
5 m.
Diagnosis of Oral Tongue Squamous Cell Malignancy
6 m.
T Staging of Oral Tongue Squamous Cell Malignancy
5 m.
N and M Staging of Oral Tongue Squamous Cell Malignancy
4 m.
Diagnosis of Buccal Mucosal Squamous Cell Malignancy
3 m.
T Staging of Buccal Mucosal Squamous Cell Malignancy
2 m.
N and M Staging of Buccal Mucosal Squamous Cell Malignancy
2 m.
Diagnosis of Alveolar Mucosal Squamous Cell Malignancy
6 m.
T Staging of Alveolar Mucosal Squamous Cell Malignancy
5 m.
Diagnosis of Retromolar Trigone Squamous Cell Malignancy
5 m.
T Staging of Retromolar Trigone Squamous Cell Malignancy
4 m.
Diagnosis of Hard Palate Squamous Cell Malignancy
3 m.
T Staging of Hard Palate Squamous Cell Malignancy
3 m.
Diagnosis of Floor of Mouth Squamous Cell Malignancy
8 m.
T Staging of Floor of Mouth Squamous Cell Malignancy
5 m.
N and M Staging of Floor of Mouth Squamous Cell Malignancy
4 m.
Marrow Infiltration and Perineural Infiltration in the Oral Cavity
4 m.
Cervical Lymph Node Levels 1A and 1B
4 m.
Cervical Lymph Node Level 2a and 2b
5 m.
Cervical Lymph Nodes Level 3
4 m.
Cervical Lymph Nodes Level 4
3 m.
Cervical Lymph Nodes Levels 5a & 5b
2 m.
Cervical Lymph Nodes Level 6
2 m.
Cervical Lymph Nodes Level 7
1 m.
Anatomy and Boundaries of the Oropharynx
3 m.
Anatomy of the Tongue Base
3 m.
Anatomy of the Palatine Tonsil
3 m.
Anatomy of the Soft Palate
2 m.
Anatomy of the Posterior Oropharyngeal Wall
2 m.
Oropharyngeal SCC of the Base of Tongue
3 m.
Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: Nodal Drainage and Differential Dx
4 m.
Staging Oropharynx Cancer, T-staging
3 m.
Staging Oropharynx Cancer, N-Staging
5 m.
Oropharynx - Base of Tongue SCC: T-Staging
2 m.
Base of Tongue Oropharyngeal Carcinoma, N & M Staging
2 m.
Oropharynx - SCC of the Palatine Tonsil
3 m.
Oropharynx - Palatine Tonsil SCC: Paths of Spread
4 m.
Oropharynx - Lymphadenopathy and HPV-Related SCC
2 m.
Oropharynx - Palatine Tonsil SCC - T Staging
3 m.
Oropharynx - Palatine Tonsil SCC - N/M Staging
3 m.
Oropharynx - SCC of the Soft Palate
2 m.
Oropharynx - SCC: Paths of Spread and Differential Dx
3 m.
Oropharynx - Soft Palate SCC: Nodal Drainage
1 m.
Oropharynx - Soft Palate SCC - TNM Staging
2 m.
Oropharynx - Base of Tongue Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
4 m.
Hypopharynx anatomy
3 m.
Hypopharynx - The Piriform Sinus Anatomy
4 m.
Hypopharynx - The Postcricoid Space Anatomy
3 m.
Hypopharynx - The Posterior Hypopharyngeal Wall Anatomy
4 m.
Hypopharynx - Piriform Sinus SCC
4 m.
Hypopharynx - Piriform Sinus Carcinoma - Local Spread
3 m.
Hypopharyngeal SCC - Nodal Drainage
2 m.
Hypopharyngeal SCC - Differential Dx
1 m.
Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma - T Staging
2 m.
Hypopharyngeal SCC - N Staging
2 m.
Hypopharynx - Piriform Sinus SCC - T Staging
4 m.
Hypopharynx - Piriform Sinus SCC - N/M Staging
3 m.
Hypopharynx - Postcricoid Space SCC
3 m.
Hypopharynx - Postcricoid Space SCC - Local Spread
3 m.
Hypopharynx - Postcricoid SCC - Differential Diagnoses
1 m.
Hypopharynx - Postcricoid Space SCC: T Staging
2 m.
Hypopharynx - Postcricoid Space SCC - N/M Staging
2 m.
Hypopharynx - Changes in AJCC Staging Guidelines
3 m.
Larynx Anatomy
4 m.
Larynx Anatomy: Supraglottic, Glottic, and Subglottic Sites
8 m.
The Supraglottic Larynx
3 m.
The Glottic Larynx.
2 m.
The Subglottic Larynx
2 m.
Laryngeal SCC - T Staging
6 m.
Laryngeal SCC - Cartilage Invasion
3 m.
Laryngeal SCC: Local and Nodal Extension
3 m.
Supraglottic SCC- Differential Diagnoses
2 m.
Laryngeal SCC: Glottic Origin
4 m.
Larynx - Glottic SCC: Patterns of Local Spread
3 m.
Laryngeal SCC of the Subglottis
3 m.
Larynx - Subglottic Carcinomas: Patterns of Spread & Differential Dx
2 m.
Laryngeal SCC: T Staging
3 m.
Larynx - Glottic SCC: T Staging
2 m.
Laryngeal SCC: N Staging
1 m.
Glottic SCC: T Staging
3 m.
Laryngeal SCC: N and M Staging
2 m.
Sinonasal Anatomy
3 m.
Sinonasal Carcinomas: MR and CT Imaging Features
3 m.
Sinonasal Cavity Anatomy: Subsites
1 m.
Sinonasal Carcinoma - Patterns of Spread
2 m.
Sinonasal SCC - TNM Staging
2 m.
Perineural Tumor Spread
6 m.
Perineural Tumor Spread, Continued
6 m.
Perineural Tumor Spread - Patterns of Spread
4 m.
5 Videos
58 Minutes of Video
10 DICOM Case Files
Kristen L Baugnon, MD
Associate Professor
Emory University
66 Videos
3 Hours 54 Minutes of Video
31 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Salivary Gland Imaging
9 m.
Bell's Palsy
4 m.
Innervation of the Parotid Gland – Summary
5 m.
Stenson’s Duct – Summary
6 m.
Submandibular Gland – Summary
5 m.
Submandibular Gland & Wharton's Duct Anatomy
6 m.
Wharton’s Duct – Summary
1 m.
Sublingual Gland – Summary
5 m.
Simple and Plunging Ranula
4 m.
Minor Salivary Glands – Summary
1 m.
Technique for Salivary Gland Imaging – Summary
7 m.
MRI Technique – Case
3 m.
Benign Neoplasms – Summary
7 m.
Pleomorphic adenoma with Carcinoma Ex Pleomorphic Adenoma
10 m.
Pleomorphic Adenoma
4 m.
Hard Palate Pleomorphic Adenoma
4 m.
Pleomorphic Adenoma – Summary
2 m.
Parotid Pleomorphic Adenoma
4 m.
Parapharyngeal Space Pleomorphic Adenoma – Case
3 m.
Deep Lobe Parotid Gland Pleomorphic Adenoma – Case
4 m.
Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Nasal Cavity
3 m.
Carcinoma Ex Pleomorphic Adenoma
3 m.
Advanced Imaging for Salivary Gland Neoplasms – Summary
3 m.
Monomorphic Adenoma – Case
1 m.
Prognosis of Pleomorphic Adenoma
3 m.
Warthin’s Tumor – Summary
4 m.
Warthin's Tumor
3 m.
Extraparotid Warthin's Tumor
2 m.
Multiple Parotid Masses – Summary
2 m.
Onocoytomas – Summary
3 m.
1 m.
Schwannoma of the Intraparotid Facial Nerve
1 m.
Malignant Neoplasms – Summary
3 m.
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
3 m.
Parotid Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
2 m.
Malignancy Salivary Neoplasm Features - Summary
1 m.
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma – Summary
4 m.
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
8 m.
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Tongue
2 m.
Perineural Spread – Summary
1 m.
Perineural Spread in a Large Cell Undifferentiated Carcinoma
3 m.
Parotid Squamous Cell Carcinoma
2 m.
Left Parotid Squamous Cell Carcinoma – Case
1 m.
Adenocarcinomas – Summary
2 m.
Parotid Adenocarcinoma
1 m.
Recurrent Parotid Adenocarcinoma
2 m.
Parotid Lymphoma - Summary
2 m.
Parotid Lymphoma on CT
1 m.
Parotid Lymphoma on PET-CT
1 m.
Acinic Cell Carcinoma
1 m.
Sialolithiasis – Summary
5 m.
Submandibular Sialithisis
2 m.
Submandibular Saialithiasis on MRI
1 m.
Submandibular Sialodocholithiasis and Parotid Sialolithiasis
4 m.
Salivary Calcifications and Cysts
1 m.
Parotid Sialodocholithiasis and Sialectasia on MRI
1 m.
Sjögren’s Syndrome – Summary
4 m.
Sjögren’s Syndrome
1 m.
Kuttner Lesion – Summary
1 m.
Salivary Gland Cysts – Summary
5 m.
Lympoepithelial Cyst in HIV
2 m.
Sialadenitis in HIV
4 m.
Ranulas – Summary
3 m.
Bilateral Ranulas
1 m.
Ranula - Clinical Correlation
<1 m.
Sialocele – Summary
3 m.
20 Videos
1 Hour 4 Minutes of Video
21 DICOM Case Files
Suresh K Mukherji, MD, FACR, MBA
Clinical Professor, University of Illinois & Rutgers University. Faculty, Michigan State University. Director Head & Neck Radiology, ProScan Imaging
Watch this case review for free!
3 m.
Introduction to Brachial Plexus Anatomy
9 m.
Left Pancoast Tumor
3 m.
Supraclavicular Schwannoma in the BP
4 m.
Infraclavicular Schwannoma
2 m.
Lymphoma in the Brachial Plexus
3 m.
Lipoma in the Clavicular Fossa
3 m.
Known Papillary Thyroid Cancer/Lymph Node in the Brachial Plexus
3 m.
Radiation Induced Brachial Plexopathy
3 m.
Enlarged LN Abutting LBP Recent COVID Vaccine
3 m.
Radiation Associated Changes in a Patient With Breast Cancer
1 m.
Left Brachial Neuritis
2 m.
Recurrent Tumor Involving the Brachial Plexus
2 m.
Subtle Neuritis in Left Brachial Neuritis
2 m.
Brachial Plexus Injury
2 m.
Adhesive Capsulitis with Neuritis
2 m.
Root Sleeve Avulsions w/ Pseudomeningoceles
2 m.
Multifocal Motor Neuropathy
1 m.
3 m.
Chylocele in the Thoracic Inlet
2 m.
3.25 CME
60 Videos
3 Hours 18 Minutes of Video
28 DICOM Case Files
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to the Carotid Space
2 m.
Suprahyoid Spaces of the Head and Neck
3 m.
Carotid Space Imaging Protocols
2 m.
Contents of the Carotid Space
2 m.
Carotid Space – Vitamin C&D
1 m.
Vasculopathies and Variants
5 m.
Carotid Fibromuscular Dysplasia with Dissection
7 m.
Takayasu’s arteritis
2 m.
Loeys-Dietz Syndrome
1 m.
Marfan’s Syndrome
1 m.
Carotid Space Infections
4 m.
Causes of Internal Jugular Vein Thrombosis
4 m.
Lemierre’s Syndrome
3 m.
Internal Jugular Vein Thrombosis
2 m.
Ludwig’s Angina (Carotid)
2 m.
Internal Carotid Arteritis Secondary to Sialadenitis
2 m.
Trauma in the Carotid Space
1 m.
Penetrating Gunshot Wound of the Carotid Artery
3 m.
Idiopathic Internal Carotid Artery Dissection
3 m.
Internal Carotid Artery Dissection and Pseudoaneurysm
3 m.
Horner Syndrome with Carotid Dissection
5 m.
Carotid Blowout
2 m.
Dissection and Strokes
5 m.
Cervical Carotid Artery Dissection
3 m.
Horner Syndrome
4 m.
Value of Neurovascular Imaging for Seat Belt Injury
5 m.
Right Internal Carotid Artery Pseudoaneurysm
2 m.
Carotidynia – summary
3 m.
2 m.
Carotid Space Neoplasms
1 m.
Carotid Body Tumor
3 m.
Carotid Body Tumor - Right Side
2 m.
Bilateral Carotid Body Tumors
3 m.
Carotid Body Tumor - Summary
4 m.
Carotid Body Tumor Preoperative Imaging
2 m.
Glomus Jugulare – summary
2 m.
Glomus Jugulare with Tinnitis
3 m.
Glomus Jugulare
2 m.
Glomus Jugulare Tumor
1 m.
Glomus Vagale – summary
2 m.
Glomus Vagale
5 m.
Hereditary Paragangliomas
2 m.
Glomus Vagale, Carotid Body Tumor, Multiple Paragangliomas
3 m.
Carotid Space Schwannomas
6 m.
Vagal Schwannoma
3 m.
Vagal Schwannoma, Growing in to Jugular Foramen
3 m.
Carotid Space Neoplasms and Mass Effect
3 m.
Sympathetic Trunk Neurofibroma in Neurofibromatosis
3 m.
Carotid Space Meningioma
2 m.
Carotid Invasion and Malignancy
2 m.
Glottic Squamous Cell Carcinoma Invading the Carotid Space
3 m.
Carotid Encasement from Metastatic Neuroblastoma
2 m.
Characterizing Carotid Encasement
4 m.
Lymph nodes by level of involvement
3 m.
Tumors Impacting the Internal Jugular Vein
2 m.
Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Metastasis Mimicking Glomus
3 m.
Pathology in the Carotid Space – Summary
5 m.
The Cervical Sympathetic Chain
<1 m.
Vagus Nerve Anatomy
1 m.
Deep Cervical Fascia of the Carotid Sheath
2 m.
1.5 CME
15 Videos
1 Hour 26 Minutes of Video
19 DICOM Case Files
Jenny Hoang, MBBS, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chair
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Thyroid Imaging
<1 m.
Thyroid Anatomy
6 m.
Thyroid Nodules, Cancer, and Overdiagnosis
10 m.
Management of Incidental Thyroid Nodules by Imaging Modality
11 m.
Thyroid Cancer Staging
16 m.
Lymph Nodes and Surveillance
9 m.
Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer
5 m.
Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Cancer with Visceral Invasion
3 m.
Follicular Thyroid Cancer with Venous Invasion
3 m.
Papillary Thyroid Cancer Recurrence
3 m.
Lymphoma of the Thyroid
1 m.
Goiter: What the Surgeon Needs to Know
6 m.
Goiter with Tracheal and Venous Compression
4 m.
Substernal Goiter
2 m.
Thyroid Cancer Mimicking Goiter
2 m.
1.5 CME
19 Videos
1 Hour 25 Minutes of Video
10 DICOM Case Files
Jenny Hoang, MBBS, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chair
Johns Hopkins University
Watch this case review for free!
3 m.
Introduction to Parathyroid
<1 m.
Parathyroid: Learning Objectives
<1 m.
Parathyroid Embroyology, Imaging Indications and Goals
7 m.
4D CT: Technique and Typical Parathyroid Adenoma Findings
9 m.
4D CT Report: Indicating Confidence and Incidental Findings
5 m.
Eutopic Superior Location Pt. 1
4 m.
Eutopic Superior Location Pt. 2
1 m.
Eutopic Inferior Location Pt. 3
2 m.
Eutopic Inferior Location Pt. 4
3 m.
Challenging Cases: Identifying Eutopic and Ectopic Adenomas
9 m.
Ectopic Parathyroid Adenomas: Retropharyngeal Space
3 m.
Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma: Mediastinum
2 m.
Ectopic Parathyroid Adenoma: Parapharyngeal Space
2 m.
4D CT: Challenges and Pitfalls
7 m.
4D CT Pitfalls: Multinodular Goiter
4 m.
4D CT: Multigland Disease
4 m.
4D CT: Multigland Disease
3 m.
Controversies in Parathyroid Imaging
10 m.
43 Videos
45 Hours 50 Minutes of Video
Various Instructors
Parathyroid Ultrasound - How to Identify and Differentiate From Other Neck Pathology, Dr. Alka Singhal (2-27-25)
1 h.
Orbital Pathologies, Dr. Mohit Agarwal (1-30-25)
56 m.
Anatomy and Pathology of the Larynx, Dr. Suresh Mukherji (1-23-25)
1 h.
Anatomy and Pathology of the Oropharynx, Dr. Suresh Mukherji (11-14-24)
1 h.
Anatomy and Pathology of the Oral Cavity (Part 1), Dr. Suresh Mukherji (9-26-24)
1 h.
Post-Treatment Imaging in the Head and Neck, Suresh Mukherji (6-20-24)
1 h.
Role of Imaging in Sinonasal Masses, Mohit Agarwal (6-6-24)
48 m.
Sinonasal Case Review - Vitamin C & D, Dr. David M Yousem (2-22-24)
1 h.
SCCA of the Larynx: What Radiologists Need to Know, Dr. Suresh Mukherji (2-8-24)
1 h.
Simplified Approach to the Lymph Nodes of the Head & Neck, Suresh Mukherji (11-16-23)
1 h.
Case Review Live - Adult Suprahyoid Neck, Dr. Gloria J. Guzmán Pérez-Carrillo and Dr. Rami Eldaya (10-12-23)
1 h.
Vertebral Augmentation - Past , Present, and Future, Majid Aziz Khan (1-5-23)
1 h.
Anatomy and Pathology of the Brachial Plexus, Dr. Suresh K. Mukherji (9-15-22)
1 h.
Thyroid International Recommendations Online, Azita Khorsandi, MD, 06/23/2022
44 m.
Sinonasal Imaging, Rohini N. Nadgir, MD, 05/26/22
1 h.
Adult Hydrocephalus Imaging, Dr. Ari Blitz, 05/05/2022
2 h.
Ocular Trauma, Dr. David M. Yousem, 04/14/22
1 h.
Imaging Review of the Endoscopic Management of Clivus Based Tumors, Dr. Dinesh Rao, 1/27/22
56 m.
Molecular PET in Head and Neck Oncology, Dr. Elcin Zan, (1/13/22)
47 m.
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ), Dr. David M. Yousem, (11/04/21)
1 h.
Maxillofacial Trauma, Dr. Michael Kraut, (08/09/21)
56 m.
Thyroid Cancer: A (Hopefully) Practical Approach to Ultrasound of the Post-Operative Neck, Dr. Deborah Baumgarten, (08/02/21)
54 m.
Thyroid Nodules Using ATA and TIRADS Systems, Dr. Deborah Baumgarten (06/16/2021)
1 h.
Suprahyoid Neck: Pathology Through Anatomy, Dr. Richard Wiggins (5/28/21)
1 h.
Maxillofacial Trauma, Dr. Melissa A. Davis (4-7-21)
35 m.
Paranasal Sinus Imaging - The Basics, Dr. Ritu Bordia, (3-31-21)
51 m.
Imaging of Head and Neck Infections, Dr. Mohannad Ibrahim (3-17-21)
52 m.
Imaging of Head and Neck Emergencies, Dr. Rohini Nadgir (11-18-20)
58 m.
Imaging of the Paranasal Sinuses, Dr. William O'Brien (11-9-20)
1 h.
Sinonasal Polyps and Mimics, Dr. Kristen Lloyd Baugnon (10-27-20)
54 m.
Post treatment imaging in Head and Neck Cancer, Dr. Supreeta Arya (9-3-20)
49 m.
Head & Neck Imaging Concepts - A Case-Based Review, Dr. Paul Bunch (8-20-20)
1 h.
Imaging Parapharyngeal Masses (Pre & Poststyloid) - A Systematic Approach to Diagnosis, Dr. Supreeta Arya (7-21-20)
56 m.
Imaging Approach to Jaw Lesions pt 2, Dr. Khaled Gad (6-22-20)
1 h.
Understanding the TMJ - An Imaging Exploration, Dr. Dania Tamimi (6-19-20)
1 h.
Imaging Approach to Jaw Lesions, Dr. Khaled Gad (6-15-20)
57 m.
Imaging of Tinnitus, Dr. David Pastel (6-1-20)
1 h.
The "How To" of Neck Nodes, Dr. Christine Glastonbury (5-26-20)
1 h.
Complicated Sinusitis - A Primer for Radiologists, Dr. Sameer Raniga (5-19-20)
1 h.
Anatomy and Pathology of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx, Dr. Suresh Mukherji (5-14-20)
1 h.
Salivary Glands, Dr. David M. Yousem (5-7-20)
1 h.
Head & Neck Spaces Made Simple, Dr. Suresh Mukherji (4-3-20)
1 h.
Laryngeal Carcinoma, Suresh Mukherji, MD (3-25-20)
1 h.
1.25 CME
31 Videos
1 Hour 11 Minutes of Video
35 DICOM Case Files
Asim F Choudhri, MD
Chief, Pediatric Neuroradiology
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
Watch this case review for free!
2 m.
Congenital Supratentorial Malformations Introduction
<1 m.
Perisylvian Polymicrogyria
2 m.
1 m.
Polymicrogyria Acquired from Infection
2 m.
Lissencephaly with band type Heterotopia – Severe
3 m.
Lissencephaly – Posterior Involvement
3 m.
Lissencephaly with Agyric Pattern
2 m.
Lissencephaly, Inuetero
2 m.
Lissencephaly – Lacking band type Heterotopia
1 m.
Alobar Holoprosencephaly
2 m.
Semilobar Holoprosencephaly
2 m.
Mild Lobar Holoprosencephaly
2 m.
1 m.
Septo-optic Dysplasia (SOD)
2 m.
Septo-optic Dysplasia (SOD), Schizencephalic Cleft
1 m.
Septo-optic Dysplasia, Ectopic Neurohypophysis
2 m.
Septo-optic Dysplasia, Scizencephalic Cleft – Mild
1 m.
1 m.
Bilateral Schizencephaly
2 m.
Subcortical Heterotopia
1 m.
Focal Heterotopia
2 m.
Band Type Heterotopia
1 m.
Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum
2 m.
Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum, Cyst
2 m.
Callosal Dysgenesis
3 m.
Complete Callosal Dysgenesis
2 m.
Middle Fossa Arachnoid Cyst
3 m.
5 m.
Corpus Callosum Lipoma
1 m.
Tectal Plate Lipoma
2 m.
1.25 CME
24 Videos
1 Hour 14 Minutes of Video
Asim F Choudhri, MD
Chief, Pediatric Neuroradiology
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
Introduction to Infratentorial Defects
<1 m.
Mild Chiari I Malformation
3 m.
Moderate Chiari I with Syringohydromyelia
3 m.
Severe Chiari Malformation with Post Op
4 m.
Asymptomatic Chiari I
3 m.
Borderline Cerebellar Tonsillar Ectopia Vs. Chiari I Malformation
4 m.
Mild Chiari Natural History
2 m.
Chiari II Malformation
4 m.
Chiari II with Interdigitation of gyri
3 m.
Chiari II Malformation, Fetal Imaging
1 m.
Chiari III Malformation
4 m.
2 m.
Rhombencephalosynapsis, Fetal Imaging
2 m.
Rhombencephalosynapsis, Aqueductal stenosis, Postnatal
2 m.
Joubert Syndrome
3 m.
3 m.
Dandy-walker malformation
3 m.
Moderate Severity Dandy-walker Spectrum
3 m.
Mild Severity Dandy-walker spectrum
3 m.
Dandy-walker with Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum
4 m.
Retrovermian Arachnoid Cyst
2 m.
Infravermian Arachnoid Cyst
2 m.
Retrovermian/Infravermian Arachnoid Cyst
2 m.
Infratentorial/Posterior Fossa Defects Conclusion
1 m.
1.25 CME
22 Videos
1 Hour 12 Minutes of Video
Asim F Choudhri, MD
Chief, Pediatric Neuroradiology
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
Introduction to Neurocutaneous Syndromes Part 1 (NF1)
<1 m.
Chiari Malformation Type 1 in a Patient with NF1
2 m.
NF1, With Waxing and Waning Cystic Lesion
4 m.
NF1 with Developing Myelin Vacuolization, and Optic Glioma
3 m.
NF1 with Suspicious Lesions and Tortuous Optic Nerve
6 m.
NF1 with Bilateral Thalamic Lesions and Differential Diagnosis
4 m.
Normal Brain MRI in Patients with NF1
4 m.
Mild NF1 Phenotype with Sphenoid Wing Dysplasia
3 m.
NF1 with High Grade Glioma
2 m.
NF1 with Bilateral Optic Nerve Glioma
2 m.
Focal Optic Pathway Glioma in NF1
3 m.
NF1 with Fusiform Optic Pathway Glioma
2 m.
NF1 with Optic Chiasmatic Glioma
2 m.
NF1 with Evolution of Optic Nerve Glioma
4 m.
NF1 with Optic Pathway Glioma and Moyamoya Disease
5 m.
Developing Right Fusiform Optic Glioma
2 m.
Glaucoma, an Orbital Manifestation of NF1
2 m.
NF1 with a Brain Stem Lesion and Optic Nerve Glioma
3 m.
NF1 with Buphthalmos and Orbital Plexiform Neurofibroma
3 m.
MRI Appearance of Sphenoid Wing Dysplasia in NF1
1 m.
NF1 with Moyamoya Vasculopathy
3 m.
Neurocutaneous Syndromes Part 1 (NF1) Summary
2 m.
1.25 CME
16 Videos
1 Hour 15 Minutes of Video
34 DICOM Case Files
Asim F Choudhri, MD
Chief, Pediatric Neuroradiology
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC): Cerebral tuber, SENs, SEGA
8 m.
Mosaic Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC)
3 m.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Seizure localization by SISCOM
6 m.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: Grid electrode implantation
5 m.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC): Astrocytic Hamartoma
4 m.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC): Mylemic Edema, Moderate to Severe Lesion Burden
5 m.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC): Severe Cortical Dysplasia
3 m.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC) Presentation in Neonates
6 m.
Intracranial Manifestation of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
3 m.
Proper MRI Sequences to Evaluate TSC Lesions
5 m.
Evolution of SEGA after MTOR Therapy
4 m.
SEGA Resection After Partial response to MTOR Inhibitor
3 m.
CSF Pulsation Flow Void Artifact Mimicking SEGA
2 m.
Genetic Proximity of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2 and ADPKD
3 m.
TSC with Bone Sclerosis and Skin Thickening
2 m.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC): Corpus Callosotomy
5 m.
1.5 CME
22 Videos
1 Hour 35 Minutes of Video
45 DICOM Case Files
Asim F Choudhri, MD
Chief, Pediatric Neuroradiology
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital
Introduction to Neurocutaneous Syndromes Part 3 (NF2 and Other)
<1 m.
Unilateral Vestibular Schwannoma
5 m.
Incidentally Discovered NF2
2 m.
NF2, MISME Syndrome, Cavernous Sinus Meningioma
3 m.
Complex NF2 From Detection: Surgical Approach
7 m.
Complex NF2: Additional Lesions
6 m.
Meningiomas and Large Ependymoma
2 m.
NF2: Multiple Intracranial Manifestations
3 m.
NF2: Manifestations of multiple CPA Meningiomas
3 m.
Sturge Weber Syndrome
5 m.
Sturge Weber Syndrome: Ribbon-like Cortical Calcification
2 m.
Sturge Weber Syndrome: Progression of Disease
3 m.
Glaucoma in the Setting of Sturge Weber Syndrome
5 m.
Sturge Weber Calcifications Mistaken for Blood Products
3 m.
Bilateral Occipital Sturge Weber Syndrome
3 m.
Von Hippel-Lindau Disease (VHL)
6 m.
Von Hippel-Lindau Disease (VHL), Recurrent Non-Cystic Hemangioblastomas
4 m.
McCune Albright Syndrome: Polyostotic Fibrous Dysplasia
6 m.
CLOVES Syndrome
4 m.
Neurocutaneous Melanosis
5 m.
PHACE Syndrome
6 m.
Neurocutaneous Syndromes Part 3 (NF2 and Other) Summary
1 m.
73 Videos
4 Hours 6 Minutes of Video
93 DICOM Case Files
Pamela W Schaefer, MD, FACR
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chair of Education
Massachusetts General Hospital
Watch this case review for free!
3 m.
Introduction - Meet Dr. Pam Schaefer
1 m.
Stroke Imaging Course Overview
4 m.
Normal Cerebrovascular Anatomy on CT
7 m.
Cerebral Arterial Territories & Examples of Acute Stroke
4 m.
Role of Noncontrast CT in Stroke Imaging & ASPECTS Grading
2 m.
Case - MCA Stroke on Noncontrast CT
3 m.
Case - PCA Stroke on Noncontrast CT
3 m.
Case - Brainstem Stroke on Noncontrast CT
2 m.
Case - Stroke vs Low Grade Tumor
2 m.
Vascular Imaging in Stroke - CTA vs MRA
1 m.
Carotid and Vertebral Vasculopathies Overview & Examples of Atherosclerotic Disease
2 m.
Case - Atheromatous Disease with Severe ICA Stenosis
3 m.
Carotid & Vertebral Artery Dissection Overview & Examples
2 m.
Case - Embolic Stroke with ICA Dissection
4 m.
Collagen Vascular Diseases Overview - Examples of FMD, Carotid Web
2 m.
Case - Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD)
4 m.
Case - Ehlers Danlos
6 m.
Inflammatory Conditions with Stroke Symptoms - Examples of Takayasu's, TIPIC
3 m.
Case - Takayasu’s Arteritis
3 m.
CTA Head in Acute Stroke - Source Images, MIPS, Collaterals
3 m.
Case - MCA Stem Embolus with Good Collaterals
4 m.
Case - MCA Stem Embolus with Poor Collaterals
3 m.
Case - Basilar Tip Thrombus
5 m.
Circle of Willis Stenoses: Differential Diagnoses
1 m.
Case - Moya Moya disease
5 m.
Case - Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstrictive Syndrome (RCVS)
4 m.
Case - Primary Angiitis of the CNS (PACNS)
6 m.
Infectious Causes of Multifocal Circle of Willis Stenosis
1 m.
CT Perfusion Pearls and Pitfalls
5 m.
Case - CT Perfusion with Core Penumbra Mismatch
5 m.
Case - CT Perfusion with Core Penumbra Match
3 m.
Use of MRI (DWI, SWI, FLAIR) in Acute Ischemic Stroke
6 m.
Case - Hyperacute Stroke MRI Evaluation (Good Collaterals)
3 m.
Case - Hyperacute Stroke MRI Evaluation (Poor Collaterals)
3 m.
Use of MRA in Acute Stroke Imaging
2 m.
Case - Comparison of MRA vs CTA in Acute Stroke Imaging
3 m.
Case - Dissection on MRA vs CTA
3 m.
MRI Vessel Wall Imaging Overview
1 m.
Case - Vessel Wall Imaging with MRA - Atherosclerotic Disease
3 m.
Case – Vessel Wall Imaging with MRA - Vasculitis
3 m.
Multifocal Strokes with Unremarkable MRA or CTA
1 m.
Case - Cardiovascular Infarction
4 m.
Case - Cortical Vein Thrombosis
6 m.
6 m.
Case - Susac Syndrome
3 m.
Case - Fat Emboli
4 m.
Global Ischemia & Hypoxia - Key Findings & Examples
2 m.
Case - Global Hypoxia
2 m.
Case - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
1 m.
Case - Classic & Delayed Hypoxia
3 m.
Brain Death Definition and Protocols
2 m.
Case - Brain Death (Pediatric)
4 m.
Stroke Mimics - Other Causes of Restricted Diffusion
1 m.
Case - Seizure (Stroke Mimic)
3 m.
Case - MELAS (Stroke Mimic)
2 m.
Case - Hypoglycemia (Stroke Mimic)
2 m.
Case - Herpes Virus Encephalitis (Stroke Mimic)
3 m.
Case - Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome (Stroke Mimic)
2 m.
Case - Brain Metastases (Stroke Mimic)
3 m.
MR Perfusion - Data, Maps and Uses
3 m.
Case - MR Perfusion Target Mismatch (Good Collaterals)
1 m.
Case - MR Perfusion Target Mismatch (Poor Collaterals)
2 m.
Case - Ischemia Detected Only on MR Perfusion (Case 1)
1 m.
Case - Ischemia Detected Only on MR Perfusion (Case 2)
2 m.
Arterial Spin Labelling Perfusion - Usage Examples
2 m.
Case - ASL Matched Defect
1 m.
Case - ASL Showing Tissue at Risk
1 m.
Subacute Stroke & Differentials/Mimics
5 m.
Case - Subacute Stroke Evaluation (Case 1)
1 m.
Case - Subacute Stroke Evaluation (Case 2)
1 m.
Case - Subacute Stroke Evaluation (Case 3)
2 m.
Case - Venous Infarction Evaluated for Subacute Stroke
2 m.
1.5 CME
8 Videos
1 Hour 24 Minutes of Video
22 DICOM Case Files
Francis Deng, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiology and Radiological Science
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
3.25 CME
33 Videos
3 Hours 10 Minutes of Video
17 DICOM Case Files
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
MR Pulse Sequences Overview
2 m.
Venous Assessment
3 m.
Arterial Assessment
4 m.
How Blood Ages T1
7 m.
How Blood Ages T2
7 m.
Hyperacute Blood on the T2 image
3 m.
Extra-axial Bleeds
1 m.
Differential diagnosis of stroke
3 m.
Technique and approach to stroke Diffusion Defined
4 m.
Stroke Series Summary
6 m.
Diffusion Imaging Core
5 m.
Hypertensive Encephalopathy
9 m.
Amyloid Angiopathy
7 m.
Massive Stroke
4 m.
Massive Stroke
6 m.
Massive MCA stroke
3 m.
Chronic Stroke: Laminar Necrosis
5 m.
Subacute Subarachnoid and Subdural Hemorrhage
4 m.
Vascular Event and Diffusion Restriction
4 m.
Differential Diagnosis of Brain Lesion
5 m.
Brain Anatomy
7 m.
Laminar Necrosis vs. Acute Hemorrhage
5 m.
Multiple Vascular Territory Lesions with Diffusion Restriction
6 m.
Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (PICA) Infarct
5 m.
Wallenberg Syndrome
4 m.
Lateral Sinus Thrombosis
12 m.
Carotid Artery Dissection with Horner’s Syndrome
5 m.
Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)
7 m.
Cavernous Malformation
8 m.
Ophthalmic Artery Aneurysms (OAA)
8 m.
Dural Arteriovenous Fistula (dAVF)
6 m.
Neurovascular Compression Syndrome: Trigeminal neuralgia
6 m.
Neurovascular Compression Syndrome: Hemifacial Spasm
3 m.
6.25 CME
34 DICOM Case Files
25 Quiz Questions
Daniel Cornfeld, MD
Chief Radiologist
Case 1 - 60-year-old with double vision and dizziness.
Case 2 - 65-year-old with altered mental status.
Case 3 - 65-year-old. Altered mental status.
Case 4 - 68-year-old. Dysphagia and aphasia.
Case 5 - 82-year-old with right hemiparesis.
Case 6 - 70-year-old with confusion.
Case 7 - 60-year-old with right sided weakness.
Case 8 - 70-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 9 - 68-year old with aphasia.
Case 10 - 50-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 11 - 65-year-old with right visual field defects.
Case 12 - 65-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 13 - 60-year-old with left-sided weakness.
Case 14 - 60-year-old with left-sided stroke symptoms.
Case 15 - 60-year-old with bilateral weakness.
Case 16 - 50-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 17 - 65-year-old with right-sided weakness.
Case 18 - 60-year-old with altered mental status.
Case 19 - 55-year-old with aphasia.
Case 20 - 60-year-old with left-sided weakness.
Case 21 - 60-year-old with left hemiparesis.
Case 22 - 60-year-old with left visual field defects.
Case 23 - 68-year-old with weakness.
Case 24 - 60-year-old with bilateral weakness.
Case 25 - 90-year-old with acute left hemiplegia.
14 Videos
14 Hours 22 Minutes of Video
Various Instructors
Peripheral Vascular Ultrasound - Venous Doppler and Challenging Arterial Cases, Dr. Sheila Sheth (9-21-23)
1 h.
Case Review Live - Head CT Perfusion Cases, Dr. Francis Deng (4-13-23)
1 h.
Acute Ischemic Stroke Imaging and Thrombectomy Treatment, Dr. Jeremy J. Heit (11-3-22)
1 h.
Advanced CT/MR Imaging for Stroke Patient Treatment Selection State of the Art and Future Directions, Dr. Michael H. Lev (9-1-22)
1 h.
Pediatric Neurointerventional Radiology, Dr. Karen S. Chen, (11/11/21)
49 m.
CTP in Stroke: Practical Tips, Dr. Anna Derman, (08/27/21)
46 m.
Acute Ischemic Stroke Imaging, Dr. Pamela Schaefer (2-22-21)
1 h.
Thoracic Vascular Anatomy, Dr. Kitt Shafer (2-8-21)
53 m.
Venous Infarcts - An Overview, Dr. Vivek Yedavalli (12-18-20)
48 m.
CTA of Peripheral Vascular Injuries, Dr. Scott Steenburg (12-14-20)
52 m.
CT Perfusion of the Brain, Dr. Dinesh Rao (11-4-20)
1 h.
Vascular Access Complications- Principles and Practice for the Savvy Learner, Dr. Mikhail Higgins (8-12-20)
1 h.
Contrast Ultrasound - Liver, Kidneys, and Vascular, Dr. Kathryn McGillen (5-12-20)
1 h.
Trauma in the Community, Dr. Barbara Hamilton (4-20-20)
1 h.
6.75 CME
97 Videos
6 Hours 38 Minutes of Video
50 DICOM Case Files
37 Quiz Questions
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Emergency Neuroimaging
2 m.
Clinical Scenario 1: New Neurologic Deficit Introduction
2 m.
Case: Left MCA Stroke on Non-Contrast CT
4 m.
Case: Left MCA Stroke on CTA
12 m.
Case: Left MCA Stroke on MRI
8 m.
Non-Contrast Findings in CT and Stroke
6 m.
3 m.
Perfusion Evaluation
6 m.
Timing of Therapy for Stroke
5 m.
Case: Occluded Right MCA
10 m.
Case: Acute Left MCA Infarct with Penumbra
11 m.
Case: RAPID Analysis
3 m.
Case: Right M1 Occlusion on MRI
8 m.
Case: Old and New Strokes: Cardioembolic Phenomenon
6 m.
Case: Basilar Artery Clot on CTA, CT, CTP
7 m.
Case: Childhood Stroke on MRI, MRA, MRP
6 m.
Case: Moyamoya Syndrome
3 m.
Case: Childhood Stroke, Moyamoya on CT
3 m.
Case: Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosison CT, CTV
3 m.
Case: Imaging of Sinus Thrombosis
5 m.
Case: Cortical Vein Thrombosis on CT, MRI, MRV
3 m.
Case: Cortical Vein Thrombosis on CTV
2 m.
Case: New Neurologic Deficit from Multiple Sclerosis
1 m.
Case: Glioblastoma
2 m.
New Neurologic Deficit Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 2: Head Trauma Introduction
2 m.
Case: Head Trauma wtih Multicompartmental Hemorrhage
5 m.
Case: SDH with Active Bleeding
3 m.
Traumatic Brain Injury
6 m.
Cortical Contusions
6 m.
Extra-Axial Collections
2 m.
Case: Subdural Hematoma on CT
1 m.
Case: Epidural Hematoma on CT
2 m.
Case: Epidural Hematoma from Transverse Sinus Injury on CT
2 m.
Case: Epidural Hematoma from Transverse Sinus Injury, Prognosis on CT
1 m.
Acute Epidural Hematomas
1 m.
Epidural Hematomas, Continued
1 m.
Case: Isodense Subdural Hematoma
3 m.
Acute Subdural Hematomas & Diffuse Axonal Injury
9 m.
Density of Falx/Tentorium
5 m.
Depressed Skull Fractures
3 m.
Case: Occipital Bone Open/Depressed Fracture on CT
2 m.
Role of MRI in Head Trauma
2 m.
Case: Non-Accidental Trauma
5 m.
Non-Accidental Trauma CT (Part 1)
2 m.
Non-Accidental Trauma CT (Part 2)
1 m.
Posterior Fossa Lesions from Trauma
2 m.
Case: DAI on MRI
6 m.
Case: DAI on CT
2 m.
Diffuse Axonal Injury
2 m.
Case: DAI with Blood Products on CT
2 m.
Traumatic Injuries: Herniation
5 m.
Case: Herniations on CT
3 m.
Head Trauma Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 3: Worst Headache of Life Introduction
1 m.
Case: Ruptured PCA Aneurysm Leading to IPH on CT, Arteriogram
4 m.
Case 26: Basilar Artery Aneurysm on CT, CTA
6 m.
Localization of Aneurysm with SAH
2 m.
Imaging of Aneurysms
8 m.
Case: Mycotic Aneurysm on CT, CTA
3 m.
Case 28: Non-Infectious Mycotic Aneurysm on CT
3 m.
Arteriovenous Malformation
4 m.
Case: Hypertensive Bleed, IPH with IVH on CT (Case 1)
3 m.
Case: Hypertensive Bleed, IPH with IVH on CT (Case 2)
2 m.
Signal Intensity of IPH on MRI by Age
11 m.
Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction Syndrome (RCVS)
3 m.
Non-Aneurysmal Perimesencephalic SAH
4 m.
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
3 m.
Case: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension on CTA, CTV
4 m.
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH)
5 m.
Case: Intracranial Hypotension on MRI
5 m.
Case: Intracranial Hypotension - Spinal Imaging on MRI
4 m.
Worst Headache of Life Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 4: Found Down Introduction
1 m.
Case: Anoxic Brain Injury
2 m.
Metabolic Brain Disease
4 m.
Case: Hyperammonemia on MRI
2 m.
Case: Thiamine Deficiency on MRI
4 m.
Thiamine Deficiency
2 m.
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES)
4 m.
2 m.
PRES Variants
1 m.
Cytotoxic Lesions of the Corpus Callosum (CLOCC)
1 m.
Case: CLOCC from Seizure Medication on MRI
1 m.
Case: Toxic Leukoencephalopathy on MRI
2 m.
Case: Toxic Leukoencephalopathy from Medication on MRI
1 m.
Toxic Leukoencephalopathy
2 m.
Case: Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
5 m.
Found Down Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 5: Fever and Seizure Introduction
1 m.
Case: Herpes Encephalitis on MRI
5 m.
Case: Herpes Encephalitis in a Lung Cancer Patient on MRI
2 m.
Case: Listeria Rhombencephalitis on MRI
3 m.
Status Epelipticus, CJD, and Encephalitis
3 m.
Case: Abscess on MRI (Case 1)
3 m.
Case: Abscess on MRI (Case 2)
2 m.
Case 37 - Subacute BE with ventriculitis and sceptic emboli
3 m.
Fever & Seizures Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 6: Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt with New Lethargy Introduction
5 m.
Case: Shunt Failure
2 m.
Case: Overshunting
4 m.
CSF Shunt Summary
1 m.
7.25 CME
114 Videos
7 Hours 21 Minutes of Video
46 DICOM Case Files
42 Quiz Questions
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Emergency Neuroimaging: Head, Neck & Spine
1 m.
Clinical Scenario 1: Orbital Trauma/Inflammation Introduction
1 m.
Case: Anterior Segment Ocular Injury
8 m.
Ocular Injury & Globe Anatomy
5 m.
Case: Choroidal Detachment, Retinal Detachment, Vitreous Hemorrhage, Orbital Floor Fracture
8 m.
Orbit: Foreign Body
7 m.
Orbit: Non-Accidental Trauma with Retinal Hemorrhage
2 m.
Early Ocular Intervention
5 m.
Non-Ocular Orbital Trauma
2 m.
Case: Orbital Wall Fracture
7 m.
Case: Medial Orbital Wall Fracture
7 m.
Case: Orbital Apex and Roof Fracture
4 m.
Orbital Blow-Out Fractures
5 m.
Orbital Trauma
4 m.
Indications for Surgery
3 m.
Case: Orbital Cellulitis with Subperiosteal Abscess
5 m.
Orbital Inflammation
4 m.
Pediatric Subperiosteal Abscess
3 m.
Orbital Pseudotumor and Carotid Cavernous Fistula
6 m.
Orbital Trauma/Inflammation Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 2: Facial/Neck Trauma Introduction
5 m.
Case: Comminuted Nasal Bone Fracture
1 m.
Case: Multiple Fractures in Nasal Bones
2 m.
Nasal Bone Fracture Summary
2 m.
Mandibular Fractures
5 m.
Case: Displaced Mandibular Fracture at the Angle
2 m.
Midface Buttresses
2 m.
Naso-Orbito-Ethmoid (NOE) Fractures
4 m.
Case: NOE Fracture
2 m.
Case: Midface NOE Fracture
2 m.
Le Fort Fractures
6 m.
Case: Bilateral Le Fort 1 & 2 Fractures
3 m.
Case: Bilateral Le Fort 1, Unilateral Le Fort 2 & 3
3 m.
Le Fort Summary
<1 m.
Zygomaticomaxillary Complex (ZMC) Fractures
4 m.
Case: Zygomaticomaxillary Complex Fracture
2 m.
ZMC Summary
1 m.
Capo de Tutti Fractures
4 m.
Case: Bilateral Temporal Bone Fractures
8 m.
Temporal Bone Fractures
2 m.
Complications of Temporal Bone Injury
2 m.
Temporal Bone Fracture Summary
2 m.
Case: Calvarial Fracture with Transverse Sinus Injury
2 m.
Case: Carotid Dissection with Pseudoaneurysm
4 m.
Case: Bilateral Carotid Dissections
3 m.
Case: Horner's Syndrome, MS, Dissection
4 m.
Case: Horner's Syndrome
4 m.
Airway Injury & Carotid Dissection
3 m.
Facial/Neck Trauma Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 3: Sore Throat Pain and Fever Introduction
<1 m.
Tonsillitis, Tonsillar Abscess & Peritonsillar Abscess
5 m.
Case: Peritonsillar Abscess
4 m.
Case: Peritonsillar Phlegmon
5 m.
Case: Epiglottitis, Supraglottitis, Airway Compromise
6 m.
Periodontal Disease
8 m.
Case: Ludwig's Angina
2 m.
Ludwig's Angina - Summary
2 m.
Case: Ludwig's Angina, Sialadenitis
3 m.
Lemierre's Syndrome
1 m.
Malignant Otitis Externa & Otomastoiditis
5 m.
Sore Throat Pain and Fever Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 4: Mass in the Neck Introduction
3 m.
Case: T-Cell Lymphoma, Lymphadenopathy
3 m.
Retropharyngeal Space
2 m.
Case: Retropharyngeal Abscess
3 m.
Case: Retropharyngeal Phlegmon
2 m.
Retropharyngeal Space Collections
3 m.
Neck Mass in Afebrile Patient
6 m.
Case: Second Branchial Cleft Cyst
3 m.
Case: Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
4 m.
Case: Sarcoma of the Levator Scapulae
1 m.
Thyroid Nodules
8 m.
Mass in the Neck Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 5: Cervical Spine Trauma Introduction
6 m.
Case: Occipital Condyle Fracture
1 m.
Case: Anterior Arch C1 Fracture
5 m.
Case: Odontoid Fracture
3 m.
Atlanto-Odontoid Distraction
4 m.
Odontoid Fractures: Summary
4 m.
Atlanto-Odontoid Versus Atlanto-Axial Distractions
3 m.
Case: Jefferson Fracture on CT, MRI
6 m.
Jefferson (Burst) Fracture: Summary
3 m.
Fixed Rotatory Subluxation
3 m.
Case: Bilateral Jumped Facets
8 m.
Unilateral Facet Dislocation with Carotid Dissection
3 m.
Hyperextension Injury
3 m.
Cervical Spine Flexion Injury
5 m.
Case: Transverse Process Fracture
2 m.
Case: Unstable Fracture, Two-Column Injury
5 m.
Case: Facet Fracture with Vertebral Artery Occlusion
3 m.
Spinal Cord Injury Without Radiographic Abnormalities
3 m.
Thoracolumbar AO Spine Injury Score
1 m.
Case: Chance Fracture
1 m.
Axial Loading Fractures
4 m.
Case: Lumbar Transverse Process Fracture
1 m.
Lumbar Transverse Process Fractures and Visceral Injury
2 m.
Case: Compression Fracture
3 m.
Case: Compression Fracture & Stress Injury
2 m.
Cervical Spine Trauma Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Clinical Scenario 6: Fever, Back Pain Introduction
1 m.
Case: Diskitis-Osteomyelitis
4 m.
Diskitis-Osteomyelitis Summary
5 m.
Case: Tuberculous Spondylitis with Psoas Abscess
3 m.
Case: Spinal Cord Infarct
4 m.
Case: Spinal Cord Astrocytoma
1 m.
Case: Guillain-Barré Syndrome
1 m.
Grisel Syndrome and Calcific Tendinitis of the Longus Colli
5 m.
Fever, Back Pain Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
Head and Neck Emergencies Introduction
7 m.
Case: Fungus Ball
1 m.
Fungal Sinusitis Summary
1 m.
Allergic Fungal Rhinosinusitis
6 m.
Case: Invasive Fungal Sinusitis
3 m.
Invasive Fungal Sinusitis Imaging Signs
3 m.
Case: Necrotizing Fasciitis
3 m.
Necrotizing Fasciitis Summary
1 m.
Case: Allergic Fungal Sinusitis with Mucocele
1 m.
Epidural Abscess from Sinusitis
2 m.
Case: Otomastoiditis with Bezold Abscess
1 m.
Case: Sinusitis with Frontal Lobe Abscess
2 m.
Head and Neck Emergencies Lesson Reinforcement Quiz
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
David M Yousem, MD, MBA
Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean
Johns Hopkins University
98 Videos
98 Hours 10 Minutes of Video
Various Instructors
CT Evaluation of Pelvic Ring Injuries - Patterns, Classifications, and Approach, Dr. Sameer Raniga (3-20-25)
1 h.
A Practical Approach to Neonatal Brain Imaging, Dr.Mai-Lan Ho (3-13-25)
1 h.
Pediatric Brain Tumors: Latest Updates on the WHO Classification Revision, Dr. Asim Choudhri (12-18-24)
1 h.
Imaging of CNS Vasculopathies, Dr. David M. Yousem (11-27-24)
1 h.
Spine Trauma Imaging - Craniocervical Junction Injuries, Dr. Sameer Raniga (11-6-24)
1 h.
SWI Imaging - Practical Applications, Dr. Joshua P Nickerson (8-29-24)
53 m.
Pediatric Epilepsy: What The Radiologist Needs to Know, Dr. Felice D’Arco (7-11-24)
53 m.
Acute Encephalitis, Dr. Maria Cortes (4-25-24)
1 h.
Thoracolumbar Spine Injury at CT: A Systematic Search Pattern, Dr. Sameer Raniga (3-21-24)
1 h.
SCCA of the Larynx: What Radiologists Need to Know, Dr. Suresh Mukherji (2-8-24)
1 h.
Simplified Approach to the Lymph Nodes of the Head & Neck, Suresh Mukherji (11-16-23)
1 h.
Case Review Live - Adult Suprahyoid Neck, Dr. Gloria J. Guzmán Pérez-Carrillo and Dr. Rami Eldaya (10-12-23)
1 h.
Update on Imaging and 2021 WHO CNS Tumor Classification, Dr. Soonmee Cha (9-13-23)
58 m.
Critical Updates in the Dynamic Landscape of Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Imaging, Dr. Suzie Bash (8-10-23)
1 h.
Advanced Spine Imaging, Dr. Majid Aziz Khan (8-3-23)
1 h.
Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics - Leaks and Communicating Hydrocephalus, Dr. Jeffrey Scott Pannell (6-1-23)
1 h.
Case Review Live - Head CT Perfusion Cases, Dr. Francis Deng (4-13-23)
1 h.
MR Neurography of the Craniospinal Nerves Below the Skull Base, Dr. Lea Alhilali (4-6-23)
47 m.
Spine Imaging Board Review, Dr. David M Yousem (3-30-23)
1 h.
The Glymphatic System - Anatomy, Physiology, and Imaging, Dr. Mai-Lan Ho (3-2-23)
1 h.
Spine Degeneration & Inflammation, Dr. Marcelo de Abreu (1-19-23)
1 h.
Vertebral Augmentation - Past , Present, and Future, Majid Aziz Khan (1-5-23)
1 h.
Acute Ischemic Stroke Imaging and Thrombectomy Treatment, Dr. Jeremy J. Heit (11-3-22)
1 h.
AI Applications in Advanced Neuroimaging, Dr. Suzie Bash (10-6-22)
1 h.
Imaging of Neuromodulation and Surgical Interventions for Epilepsy, Dr. Mehmet Emin Adin (9-8-22)
1 h.
Advanced CT/MR Imaging for Stroke Patient Treatment Selection State of the Art and Future Directions, Dr. Michael H. Lev (9-1-22)
1 h.
Classifications of Supratentorial Malformations of Cortical Development, Dr. Asim F. Choudhri (7/21/22)
59 m.
Thyroid International Recommendations Online, Azita Khorsandi, MD, 06/23/2022
44 m.
Brain Tumors: Imaging and Molecular Updates, Mai-Lan Ho, MD, 06/01/22
1 h.
Sinonasal Imaging, Rohini N. Nadgir, MD, 05/26/22
1 h.
Adult Hydrocephalus Imaging, Dr. Ari Blitz, 05/05/2022
2 h.
Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumors, Dr. Melike Guryildirim, 03/10/22
1 h.
Degenerative and Inflammatory Disorders of the Vertebral Column: Imaging – Pathologic Correlation, Dr. Donald Resnick, 03/03/22
1 h.
Dose Reduction Strategies for the Angio Suite, Dr. Emanuele Orru', 2/17/22
45 m.
Imaging Review of the Endoscopic Management of Clivus Based Tumors, Dr. Dinesh Rao, 1/27/22
56 m.
CNS Infection: The Basics, Professor Tchoyoson Lim, (1/06/22)
45 m.
Applications of HIFUS in the Brain, Dr. Dheeraj Gandhi, (12/16/21)
38 m.
Gadolinium Deposition, Dr. Mehmet Adin, (11/18/21)
30 m.
Pediatric Neurointerventional Radiology, Dr. Karen S. Chen, (11/11/21)
49 m.
Thyroid Nodules: All You Need to Know in a Nutshell, Dr. Alice Goldman, (09/30/21)
42 m.
Brain Development: Normal, Variants, Pitfalls, Dr. Mai-Lan Ho, (09/15/21)
58 m.
CTP in Stroke: Practical Tips, Dr. Anna Derman, (08/27/21)
46 m.
Brain Arteriovenous Malformations: Where Do We Stand?, Dr. Emanuele Orrù, (08/13/21)
54 m.
Maxillofacial Trauma, Dr. Michael Kraut, (08/09/21)
56 m.
Tumors of the Vertebral Column, Dr. Anna Derman, (08/06/21)
56 m.
Thyroid Cancer: A (Hopefully) Practical Approach to Ultrasound of the Post-Operative Neck, Dr. Deborah Baumgarten, (08/02/21)
54 m.
Ventricles and Hydrocephalus, Dr. Ritu Bordia (07/14/21)
51 m.
Phakomatoses: Molecules to Morphology, Dr. Mai-Lan Ho (07/12/21)
53 m.
Brainstem/Cerebellum Hodology and Imaging, Dr. Rajan Jain (6/25/21)
48 m.
Somatostatin-Receptor Targeted PET/MR and PET/CT, Dr. Jana Ivanidze (06/23/2021)
49 m.
Thyroid Nodules Using ATA and TIRADS Systems, Dr. Deborah Baumgarten (06/16/2021)
1 h.
Suprahyoid Neck: Pathology Through Anatomy, Dr. Richard Wiggins (5/28/21)
1 h.
Differentiating T2 Hyperintensity in the Cord, Dr. Allison Grayev (4-26-21)
37 m.
Neuroimaging of CNS Lymphoma, Dr. Lamyaa Alsarraf (4-21-21)
58 m.
Maxillofacial Trauma, Dr. Melissa A. Davis (4-7-21)
35 m.
Paranasal Sinus Imaging - The Basics, Dr. Ritu Bordia, (3-31-21)
51 m.
Imaging the Premature Newborn, Dr. Brandon Patrick Brown (3-24-21)
1 h.
Head US in Neonatal Encephalopathy, Dr. Monica S. Epelman (3-1-21)
56 m.
Acute Ischemic Stroke Imaging, Dr. Pamela Schaefer (2-22-21)
1 h.
The Many Faces of Pediatric Intracranial Infection, Dr. Tracy Kilborn (2-10-21)
45 m.
Neuroradiology Horror Stories, Dr. Nolan Kagetsu (2-5-21)
53 m.
Imaging PRES, RCVS, and CNS Vasculitis, Dr. Andrew D. Schweitzer (1-20-21)
1 h.
Interpreting Lumbar Spine MRIs - What Findings are Relevant?, Dr. John Carrino (1-8-21)
1 h.
Image Guided Spine Biopsy, Dr. Vikas Agarwal (1-6-21)
1 h.
Venous Infarcts - An Overview, Dr. Vivek Yedavalli (12-18-20)
48 m.
Imaging of Epilepsy, Dr. Siddhartha Gaddamanugu (12-10-20)
44 m.
Susceptibility - Weighted Imaging - What and Why, Dr. Joshua Nickerson (12-9-20)
54 m.
Vertebral Involvement in Spondylarthritis, Dr. Mohamed Jarraya (12-8-20)
59 m.
Headache & Neuroimaging, Dr. John Jordan (11-24-20)
53 m.
Management of Vertebral Compression Fractures, Dr. Drew Caplin (11-19-20)
39 m.
Inflammatory Diseases of the CNS, Dr. Carol P. Geer (11-13-20)
1 h.
CT Perfusion of the Brain, Dr. Dinesh Rao (11-4-20)
1 h.
Sinonasal Polyps and Mimics, Dr. Kristen Lloyd Baugnon (10-27-20)
54 m.
Imaging of Adult Brain Tumors, Dr. Brent Weinberg (10-16-20)
1 h.
Neuroimaging of Epilepsy, Dr. Ranliang Hu (10-12-20)
58 m.
COVID-19 and the CNS - A Neuroimaging Perspective, Dr. Eduardo Labat (10-6-20)
1 h.
Update on Intracranial Aneurysms for Diagnostic Radiologists, Dr. Sammy Chu (9-28-20)
58 m.
Clinical MRI - Fundamentals & Unexpected Challenges, Dr. Asim Mian (9-18-20)
48 m.
PET-CT of Neurologic Disorders, Dr. Sikandar Shaikh (9-2-20)
1 h.
Imaging Parapharyngeal Masses (Pre & Poststyloid) - A Systematic Approach to Diagnosis, Dr. Supreeta Arya (7-21-20)
56 m.
Imaging of Chiari I Malformation, Dr. Khaled Gad (7-15-20)
1 h.
Location-Based Differential Diagnosis of Pediatric Brain Tumors, Dr. Sheng-Che Hung (6-23-20)
55 m.
Imaging Approach to Jaw Lesions pt 2, Dr. Khaled Gad (6-22-20)
1 h.
Imaging of Degenerative Disease of the Lumbosacral Spine, Dr. Eric Russell (6-18-20)
58 m.
Imaging Approach to Jaw Lesions, Dr. Khaled Gad (6-15-20)
57 m.
Infections of the Spine and Spinal Cord, Dr. Asim Mian (6-8-20)
55 m.
Anatomic and Functional Imaging of Neuroendocrine Tumors, Dr. Nadine Mallak (6-3-20)
1 h.
Imaging of Tinnitus, Dr. David Pastel (6-1-20)
1 h.
The "How To" of Neck Nodes, Dr. Christine Glastonbury (5-26-20)
1 h.
Complicated Sinusitis - A Primer for Radiologists, Dr. Sameer Raniga (5-19-20)
1 h.
Anatomy and Pathology of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx, Dr. Suresh Mukherji (5-14-20)
1 h.
Salivary Glands, Dr. David M. Yousem (5-7-20)
1 h.
Imaging Cranial Nerve Pathology, Dr. Mark E. Mullins (5-5-20)
1 h.
Perineural Tumor Spread Made Easy, Dr. Rihan Khan, (4-21-20)
1 h.
Functional MRI Anatomy of the Cerebellum, Dr. Nivedita Agarwal (4-14-20)
52 m.
Critical Concepts in Spinal Imaging, Dr. Stephen J Pomeranz (3-31-20)
59 m.
Temporal Lobe Lesion, David Yousem, MD (3-26-20)
1 h.
Laryngeal Carcinoma, Suresh Mukherji, MD (3-25-20)
1 h.
38 Videos
18 Hours 44 Minutes of Video
7 DICOM Case Files
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
What You Need to Know for Neuro Imaging Interpretation
1 h.
Anatomy, Traumatic Injury & Skull Base
2 h.
Congenital & Pediatric Disease
1 h.
Vascular Disease
2 h.
CSF & Posterior Fossa
1 h.
Intracranial Neoplasms
2 h.
Neurodegenerative Diseases & Orbits
2 h.
Orbits & TMJ
2 h.
Spine & Blind Case Review
2 h.
Case 1
14 m.
Case 2
7 m.
Case 3
8 m.
Case 4
4 m.
Case 5
6 m.
Case 6
6 m.
Case 7
5 m.
Case 8
11 m.
Case 9
6 m.
Case 10
4 m.
Case Review: 30 year old with hearing loss
7 m.
Case 12
4 m.
Case 13
10 m.
Case 14
6 m.
Case 15
6 m.
Case 16
3 m.
Case 17
4 m.
Case 18
10 m.
Case 19
11 m.
Case 20
8 m.
Case Review: Tough case of headaches
4 m.
Case 22
1 m.
Case 23
1 m.
Case 24
Case 25
6 m.
Case 26
6 m.
Case 27
8 m.
Case 28
6 m.
Case 29
6 m.
Case 30
5 m.
12 Videos
10 Hours 22 Minutes of Video
67 DICOM Case Files
Stephen J Pomeranz, MD
Chief Medical Officer, ProScan Imaging. Founder, MRI Online
ProScan Imaging
Part 1: Introduction to Neuro Imaging, Protocols and Anatomy
49 m.
Part 2: Neurodegenerative Diseases
47 m.
Part 3: Neurodegenerative and Vascular Disease
1 h.
Part 4: Vascular Disease
54 m.
Part 5: Vascular, Spine & Blind Review
56 m.
Part 6: Spine & Blind Review
39 m.
Part 7: CSF, Hyper & Hypotension
58 m.
Part 8: CSF & Tumors
44 m.
Part 9: Masses, Tumors & Lesions
57 m.
Part 10: Lesions, Skull Base & IAC
51 m.
Part 11: Blind Case Review
1 h.
Part 12: Blind Case Review
31 m.
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